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Thanks to UPSC, we are starting Test Series for Prelims 2017

bit early this year. Prelims 2017 is scheduled on 18th June, 2017.
You have 10 Months i.e. 300 Days to prepare yourself to face
If 2017 is your first attempt, this is the right time to start preparing
for UPSC civil services exam 2017 and aim for a rank without
worrying about extra attempts.
All you need is a right guidance and strategy that boosts your
confidence day by day and helps you stay focused till you achieve
your dream. When you are under right guidance, the efforts you put
will definitely yield result.
After seeing many toppers very closely and interacting with them
on a regular basis, we have discovered that only
dedicated, consistent and focused efforts will bear results. If you
try to follow too many strategies, read too many materials, search
for too many sources and seek too many guidances, chances of
clearing this exam within one attempt are slim. Your one year and
one attempt plan morphs into Five Year plan.
One can still clear this exam by trial and error, but these
experiments will waste many precious years of your life (and life is
precious) You will be exhausted by then. You might also lose your
original motivation for joining civil services (after 4-5 attempts,
people start talking about becoming MLA, MP, Naxalite, Prime
Minister or next Vajiram and Ravi)
You must strive to succeed in one best attempt and then start
serving nation at an young age.
You can succeed and you will succeed if you show Faith, Trust and
Hope in our Guidance (sorry if we sound like advertising, its is just
we have immense faith in our guidance)
In this article, we are going to outline a Strategy for 2017 with the
aim of enabling you to reach your goal. We will provide a
comprehensive and workable Timetable for you to follow (Sounds
like election manifesto, but it works. Read on to discover how)
Below, we will give you a strategy that has worked for
many toppers since the day when Insights pioneered its result
oriented initiatives. Toppers have acknowledged it through various
articles on our website (all are genuine and written mostly
The Aim of Mission 2017 will be to help you get a good rank.
This is not a false promise. We would have hesitated to make
promises like this two years ago, but not now. Our efforts have
resulted in producing good ranks till now. Even though our effort
is miniscule and your hard work needed is 99%, we believe
that that 1% right guidance will help you achieve your dream
without making you victim of trials and errors.

Do Self Study and be Independent

Our entire emphasis is on Self Study. Through self study you can
achieve a good rank. It gives you immense satisfaction to achieve
something through your own effort and through your untiring hard
Of course coaching helps, we believe, only for Optional subject and
not for General Studies papers. That too for people who have chosen
completely alien subject and are struggling to understand core
concepts (first of all, one should not choose such an Optional
We do not believe in spoonfeeding. It was Insights which started
Answer Writing Challenges for the first time for aspirants .
We designed Test Series in such a way that those who followed our
timetable strictly could easily feel the difference within short span of
time. You will feel confident as you progress in this journey under
our guidance.
We witnessed our students improve their prelims score from 40 50
Marks in first Test to 140+ in last Test. Its solely because of their
undying trust in our strategy and their consistent hard work till the
Now, our students who took 2016 prelims test series and followed it
religiously are showering praises HERE. We havent asked them for
reviews, yet they are so happy that they are expressing their
happiness so generously. This is what makes us feel proud and
It is a fact that everyone wants to work hard , but they dont work
hard. Even if someone works hard, it will be under bad guidance or
under no guidance. This is why some hardworking and brilliant
people never make it. You need a guide invisible or visible, anyone
with good experience to show you the right path.
Most also do not follow a one good strategy. Especially freshers
they want to explore everything despite suggestions by toppers. Too
much curiosity and inquisitiveness is harmful in UPSC civil services
exam preparation.
But those who consistently follow one strategy will eventually end
up getting a rank this year or next year. You should one of them. You
can easily get rank in your very first attempt (please read this). You
dont have to be super brilliant to do this.
We keep repeating that there are only 2-3
thousand students who consistently toil every day to achieve
their dream without wasting their time on too many strategies. You
are competing with only a few thousand serious
aspirants. You will be one among these 2-3 thousand if you
stay focused and consistent.
You must commit yourself from now itself to follow your heart and
never waver in your faith. If you want to be a Topper, then Start
TODAY. And never STOP in between till you reach your goal. Never
look back. Never listen to what others are talking or recommending.
Once you trust something that has worked in the past for many,
trust it and follow it.
We will just show you the path which worked for our students. We
honestly believe it is a lonely journey no matter how many people
tend to support you in this journey. You must do self study and
excel. We will be there to support you.


