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Eaition Detail — Institut fori internationale Acchitektur- Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG Machen, Biekhauser — Publishers for Architecture Basel -Baston - Berlin, ‘Editor Chision Sehizicn Prossctmanagor Andrea Veegeimana Edtoral Sewices: Herring Bouterwek, Alexander Foi Chrstna Kinmerie, {aa Lge, Thomas Mactever, Chrstna Raintard “Vaneiston German Engle: Peter Groen (pp. 72-168), ‘Etzabet) Schaiger (pp. 6-71, 160-175) [Deawnge: earn Oraeger, Beta Brocte Carsel Garior, Norbon Graeser, Cistane asiberg, Ol Hien, Andrea Sak, Andrea Sommer, Claudia Toopsch (DTP: Petor Gersrantal, Andrea Lika, Cornelia Kohn, Row Sieger “Ts book is a cooperation between DETAIL Ravew of Achtocturs ad ‘Branucer = Publators for Architoctie ALGIP catalogua record for his books avattie “3 ‘omit Library of Congress, Washington D.C. USA ‘ Nasonabitograe: etaled bblopraphic daa salable on fe Internet at . © 2005 institut i inteersionale Architektur Oclamneniaton GmbH &.Go. KG, 2.0. Bow 25 Os 60, 0-800 Munchen, Germany and Eke — Publshors for Archinect, P.O. Bax 138, GH-4010 Basel, Streriand hic works subject copjight. Allrights are reserved, whother the whole or pant ofthe materi! concerned, specicaly fe rights of ransifon, rpsintng, re-use of lueratons. rection, broadcasting, reproduction on microfins Orin other ways, nd ‘drags ta banks, Fer any kindof usa, permiason of the copyraht owner must ‘be obiaired, Frnte on acres paper produced fom chiorie-tree pulp (IGF =). Preted in Germany ‘Rapreducten: Kar Dot! Raprodulstans-GerbH, Mnehen Frining and binding: Kboal GmbH & Co.KG, Kempton, : SON a7es90787-4 oavessnas Uniting Daylight ‘Helmut F.Q. Muller and Heide G. Schuster Projects: Passive-Energy Terraced Housing in Dornbirn Dombin, Johannes Kaufmann, Housing Estate in Kaiding BxNielsen, Arhus Lars Frank Nielsen, Kim Herforth Nielsen Passive-Eneray Terraced Housing in Lim Johannes Brucker, Stuttgart Point Blocks in Innsbruck Baumschlager & Ebede, Locheu Practice in Réthis Reinhard Drexel, Honenems ‘Sports Hall in Wang) Fent Solar Architecture, Wil Secondary School in Klaus Dietrich | Untertrifslier, Bregenz Conference and Exhibition Building in Osnabyrack Herzog + Partner, Miinchen (fice Building in Solihull Arup Associates, London ‘Administration Building in Recanat MCA Mario Gucinelia Architects, Bologna ‘Administration Building in Landquart Bearih & Deplazas, Chur The endrgy potential, which the sun places at our disposal on a daily basis, Seems inexhaustible, The ineident radiation on ‘he landmasses of the earth alone is 3000 times greater than ‘he woridaide demands. Yet we continue to moet these: ‘derrands almost exclusively with non-renewable energies ‘generated primarity from fossil fuels. The resultant envircer ‘mental problems — air pollution, acid rain, effect and climate change ~ are only too well known. Asif this weren't bad enough, annual consumption is elimbing dramat- ically. For afuence is on the rise and some of the mast popu- lous countries of the wor, such as China and India, are about to adopt the extravagant lfestyie ot the Wet. This wall load to nearly immeasurable ecological and political conse- quences in the near future since the conventional eneray resources are finite and will soon be exhausted, The fight for acoess to and control over these energy resources, frst and, foremost oll wil intensify even more. Seon from this perspec: tive, a solar agenda js not only a sensible envirenmantal policy itis also a contribution ta peace. Itis high time, there- fore, o finally adopt a new philosophy and to emberk on the road towards sustainable development based on renewable energy resources. Energy resources, in other words, that are directly or indirectly linked to the sun such as solar radiation, wid and hydro power generation or biomass. Architecture and building play a Key role inthis context. For nearly half ofall the energy consumed in Central Europe is expended in the operation of buildings, that is. for heating, cooling and lighting. The last two factors, especially, wore neglected fora long time, When solar architecture gained in importance in the early 1970s as a result of the twa oll rises, attention was inially focused entirely on avoiding heat loss, on uilizing solar enecgy to heat buildings in winter and to heat domestic water. However, in office buildings especialy, cociing is generally a far greater problem anda major factor mi energy consumption. Office buildings are subject heat goins caused not only by climate, but also by the heat radiat- ing from oecupants, equipment such as. computers and mon- ®ors, and above all by the use of artificial lighting. Gne need only consider thet roughly three times the amount of energy = roquired to cool a room by one degree in comparison to heating the same space by one dearee, to grasp the signifi cance ef cooling with renewable energy resources and the mportance of natural lighting, Moreover, the comparison lustates the degree to wich the various factors are interde- pendent solar architecture cannot be reduced to isolated measures such as collectors or photovoltaic installations on the root. Rather, a building must be understood as a complex, another in this approach. from the orientation and division of the building to the integration of systems for the generation cf warm water or power. Flexible envelopes, regulated by intelligent control systems and capable of reacting to varying influences and weather conditions are making increasingly important contributions. It goes without saying that such a complex configuration cals for comprehensive interdiscipl- nary concepts, integrated planning, in other words, where: al participating experts are involved at an early stage. But energy-conserving architecture cannot be limited to the ‘operation of the buildings. I'tegins with urban planning and includes consideration of the energy content of the employed: _materials a8 well as the material cycles. Production tech- ‘niques, transportation routes, assembly and the recyclability -ol building components are all included in the approach. ‘Renewable and local building materials such as timber or ‘clay are preferable over those, which can only be manufac- ‘tured by cortsuming large amounts of energy (generated trom fossil fuels). The latter also cause high levels of poliyt- _ant emissions in