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=--= The Art of Smoking Pot =--=
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=--= A Metal Communications Presentation =--=
=--= =--=
=--= Written and Smoked by: The Byte Byter =--=
=--= =--=
=--= The sole purpose of this article is to let people that are begin-=--=
=--= ning to smoke pot know the various ways of smoking it and how to =--=
=--= get the most out of the pot that you risked all that time & money=--=
=--= to get. I would just like to state that I do not approve of any =--=
=--= legal uses of this article (i.e. smoking tobacco, etc...). This =--=
=--= <is> for smoking pot only. If you have anything to say against =--=
=--= this article then fuck off cuz I have the right to write whatever=--=
=--= I want as a U.S. citizen (even if it is about something that is =--=
=--= against the law in the United States). Also, if you don't like =--=
=--= this text file just delete it. It won't hurt my feelings. =--=
=--= =--=
=--= Call: /\/\etalland I 10megs AE/BBS/Cat-Fur Line. [503]538-0761 =--=
Ok, so ya say ya want to learn the various ways to smoke pot. Well, you've
come to the right place. The techniques I will discuss in this text file are
smoking pot with bowls, bulldozers, pens, and bongs. I will tell you the
easiest ways to make these and how to use them. First of all, pot is a slang
term for Cannibis Savita or Marijuana. Oh, maybe I will even tell you how to
make your Marlboro box into a Marijuana box. This is pretty cool. A teacher at
my school did it for my friend (yeah, no joke). Ok, lets get on with the text
Ok, the first way that most of you pot smokers have smoked pot was in a
joint (for you assholes that don't know yet, this is a marijuana cigarette or
in my case, a marijuana cigar). Well, ya always end up with this stupid little
roach (the but of the joint). Ok, I will tell you how to smoke this. (This is
an original. I invented it.) First you take a Papermate or an Erasermate pen
and poke out the back end so there is a small hole. Then, you take the writing
part of the pen out and you should be able to see through one side and out the
other (it should look like a spit ball shooter). Ok, you take the roach and put
it in the small hole and then you use the writing side of the pen as the
mouthpiece. You get a 100% hit using this method if the roach is in the hole
100%. I use this for smoking whole joints because they last longer this way.
Just smoking the joint without this <pen> you would probably take in 75% pot,
25% air and that's not good is it? Of course not.
Now we will discuss the bulldozer. A bulldozer is sort of like a water
bong except there is no water. First you obtain an empty roll of toilet paper
(the cardboard part). Then you cut out a hole on one of the sides about 1/2
inch in diameter. Make sure this hole is toward the one of the ends. Next, take
a piece of tinfoil about 2 square inches and put it in the hole so there is a
cup made out of the tinfoil in the hole. Next take some tape and tape the
tinfoil that is outside of the hole onto the cardboard roll so the tinfoil
doesn't fall out. Now, take a pin and poke 6 to 8 small holes in the cupped
part of the tin foil. The bulldozer is finished. Now how to use it. Put the end
farthest away from the tinfoil against your mouth. Then take your hand and
cover the other hole with your hand. Make sure there are no air openings to
disrupt it. Now light it and take a hit. When you're almost finished with your
drag, take your hand off the hole and then breathe in the rest of the smoke
still in the roll. The reason for this is when you have your hand on the hole
you are sucking in smoke thru the tinfoil part and when you let go of the hole
with your hand the air pressure is gone and therefore you don't suck any more
smoke thru the tinfoil. So if you kept your hand on for the full hit you would
waste precious pot by letting all the smoke in the roll get out after your hit.
Well, on to the next one (I better hurry up. I want to smoke something I mean
do something pretty soon.).
Hmm. Ah yes, bowls. I like bowls. You'll like science class when I tell
you about this one. Ok, ya know those valves that say GAS on them? Well that'
is what I made mine out of. I found one that was loose and I unscrewed it and
took it home. I then took some tinfoil and put it in the end that screwed into
the fixture that I took it from. I then poked 3 or 4 small holes in the tinfoil
and I then had a pretty deep bowl (I forgot. If any of you don't know, a bowl
is a pipe). Ok, I then used the part where the gas comes out as the mouthpiece.
I thought this was a kick ass bowl because you could turn it off and on!. It
was also good for playing tricks on people. Turn in off when the other person
knows nothing about pot, and then watch him act stoned!. There are many other
ways to make bowls so experiment.
Now we are down to water bongs. My friend made this one that I will
explain how to make. Ok, go to the store and get a one-quart plastic bottle of
milk. Then get rid of the milk. Hmm this will get complicated. Ok, I will have
you smoke joints thru this. Ok, now make a hole about 5 inches from the bottom
of the container and make this hole just big enough to fit a pen in. That's
right. You're gonna use a joint smoking pen that I discussed in the first
paragraph. Ok, now stick the pen in the hole and melt the plastic container
around the hole so the pen will be air tight (you might wanna try using super
glue or something else instead of trying to melt it). Now, cut a hole small
enough so that your thumb can cover it about 2 or 3 inches higher than the pen
and on the same side as the pen. Now fill the milk container about 4 to 4 and
1/2 inches with water (its kick ass if ya fill it with Jack Daniels or BEER ).
You now have a water bong. Now how to use it. Put a joint into the pen, put
your mouth on the mouth of the milk container (this is at the top of the
bottle), put your thumb on the thumb hole, and light the joint. As I said with
the bulldozer, take your thumb off the hole towards the end of the hit. Ok, now
that you know all the kick ass ways to smoke pot, always use JOB papers. These
are the best.
And now, since you have all these ways to smoke pot, but not a way to
carry it, I will explain how to make a Marijuana box class a cigarettes. First
buy a pack of Marlboro box from the local store. Now I will tell you which
letters to change. Keep M-a-r the same, and erase the top half of 'l' and put a
dot above it so it is now an 'i'. Now erase the backwards 'c' on the 'b' in
Mariboro. It should now read Maril oro. Next erase the top half of the 'l' that
you made and put a dot above it. It should now say Marii oro. Now put a hook at
the bottom of the 'i' to make the 'j'. It now reads Marij oro (you should be
marking in these changes with dark black marker and don't smear it). Now slip
a u in between the 'j' and the 'o' so it says Marijuoro. Now you can be un
professional and just put little tails on the 2 'o's to make them 'a's or you
can do some erasing and make the 2 'o's exactly like the 'a' after the 'M'. It
should now look like this: Marijuara. Now all ya have to do is change the 'r'
to an 'n' and you have it! It finally says Marijuana. And now, after typing
this long text file, I have to distribute it. If you have any comments or any
new ideas, please leave me a message on Metalland 1. The number is (503)
See ya later and get stoned,
The Byte Byter

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