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hi alessandra!

Thanks for you last e-mail. I hope your exams went well.
I have some exciting news, and I am writing to ask for your advice.
I went to go on vacation to Argentina next year. What do you think is the best
month for me to come? I can only come for three weeks, so which places do
you think I should visit?. Do you think I should rent a car or travel around by
bus or train?
I am planning to speed a few days in and around Mendoza, and it would be
great if we could meet. Can you recommend a good hotel (not to expensive)?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes.

Hola alessandra Gracias por tu ltimo correo electrnico. Espero que tus exmenes
salieron bien. Tengo algunas noticias interesantes, y estoy escribiendo para pedir su
consejo. Fui a ir de vacaciones a Argentina el prximo ao. Cul crees que es el mejor
mes para m? Puedo venir solamente por tres semanas, as que qu lugares usted piensa
que debo visitar ?. Crees que debera alquilar un coche o viajar en autobs o tren? Estoy
planeando acelerar unos das en Mendoza y sus alrededores, y sera genial que nos
conociramos. Puede recomendar un buen hotel (no caro)? Espero escuchar pronto de
ti! Los mejores deseos.

Hi Daniel!
I writing to answer you about your last e-mail. Are good grades of my exams. I
am really happy that youwant to visit my country. I think you should come in
July, because it's a mild weather in the evenings, while mornings and evenings
are cool. The places to visit are San Carlos de Bariloche is distinguished by its
rivers, lakes and mountains, also Quebrada de Humahuaca has great
patrimonial value, expressed in its colonial architecture, capital of the province
of Tierra del Fuego, which is Recognized as the southernmost city on the
planet. If I were you should come by bus, because it was thus distracted from
the landscapes he looked at during the course of the trip.
The hotel not so expensive and with good facilities is Intercontinental Mendoza
between 200 and 300 soles.

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