production and must be transported across: great distances. Yet what are the concrete criteria, which an architect can apply to evaluate materials? There is still scarcity of available information and the primary energy demand of building materials is stil insufficiently evaluated ‘even in the case of solar architecture, although great strides, hhave recently been made in this area ‘The anvironmantal declaration of building products in Verart- ‘berg (Austria), where the allocation of government subsidies: for residential construction is based on ecological criteria, Is model worth emulating, A point catalogue is used to take not only the heating requirements into consideration, but: alse the eawonmental compatibility of each individual build- ing material as well as the employment of renewable energy ‘sources. In Germany, by comparison, subsidies for residen- ial housing are currently dispersed on the basis of the princi- ple of ‘equal shares forall and, a8 if that wecen enough, new building projects are given preference over rehabilita- tion projects: Ecologically speaking, the opposite approach would be required, For the primary principle of resource con servation is toutlize the most impartamt available resource, that is, buildings that already exist. eee Me PEE Cia Support should alse favour dense housing development over the Construction of single-family houses. Since nefther detached single-f se, nor high-rises for thet matter, ological, these two building are capable of being case of single family houses, land consump- ¢ vatic-related energy required to provide access gative. The high percentage of ‘ting and material.consuming exterior surfaces iS her unfavourable factor. High-rses, on the other hand, xd with comparatively large access areas, Dut all with a considerable inccease in material Coasamie- ion forthe load-bearing structure and the tacaderin order t uctural requirements resulting trom the high \e wind forces. Highrise facades fy realized with materials char- nary energy demand, such as ‘a very high 1 85, steel and aluminium. When DETAIL first published an issue on the topie of solar architecture precisely one decade ago (in 1998), wes stil jocument convincing examples. ft was all oo rere lly functioning measures were satistactorily a design perspective into rhature architec tural concepts. And the few successful examples placed excessive emphasis on the solar installations (as was the oe in the shading system on Norman Foster's vocational schoo! in Fréjus in southern France) ~in keeping wth the then deminamt High-Tech architecture. (Fig. 1.2) 1 Was. time when every building that had anything ata © do with energy conservation was profitably advertised a5 8 solar building, Much has changed in the meantime. There aremany more functioning and usefully integrated solar com cepts and individual measures, and they are rarely tu peted as unique achievements today. Many outstandingly designed low-energy buildings are barely recognizable as such from the outside. In office buildings, aspects such 2s bulging component heating and cooling seem fo have aln become routine for many architects. But we are still a long way from achieving our goals. The percentage of ranarwabie energy resources employed to operate buildings is stil far too low. There are stil too few truly comprehensive pts, and the confict between aesthetics and function remains. Its stil far too rare, foe example, that collectors of tic modules are usefully integrated into 8 Comores hansive concept. They are all too frequently simply placed way on top of conventional covered roofs. This is ly unsatisfying from an aesthetic perspective, but also wih regard to costs and material consumption = if they were 9d as roof or facade panels, they could be part of the ery Now and then one cannot escape the mpression that some measures are merely employed to. one's conscience or to pocket subsidies. Espe- cially when monstrous, energy: and reseuree-guzziing subur topped by a collector, in the overall picture, the eneray resources thus for fulfils litle: more jon of an alibi, Even if the Federal government ‘many should achieve its ambitious geal of increasing mn 2.2 per centta 4.2 per cent in 10 years, nnat negate the fact that the total energy demand con 3d and that solar energy resources re than surplus 2 total volume of a lasting change to nish energy Cor i i : =e ly as experimental solar buildings. An EU commission is Cur- renty at work to clarify this confuston.’ However, there Is: disputing that the consideration of solar radiation and the passive use of solar eneray in buildings is a central charac ‘erisic of sustainable architecture. In other spheres of ite, the tem sustsinabilty always possessed a clear, unambiguous meaning. Sustainable meant nourishing meals such 8% Grandma's pea soup, responsible forest management or solid buildings with a long lifespan. But a recent polF revealed much confusion: onty 10 per cent af eiizens Knew the meaning of the word - at least, somewhat. But nearly 90 per cent were in favour of a concept, the meaning of which they cannot fully comprehend. There seems to be a need for clarification. As a collective term. the word sustainabilty; originally employedito describe long-term forest management, is used to describe the correct treatment of the environment. The UN commission, chaired by former Norwegian Prime Minister Brundtland, formulated a suctinat definition: “Sustainability is development, which sat- ises the needs of the current generations, without influencing the oppartunities of future generations." This is relevant 10 building on many levels. On the one hand, in terms offs eco: nomic importance —_more than half of the entire investment capital in Germany is ied to the building sector -, and, on tha other hand, because itis the greatest factor in resource con sumption. Even thaugh the built environment is a long-term asset in its own right, produces more than hal ofall “waste,” recycling is stil an underdeveloped aspect in construction Buildings account for roughly 40 per cent of the total energy consumption in Germany. higher than transportation o¢ indus ty Clearly, energy conservation and the intelligent utlization of incident solar ragiation should play a role in a sustainable building. Fossil fuels, which are the foundation of our energy sunplies. particularly for heating our homes, are limited. The