This strategy seeks to give you a roadmap that will keep you BUSY,
very busy indeed, and focused till the Interview stage of 2017 civil
services exam.
Your preparation will be Integrated one i.e. Prelims + Mains +
Interview oriented. The present pattern is such that an integrated
approach is the only way to excel in it.
How to do this?
Target 140+ Marks in Prelims
In 2016 Prelims paper we saw that current events is given good
weightage. UPSC is trying to make Prelims more broad based. But
questions are not difficult per se. Its just that it wants you to know
both facts and concepts very well both related to current events
and static part of Prelims cum Mains syllabus.
In this regard, you need to prepare comprehensively which should
cover very basics from NCERT books, daily current events and
understanding of various issues and concepts that are mentioned in
the syllabus. You should aim to have a broad understanding of all
important issues that are taking shape around you. Your knowledge
should be more broad based than in-depth.
Therefore, we have designed 2017 Timetable in such a way that, if
you religiously follow it, you will definitely clear both prelims and
Mains in 2017 attempt. Have no doubt about it.
There is no shortcut to success. You must follow the timetable and
practice all tests as many times as possible to get through. 10
Months of time is sufficient for this. Our approach is to enable you to
solve any type of question in exam (we wrote these lines under
Mission 2016, and this year our students are repeating these in
their comments after giving prelims!)
This year many of our students are scoring 140+ (from Offline)
thanks to the fact that they solved so many questions under exam
like conditions (You will read some of them validating this in their
Topper Testimonies next year). Prelims is the first hurdle which
you must cross. One must never take chances with it. You will
have a painful wait if you dont clear prelims with comfortable
For this we are going to adopt following strategy:
1. Daily Current Affairs for broad understanding of all
important issues
2. Daily Current Affairs Based Quiz to help you keep tab on
Daily Current Affars that are important for prelims
3. Comprehensive Paid Test Series for General Studies Paper
1 to score 140+ in this paper
4. Mains Self Study to cover static part + Ethics Paper
5. Daily Secure 2016 (from December Secure -2017) for
Mains Current Affairs Preparation
6. Daily Debates for Interview Preparation
These 6 initiatives are the Pillars of 2017 strategy. Follow all of them
religiously from Today till the Day of Interview, you will not be

New Features at!

We have redesigned our test series website to give you the best
experience while taking online tests.
Features of Test Series:
1. It covers only Paper 1 of Prelims syllabus.
2. All India Ranking You will see two ranks in your
dashboard: Static one based on the no. of people who give exam
a day before the next test, and another one which keeps
changing as more and more people give exams. Static rank is
more authentic as Only Serious people will be giving exams
according to strict schedule!
3. Analysis of your performance You will see graph of your
performance in various categories within each test, and also your
performance relative to others scores
4. Tests are both Mobile and Tablet friendly. But please prefer to
give tests on desktop or laptop.
5. Flexible timing. You can take tests any time and any day at
your convenience. Once a test is activated, it will be there till
Prelims 2017 for you to take it. But do your best to follow the
schedule if you want to be topper.
6. Retakes: you can take online exam only once as of now. This
is to make sure that Ranks are genuine and to
bring seriousness in exam preparation. For revision you will
have PDF file which you can download anytime. However, we
will increase number of attempts by 2 later in the month
of April 2017.
7. A PDF with questions and detailed solutions will be made
available to you after completion of test. You can also download
it ANYTIME from your dashboard. Only SINGLE PDF will be
available (Not two separate PDFs one with questions and
solutions) with your name, email DI embedded in it.
8. FAQs is provided for you to clear doubts. Please read them 1-2
times. Most of your doubts are cleared there.
9. Inclusion of REVISION Tests. Without revision, you fail. So,
we have included revision tests for you to revise periodically.
10. Minimum Sources, maximum efficiency. We have reduced
sources, but given some important sources as references. Here
minimum sources refers to less number of sources for same
topic. We have focused more on giving diverse sources to cover
diverse areas.
11. Inclusion of ETHICS tests under Mains Self Study: We have
given which topics to read for each Ethics Mains Self Study test.
prepare thoroughly and face the test.

