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1. would like to overcome my fear of public speaking.

would like to speak and

take lectures at university and colleges
2. Full self expression and sense of victory
3. Will not do this half heartedly. No.

1. I think, The fear of public speaking started when I participated in a story

telling competition at one of function. I started the story and at one point I
completely forgot the story. I was blank. i think it all started from that point
2. Below
a. Not participate in this kind of events where I need to speak in fornt of
b. Avoid class room where I may need to speak in public
c. Always work at the back of the stage and pretend to others that I am
busy in doing back stage work and cannot come to stage

3. At Charusat university where had fear that I will not be able to speak in front
of others. But I successfully taken a orientation lectures with approx. 60
students of MBA. In fact, one of my colleague suggested me to be a professor
as I was confident and good at taking lecturers.
4. Cant recall anything right now. It may be the childhood story telling incident
mentioned earlier.

5. Thoughts I will lose control over myself, people will came to know I am fool
in speaking. I should always avoid situation where i may need to stand up for
speaking. Public speaking is not my stuff. Always avoid PS. I need to live life
with this fear . IMAGES I am standing and people staring and came to know
that I am fool I am incapable. I am not good enough.

6. Very confident. Happy with myself. Feeling that life is beautiful. Happiness of
confidence that I can do this , and I have conquered my fear : )

7. Start learning art of speaking. Talk with people about this fear. Take lectures
at college.

I can be who I am and that is good enough. I do not have to be perfect.

It is okay that I am anxious. I can still speak or perform, even when I feel anxious.
It is okay if I make a mistake or forget something. This happens sometimes when
people speak or perform, and I will simply do the best I can to recall and move on.
This is sensations are temporary and soon they will go. Its just a matter of few
Someday I was supposed to confront the fear. Its better to face it now this way and
let it pass

Page no. 92 (action steps)

People will see through me and will come to know my dumbness and I am
incapable of speaking
I will be a fool and unimportant person in their eyes
I am weak for public speaking
Its better to avoid it for life then to confront it the fear is too big to face
increased Heart beat

Cognito distortion

mental filter
over generalization
mind reading
fortune telling
Emotional reasoning

Alternative beliefs, predictions and thought patterns based on rational thinking and
adult reality

I know I can do this even though I feel anxious and uncomfortable.

Many speakers or performers are anxious and uncomfortable, but they do not look
like fools. Even if I feel foolish, that does not mean I look like a fool.
If people see that I am anxious, they may feel some compassion or concern for
me. I cant control what people are thinking, so I need to focus on my purpose and
not wonder what they are thinking.
People tend to be more accepting of me than I am of myself. If someone else
makes a mistake or forgets something, I do not automatically lose respect for him or
her or think that nothing he or she says is credible, so why should I think others will
do that to me?
It is okay for me to feel anxious. I can still speak or perform and do okay even
when I am anxious. I know I will feel less fearful if I stay focused on more positive
and reassuring thoughts and images, and on my purpose to contribute to others.

It is okay to feel anxious. I dont have to be afraid of my fear.
I have to keep my focus on my purpose. I really want to help the people I am
speaking to and make a difference in their lives. I need to focus on connecting with
the people in my audience.
This is not about me. It is about what I can offer others.
Others are not there to scrutinize me. They are there to learn something from me
and to enjoy my presentation.
I know I have what it takes to be a good speaker. I just need to be who I am
naturally and I will do well.
I know my material and I know I can deliver a good presentation, even if I feel
I know the feelings of fear dont last forever.
Let me see myself in some situations after my talk. I see myself driving home,
having dinner, getting ready for bed. I see myself the next day going about my
routines and realizing that life goes on as normal after my presentation is over.
Let me think about my audience and realize these are real people leading full
lives. Hearing me speak is not an earthshattering event for these people. I am not
the center of their universe.
Let me think back to other times I have felt successful and know that I have it in
me to be successful again.
All I need is within me right now. Early on, I had to do a lot of nurturing inner
parent talk with myself because my fear ran so deep at that time. I would say things
to my frightened child self such as:
You are going to be okay. Nothing bad will happen to you. I will take care of you.
It is okay to feel afraid. I will be there to help you through this. You are not alone.
You have the right to speak up and express yourself.
Just do your best and that is good enough. No one is expecting perfection from
The people in the audience are not monsters. They are regular people just like you
or anyone else.
They want to hear what you think and what you have to Creating Beliefs and Self-
Talk That Support Us say.
They respect you and like you.
You are safe. No one is going to hurt you.
You did a great job! I knew you could do it!

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