annual discoveries of new deposits have been less than con sumption for years, costs are-rising, and the conflicts sur- rounding access io the sources are unbearable. The’ deleterious impact of fossil fuels on the environment is equally gfave. since they are changing our glotal climate, Many okernatives have praven deceptive because they are ult- ‘iieca: Petia ts en owes nea Galina tral buildings will soon be seen as a phase. After all. why should ‘we utlize solar energy stored in fossils to such an extent if we ‘can put itto use drecty? It doesn’ interfere with the natural ‘global balance; on the contrary, it is the very foundation of thal balance. We are familiar with it as.a source of light and energy. Itwould be short-sighted, however, to more than revive old principles. “Back to nature" is popular ‘stagan, but itisnt very logical. We cannot build houses in the “same manner aé before the start of the fossil age. The com- ‘ortable and almost universally available supply of energy has raised our expectations and demands considerably, and itis unicely that we wil give up this comfort in the future. No doubt, architecture that makes use of the sun will be able 1 adopt some ancient principles of clever solar use in build ings. Conversely, ints role as inteligent architecture, it will have to go beyond such principles in order to be accepted _and satisty today’s demands. While passive use of solar energy was the enly option available pxior to the beginning ‘of the fossil age [if necessary, complemented by fire pits for ‘the combustion of renewable raw materiais), fess heating -sourees and the technologies derived from tham allow for _active temperature contro toca. completely independent of conditions in the environment, and the form and materials of, ‘our homes, The stages of fist passive and then active energy supply in buildings are-bsing overtaken by interactive or ‘smart building concepts, which adopt certain passive sys- ‘ems and complement them wit intelligent components. Passive Use Passive use of solar radiation functions without the need for ‘technical systems. The building itself makes direct use of ‘solar energy by virtue of its placement, geometry, bulking components and materials. This is the simplest and, at the same time, the most effective form of solar architecture. The bbulling and its components are interpreted as a solar system. A carefully thought-out design can adapt a building ‘to the natural energy potential in order to utilize it efficiantty. The clever selection of the ste, placement, shape and orien- tation, deliberate window arrangement, considered selection 2. Chueen Community Cant, Semwinchrchan (2001): are Arcs, ‘an o16 stabs usc) as cleat Cer for he bmber ConstctON ot tha viearage, 8 4 ‘of materials and wall stuctures ~ these are the factors thst ‘make it possible to absorb and store solar heat. to msintain ‘comfortable temperatures in a climate-conscious envelop: ‘and to utilize ight to the best effect. In paying attention toa ‘ew simple rules, solar architecture |s thus the mast ettacive _and progressive form of gaining and conserving enesgy in buildings. Heating demand is reduced, while the heating season and the periods for Supplementary heating are con siderably shorter, Building thus makes a considerable conti. bution to environmental protection by reducing COZ emissions; CO2-neutral building materials 650 contribute io the reduction. Building and living with the sun also means more comfort. Bright interiors flooded with light have measur able positive physiological and psychological effects on human beings. Solar architecture, therefore, achieves move than environmental protection and energy conservation. I also increases comfort; sunshine penetrating deep into the house enhances one’s sense of well-being just as much as. the higher surface temperatures of well insulated exterior walls. This is accompanied by an increased use of daylight, in turn, reduces the energy demand for arifcial ight while also having a positive effect on the Users of such & building, Bret History insolation has fundamentally influenced the location, over tion, shape, construction and material selection of buildi since the beginning of architectural history. Together with other climate characteristics, it determined the evolution of house types and regional building styles. Socrates’ Me: House (470-399 BC} has archetypical characteristics of solar architecture. The compact stucture opens to the sor ‘The trapezoidal plan makes the most of this orientation simultaneously minimizes the northern surface tumed: from the sun. This is where the cool storage room Es! A, functioning at the same time as a buffer zone to the living area. Wallls and cellings/floors are massive and thus have @ high storage capacity. The roof overhang on the south. provides shade when the sun is high in the sky in’ ‘and allows the lower sun to penetrate into the Duilcfing ji winter (Fig. 2.2). The house concept exemplifies timeless principles of soler architecture: aa _ ining ol no mutans ecvertignsts Na 3 “open towards to the sun, je = solar zoning = coolroms on he nr i, the south side, 20s for large-area glazing. The early. artificial exotic worlds, made possible house effect of glass, which was used to tr radiation into infrared thermal radiation and ca glass (Fig. 2.3), ‘ the earth trom beyond and emphasized both the uniqueness, and the vulnerability of our planet. The energy crisis (1973) demonstrated our dependence on fossil fueis-and the finite ese of thase resources. The warnings about the laritations of grav, issued by the Club of Rome and published for the fist time in 1972”, were assuming the stark mantle of realty. ‘These were the conditions under which so-called ecological ‘building Geveloped. ls topies were the return ta traditional building forms, the use of natural materials, eenewablo energy resources and, in particular, solar energy. Ignored at first by the architectural establishenent, the movement evolved into that of solar and, finally, sustainable building, ‘The intelligent use of solar radiation remained a constant in this appreach, regardless of the changes to other goals. The following pages describe the characteristics that conetitute solararchitecture. They all influence sustainability and ‘energy efficiency. However, paying attention to these consti Luda to the éxclusion of everything