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Terms to Know:

Episode 1: Rebels
Before or after watching this episode,
encourage students to define and
review the terms below. Students
In 1607 a small group of English travelers lands in Jamestown.
may also want to make their own
Thirteen years later, religious Puritans settle in New England. These
lists of new vocabulary words and
men and women are all driven by the promise of a new
identification terms as they watch.
life; they face the perils of disease, starvation and war with
native groups.
Aristocratic They are very different, yet in time both grow. One mans
Coercion entrepreneurial dream, tobacco, and the backbreaking work of the
Contraband first African slaves, turn the disease-ridden swamps of the South
Fledgling into a land of opportunity. The hardworking and resourceful Puritans
Infringements forge the North into a trading powerhouse with shipbuilding at
Labyrinth its core. Yet success and wealth prompt British jealousy, taxation,
Pre-emptive resistance and then war.
The Proclamation Line

This is the story of how, over 20 generations, a group of English

subjects survive against all odds, and then ignite a revolution against
the colonial power of Great Britain. A diverse group of men, women
and children are on the path to becoming Americans.
America The Story of Us is useful for American
History, Social Studies, and Media courses. It is
appropriate for 7th grade students and above,
and is an excellent resource for professional
Discussion Questions:
1. W
 hat was the Powhatan Confederacy and how did this group interact with the
British settlers?

2. W
 hat were the most difficult challenges faced by the Plymouth and Jamestown
settlers? Do you think they could have done anything to prepare more adequately
for life in the Americas?

3. W
 hat role did disease play in encounters between native groups and the first
British settlers?

4. W
 ho was Prince Estabrook and what was his contribution to American

5. In this episode, America is referred to as a social experiment. What do you

think this phrase means? Do you think the experiment is still ongoing?

America The STory of Us Episode 1: Rebels 2

2010 A&E Television Networks, LLC. All rights reserved. 01601.
Primary Source:

Powhatan Address to
Captain John Smith, 1609

d the
ld an d m u s t soon die, an ers,
own o to my broth
Further Explorations:
I am now gr n d in o rd e r, to
c c e s s io n must desce an d K e k at au gh, and then
s u ough,
What else was going on during this time
Opechancan ters.
Opitchapam, ir two daugh
period? Educators and students can
th e that
my two siste
rs , an d to mine, and
explore the sites below to learn more
w as e q u al
experience than ours to
you. about the era of U.S. history covered in
I wish their o t b e le s s
us might n which
this episode.
your love to o rc e th at from us
you take b y f s who
Why should s h o u ld y o u destroy u History of Santa Fe
e by love? W
hy by war?
can you get
you can hav o d ? W h at d
you with fo e woods. An
hav e p ro vi d e d fl y in to th
ns and our
our provisio wrongdoing y
We can hide ntly f am is h b y Early California History
st conseque
then you mu
e us
usy? You se
friends. y o u r je al o in
What is the
cause of
o u r w an ts if you come
pply y vade
willing to su guns as to in
unarmed and hs w o rd s an d
it is
Places to Visit:
ner; not wit to know that
a friendly man im p le as n o t
tly with
am not so s d sleep quie
an enemy. I
Interested in what you saw in this
li e w e ll , an e
good meat, erry with th
episode? Visiting historic sites is a great
e tt e r to e at gh an d b e m
b lau
d children; to
way for teachers, students, and families
my women an and
to learn more about the past. Explore
English... to p e ac e ab le councils, these historic sites, or look for local
, exhort you swords, the
I, therefore
historic sites in your town or city to visit.
e gu n s an d t
o ve al l I in sist that th e s s , b e re m oved and sen
ab neasin
alousy and u
Plimouth Plantation
of all our je
away. Historic Jamestown

Discussion Questions: Historic Santa Fe

1. W
 hat do you think was Powhatans overall message to
John Smith?

2. W
 hat do you think Powhatan meant by you must consequently
famish by wrongdoing your friends?

America The STory of Us Episode 1: Rebels 3

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