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360 Degree Employee Evaluation

1. Name

2. Phone Number

3. Email Address

4. In your opinion, how hardworking is [Employee Name]?

Extremely Hardworking

Very Hardworking

Moderately Hardworking

Slightly Hardworking

Not Hardworking at all

5. How often does [Employee Name] come late to office?


Most of the times

Hardly ever


6. In your opinion, how efficient is [Employee Name]?

Extremely Efficient

Very Efficient

Moderately Efficient

Slightly Efficient

Not at all Efficient

7. In your opinion, how willing is [Employee Name] in admitting his/her


Extremely Willing

Very Willing

Moderately Willing

Slightly Willing

Very Unwilling

8. In your opinion, how helpful is [Employee Name] to his/her co-workers?

Extremely Helpful

Very Helpful

Moderately Helpful
Slightly Helpful

Not helpful at all

9. In your opinion, how well does [Employee Name] work with clients?

Extremely Well

Very Well

Moderately Well

Slightly Well

Not at all Well

10. In your opinion, how trustworthy is [Employee Name]?

Extremely Trustworthy

Very Trustworthy

Moderately Trustworthy

Slightly Trustworthy

Not Trustworthy at all

11. In your opinion, how clearly does [Employee Name] communicate with

Extremely Clear
Very Clear

Moderately Clear

Slightly Clear

Very Unclear

12. In your opinion, how professional is [Employee Name]in his/her work?

Extremely Professional

Very Professional

Moderately Professional

Slightly Professional

Very Unprofessional

13. In your opinion, how is the impact of [Employee Name] on the team?

Extremely Positive

Moderately Positive

Slightly Positive

No Impact At All
Slightly Negative

Moderately Negative

Extremely Negative

14. Can you please let us know the areas in which [Employee Name] should
improve his/her performance?

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