else, won't take us any further because overarching aspects of sustainability ron the areas of urban planning, transpestation or other parame- ters are ignored, The decision to not fulfil a particular erterion may, therefore, be completely reasonable and can generally be compensated with the help of other measures (¢.g., com ppensating a microclimatically unfavourable location with Detter insulation, oF the absence of wind protection wrth better sealing) Location and Microclimate The energy requirement of a building is not only dependent nits structural characteristics, but aiso, and to the same extent, on its location and the local climate conditions. Natu- rally, the global climate zones have the greatest impact: typical temperatures per season and time of day, humidity, insolation, wind velocities and directons. In addition, each microclimate has its own typical characteristic determined by topography, plants and graundcover, trees, loeation nar open bodies ef water, etc. When selecting a building sit, Cone should therefore seek to locate the best possible micro- imate. The position of the building on the site alone has an Influence on its energy balance, 22. Megaron Mouse (eres {00 BC), Sncrates, Opening towards the un in ‘na shope and eaiped wth Euler roar othe erm, Bs isthe ‘angnol a sar Rava worvaony in Soft Park. Liverpoel (1898); Design ancl execution | ange BManew. 6 Topography The topography has a decisive influence on the tempera! conditions of the site, Elevated locations generally mean lower average temperatures, Conversely, law-lying locati may be subject to cold fronts or cold-air corridors as-we te ground fog, which result in temperatures that are con ably lower than those in adjacent sites. ture means as a result of the pr ‘al night: accordingly, energy requirements for heat higherin these locations. Gold-air pressure regions, whe no other mans of influencing the microcima should therefore be avoided, They are recognizable others, by adjacent fog fields, dew and hair-rost precipi tion, and frost damage on plants. Favourable building positions and vegetation screens pre vent cold-air pressure near built structures and, thus, unt essary heat losses. Coid-air influences can be deflected wih the help of measures such as embedding the building in the ‘earth, earth walls, hedges or neighbouring buildings. Slope sites are characterized by preneunced differences in is: tion, depending on cxientation, and, therefore, difference: ound and surface air temperatures. The insolstion condi tions for buildings on such sites are similarly different, without saying that south-facing slopes are warmest - Sout west slopes in winter, and south to south-east slopes in summer, Wind Protection High average wind velocities lead to correspondingly high émnission lasses in the building. Sites that are sheltered from the wind are preferable, therefore or, if that isnt possi big, one should initiate wind protaction measures. These may take the form of plantings such as hedges and dense rows of trees, planted facades orernbankments. Hedges and tree groupings block cold air streams and simultaneously redirect them into desired channels. Sites that are naturally sheltered trom wind and active wind protection measures greatly improve the site conditions tor a building. Moreover, plants near the building contribute to cooling the immediate Sur roundings as @ result of evaporation and transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. When properly selected and located, they also provide shade in summer. Evergreens shade the building in winter because they reduce insolation in that season. Deciduous trees, on the other hand, shed their inaves in fall and allow the warming rays of the sun fo pene trate into the building interior. Studies of idendica buildings at different sites demonstrate the impact of location on the: energy contumption of buildings. Based on a detached single-family house in.a standard location with 100 per een ‘energy consumption, an identical building at diferent loca tions may have considerably higher or lowe heating require ments." Ferm Gpiimized, energy-conscious building forms take climate concems into consideration and respond te the microclimaic Portcularities. Urban planning and other overarching factors ‘often make it impossible to achieve this ideal. However. in ht interest of getting a3 close to the ides! as possible, tis wort while to return to traditional local building forms and ature in acidiion entific parameters. ilding Forms as Models al building types, which have been developed and 4 over many centuries, are excellent indicators of ond. Structurally, they are adapted to the ser requirements, and take the availabi jals and the regional climate conditions tor, and, upon closer examination, ever manner. Windy locationg led to build wm and the buildings .ct. Homes in moderate climate since early of glazed areas via large diminish heat loss (Figs. 2.4- 2.6). iar, to climate them can be an cture. Yet for a long solutions to the discipline 32 form and the which is warmed that offer good wind protection and insulation as well as. effective utilization of natural ight and solar heat, are elabo- rate and expensive, In other words, ecanamy and ecology ‘are closely linked. Cne useful value in determining an opti- mized building form is the s0-called A/V-ratio, which expresses the relationship between the heat-radiating sur faces of a building (A) and its volume (V). A low A/V-rai saves costs and energy. Following are some examples for Clarification. A sphere has the best AM.ratio, Since a sphere isnot practical as a building form and poses problems for use (plan), the hal-sphere comes closest to the ideal as a building shape, An igloo, for example, utilizes an optimum AN-ratio and is particularly euitable for the climate conditions in cold regions. As the volume of the compact forms jcreases, the area decreases and the transmission heat loss diminished. Smaller volumes always have a less fa ‘AN-ratio than larger volumes. Compact structures anc sity, therefore, considerably reduce the cooling surfaces in comparison to a detached, free-standing building. Large compact buildings are therefore preferabi di Jed into compartments (Fig. 2.8). Hove are necessary, the disadvantages of their compensated with the help of improved mented use of solar radiation. Once again, tioned principle