NEW Features of Website:

1. Integrated Discussion: You can Discuss each test with! After each test, we will open discussion
thread where you can post all your test related queries. We will
address all your doubts there.
2. Rating the Test: After each test, you can review and rate it.
This helps us improve quality.
3. Motivational Blog: We will communicate with you through
dedicated Blog within Test Series website.
4. Access Insights Daily Updates in your dashboard: you
can access daily secure, current events and all other posts in
your dashboard!
5. Colourful Dynamic Dashboard: A dashing dashboard to
keep you updated and motivated
More new features will be added in future.
We have also learnt from previous mistakes and will be striving to
make our Test Series truly the best in India by introducing following
1. Explanations to each question will explain why particular
Option is correct and others are wrong. Earlier we were just
providing you the content and solution without telling you why
answer was correct or incorrect.
2. Along with explanation, we will also provide the Source for
each question i.e. page number if question is framed from
NCERT or other books, or URL (with explanation) if question is
from online source. This is done so as to let you know sources
which are important to be covered.
3. Papers will be designed just like UPSC does having questions
of Very Difficult, Difficult, Medium and Easy levels.
We wont be making entire paper tough or easy.
4. Emphasis on providing Error free question papers (at least
99%). No Typos, not spelling mistakes or any other mistakes. We
have accumulated sufficient experience to avoid such things in
future. Even if some mistakes appear, they will be addressed
soon on discussion page.
5. We will provide syllabus that you can truly manage to read in
Ten days. We have removed unwanted resources this year.
Targets will be realistic. Even if you are going to start your
preparation today, you can be assured of clearing Prelims with
By the time you complete Insights IAS test series and daily targets,
you will master NCERT books, all standard books (including
Economic Survey and India 2016) and current events.
Daily current events, daily Quiz and a strict Timetable to follow once
in every Ten Day will help you stay focused every day. Learning will
be made truly fun and rewarding. You will be in charge of your
exam preparation. You will be in charge of your Rank.
Nearly 60 (indirect or direct questions) appeared from our IAS test
series in Prelims in 2015. We are hoping more than 70 questions
have repeated in 2016 Prelims. Comments are pouring in telling us
how our test series helped them get 120+ or 130+ in Prelims (fruit
of their hard work). Based on this feedback we are assuring you that
you too will clear Prelims provided you solve all tests.

2017 Mains Preparation

Mains preparation depends how well you master both current
events and static concepts, and learn to integrate both in
your answers.
Mastering current events depends on two factors:
Understanding background information and analysing particular
issue from exam point of view. Here, our current affairs helps.
While you prepare for Prelims you will be reading current events
from prelims point of view. At the same time, if you follow secure
and current affairs, you will also read them from Mains perspective.
In addition to these, when you solve Mains Self Study questions, you
will slowly learn how to include static points even in answers to
current events based questions. This comes through rigorous
You must answer at least 3-4 questions daily either in your
notebook or on website to improve your writing and analytical skills.
We want to see your name in top 50. Lets do whatever takes it to
do it.

What about static part?

Mains Self Study tests are the answer. Questions will be based
on same Timetable as for Prelims Test Series. So that your
preparation is fully integrated.
This is a FREE feature. Timetable will be available on website.
When you prepare for Prelims Tests, you will also have to read
books from Mains perspective. Questions will be framed from the
sources we have mentioned in the Schedule. Extra sources will be
mentioned from Mains perspective whenever needed.
Coupled with Prelims Test Series and Secure Questions, Mains Self
Study Guide 2016 will be a gamechanger.
You will comprehensively prepare for UPSC civil services exam
2017 without the aid of coaching institutions (go for them for
Optional subject if you need it).
This year, we will post Mains Self Study questions with clock like
precision on each day of the Test.

There will be no confusion what to follow or what not to follow.

Roadmap is crystal clear. Those who follow till the end, will always
succeed. This is a fact borne out of our experience and observation.
Without confusion if you stick to this roadmap, you will be on
warpath to face both Prelims and Mains in 2017 with lots of
confidence. If you are still in doubt, you can read testimonies
by Toppers.
If you are aiming to get rank in 2017, dont wait longer!
From this August to Next November you will be super busy. This is
an advantage as it will keep you away from distractions and help
you focus on what matters most for you i.e. getting a rank in your
very first attempt.

Then, what about Interview?

Preparation for interview doesnt and shouldnt start after Mains
result. It is a continuous process along with your Prelims and Mains
What matters most in interview is your personality. Honesty,
integrity, clarity of pressing issues, basic understanding of concepts,
good articulation of thoughts and humility are the factors that
decide outcome in interview.
Please read two interview related posts which we posted this year
and understand the essence of personality test.
No initiative can help you improve your personality. Your or anyone
is basically a very good person at heart. That goodness should
dominate your personality.
But few initiatives can help you form opinion on various issues and
learn the opinion of experts in their fields. In this regard, our Daily
Debates, Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV debate summaries will
help you immensely.
Debating a particular topic gives you clarity on the issue. It helps
you refine your views and improves depth of understanding.
Therefore, you should at the end of the day make it a habit to
participate in Daily Debates. We ask such questions that can be
asked in interview too. In Secure also we ask questions, especially
under Ethics heading, which can be asked in interview.
Many aspirants who are posting comments at Daily Debates have
told us how they have improved in understanding issues. Also
the fear of writing is gone for most of them. Take Daily Debates
Seriously and participate in it.
Preparing beforehand is always better. Interview is extremely
important in getting you a rank. Therefore, while preparing for
prelims and Mains, please prepare for interview too.

