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Crable , Destiny

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period 1st T/R

February 9, 2017

Title : Resistance to Trump's travel ban mounts

Link to article

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Dynamics- a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.
o Ablaze - filled with anger or another strong emotion.
o Nascent- just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future
o Tamp - to force in or down
o Lambasted - criticize (someone or something) harshly.
o Vetting - make a careful and critical examination of (something).

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

A. Donald Trump has ordered a ban called the Muslim Ban which prevented seven
Muslim- majority nations from entering the United States. Senate still has not
confirmed the Muslim Ban. In New york a federal judge has made a statement saying
authorities cannot remove the immigrants from the U.S and this is not the only
judge who agrees. That week Trump also stated their is a seat open in the Supreme
Court which can cause lawyers to obscure from making a statement on the Muslim
Ban. Both Democratic House and Senate leaders have decided to have a protest
outside the Supreme Court.

B. John McCain and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has called the ban a
"self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism. This executive order sends a
signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our
country. That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist
recruitment than improve our security,". Trump responded on twitter saying The
joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is
wrong - they are sadly weak on immigration. The two Senators should focus their
energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to
start World War III.".On social Media Bill de Blasio posted tweets calling the ban
shameful. Later then said "There is something more important and powerful than
all three branches of government. It is you _ people along with photos of protesters
holding up signs. Chelsea Clinton tweeted a picture of protesters in New york with a
proclamation of "Yes. We will keep standing up for a country that matches our
values and ideals for all."

C. The people of New york have banned together to protest against Trumps Ban. You
can see some holding signs supporting Trumps Ban and others going against it. The
protest extends beyond airports as the Women's marches are being held in
Washington and around the world. These protests are not only being held in New
york but in Manhattan and at airports in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Washington and
Dallas everywhere. Livestreaming on Facebook candidate Tom Cruz can be seen
taking part of these protests.

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

The fact that Trump has proclaimed a ban only on his second week of Presidency
says a lot as I see it as a scary thing as there is more of Trumps regulations for him
to reveal. I do not agree with this ban as it prevents others from coming here. I know
Trumps sees it as protecting us, but I feel it makes us more of a threat to both those
seven nations and us. As so many are protesting this ban not everyone will turn their
cheek some will outlash in violent ways which makes us a threat also. I feel Trump is
doing this for the right reasons but the wrong way. What Trump wants to
accomplish is too fast not something so big as banning seven countries will happen
fast, to accomplish something big you have to take baby steps.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
March on Washington, Iraq Protest
This article relates to the protest against the Iraq war. Iraq protest began in 2002 and
continuing till 2003 more than 3,000 protests were held around the globe. Rome is
listed in Guinness Book of Records as the largest ever anti-war rally. Both events
have held peaceful protests.The article about Trump has people protesting about a
Muslim Ban that could be in effect. While the Iraq protest has people protesting
against the coming war. While both involve protest the majority of people were
protesting against the Iraq war. The Muslim Ban has both sides protesting some for
this ban while others against it.

Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).

This article relates to Revolts and revolutions as people are revolting against Trumps
Ban. In an attempt to be heard from the Senate people are protesting. The
announcement of the Muslim Ban caused people to gather at Battery Park in
Manhattan and elsewhere.
Questions You Have About the Event (4).
- If the Senate decide to not pass this law will/can Trump Veto their decision?
- What will Trump suggest next?
- Why did Trump announce the Ban so soon in his Presidency?
- If the Muslim Ban gets passed what action(s) will Trump take so the law is followed?
- When Trump has a conference will he address the Ban and the harsh backlash he

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