applies: there is litle sense in adhe exciusively, and at all costs, to a climate-conscious-bulld form as a criterion. AW-optir Orientation and Ineolation Inthe earty stages of solar architecture, orientation tothe sun was seen 2s an unalterable lav. In moderate climatg zones, such as Central Europe, this naturally meant com plete or partial sauthem orientation, In hot regions, on the ‘other hand, protection from the sun is an important factor, However, this rule is too one-dimensional and limits the ‘poseibiities of urban planning and spatial articulation. Ted nical advances in building today permit considerable sage gains for other orientations as well, High insulation standart in combination with constantly high internal loads (artificial lighting, equipment, number of occupants) may suogest the opposite choice; that is. turning away from the sun i order to avoid additional solar gains. The decision must bbe made for each individual ease, in particular for bulging types with high internal loads (e.g, ofices with high ose pancy rates, laboratories). Orientation to the sun, 6 penetration and shading should also always be evaluated in advance for urban projects. Simple solar altitude char (grams.are classic assessment tools, although CAD pro (grammes and specialized CAD tools are mere comen9 Used to today to gather reliable data as well as static an moving images. Shading from neighbouring buildings, vegetation and to faphy must all be taken into consideration. Once ag moderate or northern latitudes, (6.9. Eurepe), tation = especially of the principal rooms in apart homes — can be advantageous. Itallows sunshine 1 Be trate into the interior, even in denser developments 2 ‘winter, and contributes high solar gains. Moreover, It to provide sun protection for southern exposure than f ‘or west orientation: the steeper angie of incidence: radiation results in a higher degree of reflection on ‘ral surface of the glazing, Shading systems and: ‘are more readily harmonized, again due to the sto -of incidence. In the warm season, east- and ‘openings lead to high solar gains because the angles allow sun to penetrate the glazing. In this: tive shading will come at the price of diminished incidence — unless complex shading syst winter, onthe other hand, solar gains Gre low oon to south orientation. Nevertheless, greater and improved insulation qualities, for examp ingly contributing to good results even for in some cases achieving a passive building Qual orientation is ideal for uses with low heating requ high internal loads. Itis worth remembering. slazing can produce an energy supplus ‘complete north ortertation. Zoning The building skin provides weather protection, creates com- {ort in the interior, allows daylight to fall into the building and allows for visual contact with the outside. The utilization of solar energy further expands the already complex functional Spectrum of the envelope. The interface between interior and exterior must be understood as.a dynamic system, which responds to the permanent variability in extemal radiation, ci- mate conditions and internel requirements. Simple rules such ‘as enguring excellent qualiy in insulation are by no means: nullified as a result, they are, however, placed into a larger context. Insulation and Wind Protection “The good insulation quality of a building skin is essential for the passive use of solar energy. There is lite sense in captur- ing solar radiation ifit cannot be effectively stored in the inte- rior Efficient insulation of the building skin fs usually created ‘withthe help of building components with a high insulating -capacity: in the opaque facade areas, these are insulating materials or insulating components, inthe transparent areas, ‘these are high-grade glazing, ansparemt insulating materiais ‘or multi-layered facades. Thermal bridges must be reliably avoided through careful planning. Modem energy simulation ‘systoms or programanes for the calculation of the Enev (German Energy Savings Requistion)* assist the architect in identifying and removing any thermal bridges. High insulating values can be achieved in opaque building components: with ‘corresponding superstructures. The costs lie less in the mate- rials than in the installation effet, in choosing the insulation ‘thickness, itis essential to take the installation requirements 2.7 Solar atid ctagram and recommends onentton 28 Changes in hating demands ofa building for otterent urtace areas ut identical woume 2.9 nfuonee of climate on bulging formand crientaton, and etic pscomont of arma sorage masses 1% ‘and the architectural appearance into account. Ths extreme) thickness of insulating layere for passive houses, for exam. pple, is-a particular challenge for architects. Vacuum insula: tion. eriginally developed for refrigerators and subsequently ‘employed for space travel, are an innovation in the feld of building. They.can achieve an extraordinarily high quality insulation with only a few centimetres of insulating layer. However, the installation problems, especially the treatment of butt joints, are largely unresolved, particularly for vertical installation. Insulation is ineffective without proper wind tection. To control unwanted ventilation heat losses, in. ton to the transmission heat losses, the building skin must isa ‘designed to be airtight according to code: the e : can only be tested empirically by means of blower-doo= | tests. Recent studies and dasign, however, have Semon strated that other means may be equally effective in facades with high energy-efficient qualities. The pres is that the building skin is no longer interpreted 25 a Static System, But a¢ a dynamic envelope that reads and compas the conditions in the envirenment. This so-called interpretation leads to completely new solutions, which | such efficient use af insolation either directly or through if mediate storage in building components, that this kind of truly interactive system is capable of largely replacing (tad ‘vonal) insulation. The frst buildings are already ip and the dynamic simulations are promising."