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Alfred Adler

By: Matt Agosti
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.

From Austria

Attended U. of Vienna

Suffered From Rickets and Pneumonia

Studied Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy. Later specialized as an Eye

Doctor, and later in Neurology, and Psychiatry
Start of career
He was invited by Sigmund Freud to join a group of psychiatrists who all began
the discussion on psychoanalytic movement.

He became president of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society

Moved to the US for a professorship at Long Island College of Medicine.

Personality Types
Adler came up with the idea of different personality types and how the act.

1. The Getting/ Leaning- In a Shell protected and require other people to carry
them through life's difficulties.

2. The Avoiding- Hate being defeated, may be successful but didn't take any
risks getting there, low social contact in fear of rejection.

3. The Ruling or Dominant- Prone to antisocial behavior, Strive for power and
will manipulate situations and people to get their way.

4. The Socially Useful- Outgoing and active, High social contact and strive to
make changes for the good.
The importance of memories
Among all the psychic expressions, individual memories are the most revealing.

Adler viewed individual memories as expressions of private logic.

Memories are also viewed as specific meanings on different life events.

Best Known for Individual Psychology
Main motives for human thoughts and behaviors

Man striving for superiority and power, partly in compensation for his feeling of

Worked with Freud.

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