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I love traveling. Last year we had an amazing trip to LA.

It was the first time when I

crossed the border. We had a long journey from Moscow to Los Angeles - about 12 hours
by plane. By the way, we nearly missed our flight because we left home a bit late, but in the
end, we arrived at the airport on time. We didn’t take a taxi, my uncle took us to the
We arrived in LA at 2.00 and I had a terrible jet lag for the next 3 days because of the time
difference. After the arrival, we checked in and rushed to sleep. We were happy that we
finally reached our destination. We stayed in a beautiful 3-star hotel with a great view. The
area of the hotel was very green and clean.
We visited many excursions which we had booked in advance e.g. to Hollywood, to Beverly
Hills. We also visited many sights, my favorite one was the Hall of Fame. It was April,
which isn’t a tourist season, so there weren’t many people. Overall, the territory of LA is
Local people are very friendly and always willing to help. I even made a friend, a native
American Ron. I met him in a bar. He lives in LA, but his hometown is in Columbus.
Of course, we tried the LA metro. The fare isn’t big - $1 per one journey. But it’s a bit dirty
and unsafe in the evenings.

Do you love traveling?

What was the best trip you’ve had?
How many times have you crossed the border?
What was the longest journey you’ve had?
When you traveled to Kazan, what time did you arrive in Kazan?
Have you ever missed your flight/bus?
Have you ever had jet lag?
Do you think it’s a good idea to visit a place during the tourist season?
What are the fares in your city?
What was the most boring excursion you’ve ever been to?
What was the most beautiful/boring place you’ve stayed in?
Would you like to leave your hometown?
Do you think it’s better to book a hotel in advance or on the spot?
What were the most unusual sights you’ve seen?
Would you like to make friends with native Americans/English/etc?
What do you think of local people in your city?
What time did you arrive at the photoshoot yesterday? Who took you there?
Can you describe the area where you live?
Do you think it’s good when the city territory is big?
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend

...The borders are finally open the lockdown and we can travel again!
Do you like traveling? Why? What do you like doing while traveling? Have you ever had any
travel problems?
My brother is going to study in England next year….

Write an email to Adam.

In your message:
− answer his questions;
− ask 3 questions about his brother’s study
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

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