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Tetanus (Lockjaw) Signs and symptoms

Abdominal rigidity, painful muscle

What is tetanus? contractions, primarily of the
masseter and neck muscles,
Tetanus is a dangerous nerve ailment although the trunk muscles also
caused by the toxin of a common bacteria may be involved.
found in soil. The bacteria can remain
infectious for more than 40 years in soil. Later, in the most common
They also exist in animal excrement, manifestation of tetanus, the jaws
house dust, and the human colon. If the become rigidly fixed. In addition, the
bacteria enters a wound that penetrates the voice is altered, and the facial muscles
skin and extends deeper than oxygen can contract. The individual may also
reach, they produce a toxin that enters the experience extremely severe convulsive
bloodstream. spasms of the muscles.
Manageme What does
tetanus does to
nt of how serious tetanus is
children who are
all should b cleansed throughly
following standard protocol. In born with it?
puncture wounds, bite wounds, and
Constant headache
more significant lacerations or
Difficulty swallowing
burns, a booster shot is
Sore throats
recommended as soon as possible
Tonic spasms
if the time from the previous
booster is greater than 5 years. The Jaw stiffness

toxin is neutralized if the tetanus Profuse sweating

antitoxin is administered before the Chills

toxin becomes attached to nerve Slow reflexes

tissue. Muscle relaxants may also

be prescribed.

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