* To what these solutions will succeed in the everyday 6fivir ‘tll unanswered, however. Openings ‘The openings of a house offer the greatest opportunities atthe Same time, pose the greatest risks for passive sd Use. Given appropriate dimensions, amangement, Cf and execution, they can make a considerable: today to the energy supdly of a building and the cor users. Conversely, they are a source of considerable heat less, cooling or overheating — all factors in diminished! comfort, The calculations of the EnV suggest that thera ‘até in design and can often appear cumbersome = much ‘work remains to be done in this area. One alternative is #0 08 ‘witout frames altogether, as long as this approach is co patible with the structural and ventilation concept and Wi ‘the Use of the building: fairty lange window formats ‘with few openable elements arranged in an optimal fashion for ventiaton. An aften-averiookad aption isthe selection Glazed Butter Zones - Winter gardens Glazed buffer zones or winter gardens make sense from the perspective of energy efficiency if they are unheated and are ‘at intended for everyday use. When used 2s intermodiato temperature zones or simpie warm-air collectors, the pre- \wermed air in this area can be oistributed throughout the ‘bulging with the hip of gravitational ventilation or mechani- cal systems. The alternating effects between interior and exterior in different weather conditions are very attractive, not only in residential construction. Roof lazing plays an imoor- tant role in how we experionoe a space: in terms of eneray efficiency, however, it poses disadvantages such os rapid cooling at night and overheating when the eun is high in the, sky in summer. The spatial qualities of such butfer zones can tempt one toransform them after the fact inte an additional living space that has to be heated. This is in conflict with the function of buffer zones, however, because the large glazed surfaces and the low glazing qualities (preferable single giaz- ing) nulity any energy-related advantage created at the ‘uiset, Stiging baloony doors can achieve similar effects as a Writer garden. This type of temporary winter garden is espe- cially popular in Scandinavian countries. Transparent insulating Materia (TIM) The expression transparent insulating materials is a misno- mer because the insulation is generally translucent, rather than transparent. itis available in a variety of materials — as translucent materials, embedded between glass panes. or a8 light-ransporting and oittracting synthetics integrated into equally translucent rendering, the so-called aero gals, which are quasi homogeneous in structure and availabe in the form ‘of lamina or beads (Fig. 2.10, 2.11). Transparent isculating materials are installed on an absorbent extemal wall; the wall heats up as a result ofthe sunlight that is allowed to pass. ‘through the materials. With the appropriate structural design, ‘hese materials become, in effect, a sotar wall heating system, especially in winter and in the transitional seasons Fig. 2.15), ifthe val has goed thermal storage capacity, comfort ean be maintained even on cold nights and overcast days: In ‘summer, on the other hand, the TIM must be effectively sod Schrock. Daylighting Sbinde ne shaded to avoid overheatin makes the entire system m« ad be employed in the form of light-scattering glass, ay 1 skylights. This ensures that light is evenly distrlouted in tha ‘terior, which can be advantageous especially in workshops or exhibition spaces with great room d ani note that TIM embedded inta glazing nail greater installatic ally selective, or gas- printed glazing with more con edor age Mas torage masses stabilize the temperature inside the fespite fluctuations in the outdoor climate, inso internal fh ss. They maintain a constant indoss mate and can thus contribute toward the efficient use of rage Component ‘on of massive building components, OF Com ponents with good storage capacity, is both simple and ef lent. Thermal storage capacity is surface, the high thermal capacity insolation, Exposed massive bu! walls and ceilings have these char Hollow floor nd suspended ceilings, on the ether hand, reduce the sion solar energy can then be Ute lized only for when there is fect, indoor temperatures rise during the warm season and! ve systems for cooling are requi 3 5 can be used instead; they har ni water is used as ‘a much higher storage capacity per age can be used as long-term (seasonal storage) and the solar energy stored th heating in winter (cf. pp. 43tf). Hawever, d requires very large storage volumes, roughly 50. gle-family house, Consequently liquid storage units are e00: oically efficient when they are used for larger applications particular, for solar district heating in housing Javekr ments, Several pilot projects are in operation; they all employ large underground storage units, where the A/V-ratio is much ter than in smaller units attached to a house.” Liquid stor age units always require additional active components, kt pumps, to integrate them into the heating system. The same is true for so-called energy piles. he high ity of the foundation concrete is u with the relatively stable temperatures in the Sol er and utilize it in winter via heat ure in the soil can be g components such as combinatior to store solar pumps. Co Used to cool the building in summer. Latent Thermal Storage Latent thermal storage utilizes phase transition in materials = predominantly from liquid to solid state = for mate mal storage with a correspondingly high sto ‘When heat is stored the material Begins to melt but dO88 ase in temperature until itis completely melted. Because no noticeable temperat. rease occurs desPae the heat transfer, the heat that is storad during phase trans ion is also referred to being “hidden” or latent. Parstin 8 8 0asible Storage medium: its thermal capacity is ten times ver ‘Smart Solar Architacture wuniemesticen emcee Earth ducts utlize the constant temperature levels in the Soil. ‘As heat exchangers they are located in the frost-free layer ‘As it passes through the length of the duct, suctioned in fresh ‘iris pre-warmed to the Soil temperature (approx, &°C all year long). Buring the cold season, the earth duct pe-heats the supply air required for the building, and cools the air in summer, + Adiabatic Cooling: ‘Adiabatic cooling functions according to the fountain princi- pple that was used in antiquity. As water evaporates, it humic fies the surrounding air and coo's it by a few degrees. ‘Although this process has physical mations, ree aciababe cooling and its aimospheric qualities can greatly contribute {0 the comfort of users. Tho disadvantage ofthe increase in relative humidity combined with decreased temperature can be regulated in mechanical ventilation systems wit the help of a heat exchanger. + Free Night Cooling: Free cooling is no more and no less than window or gap ven- tiation. Combined with thermal storage masses, however. it an be very effective in balancing summer temperatures: hhgat stored in building components over the course of a day, thereby preventing temperature peaks, can be released at night through open windows or gap. The dimension and construction of these openings is designed to prevent Beeak- ins, to Keep insects out and to avoid excessive air velocives. They can be controlled manually or mechanically. By the time morning arrives, even well-insulated volumes are atfactvely ‘cooled by this means. + Light. sirecting elements: Light-directing elements guide daylight deep into rooms and reduce the need for artificial ight. They come inthe form of reflecting louvres or light shelves, light-scattering panes, light-detlecting prisms cr holographic-optical elements. They. should be designed to optimize daylight supply by means of 2.13 Residentl Bulding, Argau (1997), Tharasia Senveiber. Extarcr wa \win eardboard Ponaycom inulin bofind a single layer of tough ‘ed glass to @yramicalyimorove fe vale 2.15 Reser! bulging, EbeatKappe! (2000) Dich Schaarz Sche- ‘matic secton of wall conshucton wih parafin tert toa. 23 minimized cross-sections, without greatly increasing heat loads as a result of incident-sun. = Switchable Glass: Glass technology is progressing at a rapid pace. 8. {ass is of particular imerest in the area of building. charged with currant or injected with gases and tra into various states, for example, from transparent to ‘cert, Depending on the incident light or temperature may even change automatically and thus, for exaerp vide shading, This type of glass is very complex: but doubt be Introduced in practice in the coming years. which are generally ‘smart, meaning they are “ne gern 23, ta Eacpen nen ce aan on “Sustanaiie Construction Methods and Techndlogies ‘The first solar collectors were installed on rooftops in the .id-1970s, followed nearty a decade later by the frst Integrated photovoltaic system. Now that the intial prob- Jems, such as system glitches and economic hurdles, have been overcome, active solar technology has gained a sali position in the construction market. Indeed, it is a ‘routine component of many building concepts, and not ‘ony of those with innovative energy strategies, In the field ‘t solar architecture, the so-called indirect systems play ‘3 special role, The collector installations and photowotaic modules integrated into the building skin are far more present, visually speaking, than direct measures such as ‘compactness, high-performance glazing. intelligent insula~ ton oF efficient building systems. In addition to the func- tional taaks — heating domestic water, complementary space heating and power generation ~ the iraduction of nese components also translates into a considerable semante expansion of the technological repertory of buiking. [key characteristic of imegrated solar technology isthe: Visible installation of the components on roots or facades. which function as the required interfaces between solar radiation and the building system. fis the building skin that allows us to experience architecture and architectural dessgn in the public space - in the street, square or urban quarter, The question arises, however, whether and to what extent, solar systems engender novel building solutions, and what their contribution right be to the cutural quality of architecture. The Search for Quality in Architecture The lack of quality in architecture has been noted for some time, both professionally and politically. If German architec ‘ual cuture saems to sufler from neglect in general, what is the status of so-called solar architecture in particular? Even ster nearly three decades of intensive focus in this field, solar architecture = as pars pro toto of architecture in gen ral - continues to reflect a certain “randomness and lack ‘of styla" and ‘solar’ buildings are criticized for their lack of architectural quality. On the one hand, many architects sil refuse to address the topic and leave the issue in the hands of engineers and builders; on the other hand, it seems even ‘move aificult to define what constitutes. quality given the Ccoriplesity of the requirements and the abundanca of System choices. When we tac a lock at quality in architecture, two phenom ‘ona are immediately apparent: first, the difference in opin- lon between experts and laypeople, and second, the view that architectural quality is simply a matter of aesthetics, {tis true that the rigour of a solutton, including the appropri- atenass of the means and the logic of the expression. is stronply defined by aesthetic oritaria both in terms ofits integration into the urban context and the building concept itself, but liiting qualty in architecture to these criteria is simply too restrictive. This is because architecture is ‘closely linked to utlty and stability, and is determined by funetional and structural characteristics of quality as well Defining these characteristics is dit cult enough owing to the wide range of requirements and poorly defined erteria. Tha question of aesthetic quality ~of what makes a build- ing beautiful and conclesive in terms of spataity, scale, ‘proportion, colour and surface treatment — poses an even greater challenge because the criteria on which assess- ment is basedin this instance are even less definitive due to diferent depths af knowledge and personal preferences, The usé of solar technology places new demands on the complex construct of the envelope - for example, t9 act ‘as an information carrier between climate moduiator and ‘media screen. This does not mean, however, that estab- lished modes of evaluation have become superfluous. Ut- mately, architectural quality can only flourish through the interplay and interaction of architectonic cetegories in the Vitruvian sense. Intetigent Bulking Skins In the context of re-defining the building skin, that is to say, its transition from monofunctional protective roles to poly- valent control functions, much ado is made of eynergetio effects, and the expression ‘intelligent building skin” is tre- ‘quently mentioned. If “responding fo néw situations with problem-solving behaviour” constitutes a criterion of inte: ligence, then the technological advances and new facade elements can justifiably be referred to.a8 exhibiting “intel ‘gent behaviour.” In addition to a multitude of window systems forthe direct uilization of solar energy, including natural ventiation, so-called manipulators for shading and heat protection, and daylight deflection, solar components play an impor 8.1. Archeological Museum, Heme (2002) by von Busse Kian Bruning. ‘The roomap phetovetac system feeds 100 KW fi ho munca poner ridot Heme ar aa 1 Oxtecter 2 Soar cycle 3 Soragetanks aa 1 Soler generator cn mounting 12 Canpwcton solar gen em 8 Drect curent 4 Corer eu (berating covert) tant role in intelligent or innovative building skins. technology they introduce (and their link to an el network system), enables the facade and the r respond fiexibly'to changing extemal conditions, result is a lasting effect on essential room or build) ‘acteristics, in other words, on user comfort. The cro spectrum is vast and the rate of innovation truly si photovoltaics are gaining in importance as pave tors for the necessary control technologies and as m {ators suitable for many applications. Technology is {or creating architecture that is both physically and thetically satisfying, and for establishing a more hurane and intalligent approach to building « But inteligent building is not necessarily just a matte technical systems. The tremendous variaty in regio ‘approaches to building exemplifies what inelige. ‘efficient, use of material and energy can be, bec ‘combine rational thinking and craftsmanship with co “sive forms of expression. More technology is, clezri. ‘the only answer. Avoiding unnecessary technology. cially when it becomes an end in itsell. can be innovative and intelligent. Solar Technology The technical and economic potential of solar technology is continually being questioned. Recently, however, he systems have improved tremendously. The amortizaton periods for the investment costs have diminished cons ‘erably in some cases, even when primary energy is taken into account. Nevertheless, the original principle stil apm collectors and photovoltaic installations can only mske & noticeable contribution toward replacing fossil fuels 20d reducing GO, emissions if the direct measures the basic ‘strategies relating fo the building's energy consumotion and indoor climate and above all the building skin =e ‘and reo incline up to 45° yields optimum results with nly negligible deviations: conversely, insolation is drast- ‘ally reduced on vertical facade surfaces." ‘Solar Systoms for Thermal Use Air- and vrarm-veater collactors lat plate and evacuated ‘tuba collectors) are chietly used to preheat supply air, 10 heat domestic water and io supplement other heating systems. Flat plate collectors generally consist of a solid metal absorber sat into a rectangular frame. The absorber is covered by a glass pane on top, is insulated on the under- side and is equipped with lateral connections to the heat cartier medium. By its very function, thet of absorbing ‘energy, ts the most important component of a collector: its abscrptive and emissive power determines the collector's officiancy. Simple, black coatings are rarely used today ‘and have been largely replaced by more efficient solutions. New, highly solective absorber coatings, which deliver 8 high ratio of absorptance (85 per cent) and drastically reduce reflectance in the infrared ragion of the spectrum. further increase the annual energy yield. Moreover, changes to the surface structure can be used to ereate coatings: ranging from blue-black to blue-grey instead of the previ ‘ously monotenous black coatings, thereby expanding the design options. In evacuated tube collectors, glass tubes with Duit-in absorbers are bundled in a collecting pipe. The glass tubes serve simultancously as a transparent cover and @ housing. Since heat losses are virtually eliminated asa resultof the vacuum in the individual tubes, operating temperatures of up to 120°C can be achiaved. However, the increased performance of evacuated tube collectors (up to one third highs) is inked to a.doubling of costs. Evacuated tube collectors are manutactured in a var of system designs, although most aré "open sy; meaning they do not form a water-bearing layer and must therefore be mounted on roo! supports or suspended ont of the facade, In the meantime, frst sttempts ha been made towards integrated installations, wihich make ‘evacuated tube collectors a more interesting option for facade applications as wel igh the adcitional effort requirad for insulation must 82 eration. Collector systems for water heating are generally sized to liver raughly 50 to 80 per cent of the average annual requirement; whike nearly 100 per cent coverage can be achieved in summer, the output dips to approximately 50 te 60 per cont in winter as a result of heat losse: shed insolation, s per Standard solar systems designed requirements, called combination sy according to the heating load. A rule Cf callector area per KW, res pplement the he: joms, are sized thumb, roughiy 1 m* ‘sions of 6 to 16 m¥ collector area — an area of roughly 10 mis 9.2 Functional agram of thermal une of solar eneeg A Hoatsuppty 1 Coweta 8 Hoatron 2 House transter station © Soa uD 3 Soar transfer staton “4 Butler storage as 5 Longtermsiorage sufficient when avacuated tube collectors are ‘and an installed storage volume ranging trom 41000 litres, The solar installation can thus cove one quarter of the total heating requirement, ayed= Solar District Heating and Cooling Processes Two additional theres are gaining in impertan field of solar systems for thermal use: solar cist: ‘concepts’ and solar-supported cooling proces systems designed to supplement cistrict heating s aim to address the probiem of asynchroniciy ben peak solar radiation in summer and heating demands in ‘winter by bridging the gap through seasonal storage. This model is pradominantly used for neve housing develop ments due to the requirement for large store: theating Sol (up 10 20,000 m®), coordinated integration into Wy grid and spacially designed control technology. Since such ne cok. installations tend to require large absorber ares: lectors are generally realized as fully prefab roots." The roots and facades of neighbouring :

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