What to Do in a Day?
1. Read The Hindu for 1-2 hours in the morning
2. Start answering at least 3-4 Secure questions Daily (even if you
are starting preparation now). This takes 3-4 hours in the
beginning and later gets reduced to 1-2 hours.
3. Start Preparing for Next Insights Mock test prepare small
timetable of your own i.e. Day-1 Class VI Science, Day 2
Class VI Social Science etc and study for 3-4 hours.
4. Read Daily Current Affairs for 1 hour
5. Solve Quiz (10 20 minutes)
6. Participate in Daily Debates for 15-20 minutes
7. While having lunch or dinner, watch Rajya Sabha TV debate
8. Revise Secure, Current Events, Quiz and Test Portion for 1-2
9. Sleep for 6-7 hours.
In the beginning all this takes 10-12 hours to follow. But if you stick
to this and follow it for a month, you will be able to manage all these
things within 8-10 hours! try it.
Keep separate Notebooks for all initiatives and write in them

Most Important Secret Behind Success :

Your Consistency!
We and others will give you many strategies and
roadmaps. Ultimately it rests on you. If you consistently follow a
strategy, it will work for you. It worked for many people. They got
ranks in Top 10, 25 and 100.
We believe that YOU can get a rank. You should and you must. You
are going to work hard and you will be proud of your achievement.
Have no doubt about this.
Just make sure that you are consistent.

Finally, The TIMETABLE

This years timetable is designed carefully to prepare you
for any kind of test that UPSC throws at you. We bet that if
you follow our timetable from Day-1 to the last Day, and
revise our tests 2 to 3 times, You will definitely score 140+
in 2017 Prelims.
Take print outs of timetable. Keep them with you always and follow
Please download them from below links. We sincerely thank you for
showing us constant support.

Insights Prelims Test Series 2017 SCHEDULE (PDF)

Insights Prelims Test Series 2017 SCHEDULE (EXCEL)
Note: The same Timetable will be followed for Offline Prelims
Program as well. More details on offline program will be
posted shortly.

This is the right time to start preparing for UPSC civil services exam
2016 and aim for a rank without worrying about extra attempts. It
doesnt matter whether 2016 would be your first, second, third or
last attempt, it must be your final attempt with your goal achieved.
After all, you want to be a civil servant, mostly IAS/IPS/IFS officer.
You dont want to settle for another post. You dont want to spend
another year and give exam in 2017. It doesnt matter whether you
are a working person or someone who is devoting full time into this
exam preparation, or whether you are starting at the age of 28, 29
or 30: getting a decent rank in civil services exam is a realistic goal.
It also doesnt matter whether you are married or unmarried; a
fresher or experienced. If you make up your mind to achieve the
goal of securing good rank in CSE, you can achieve it.
All you need is a proper guidance and right strategy that boosts
your confidence day by day and helps you stay focused till you
achieve your dream.
After seeing many toppers very closely and interacting with them
on a regular basis, we have discovered that only
dedicated, consistent and focused efforts will bear fruit. If you try
to follow too many strategies, read too many materials, search for
too many sources and seek too many guidances, chances of clearing
this exam within one attempt are slim (but not impossible). One
can still clear this exam by trial and error, but these experiments
will waste many precious years of your life. You will be exhausted
by then. You might also lose your original motivation for joining civil
You must strive to succeed in one best attempt. This is what the
following write-up will try to address.
In this article, we are going to outline a Strategy for 2016 with an
Aim to assist you to reach your goal. Our role is to assist by giving
you a roadmap and guidance. The 99% of the work is to be done
by you. We are just facilitators.
You must have faith to follow any strategy by
any experienced persons in this field that you want to follow. You
can follow any strategy, they all will work for you. But please
follow just one strategy or utmost two if each act as
complimentary. Many toppers provide strategies they think that
worked for them, many websites give their own strategies that they
think will work for their followers. You should have faith in theirs or
ours strategy and choose the one best suits you.
Below, we will give you a strategy that worked for many toppers.
They have already mentioned it through various articles on
this website. The aim of our strategy is to not just keep your
preparation streamlined, but to assist you in securing a top rank.
Our entire emphasis will be on Self Study. Only through self study
you can be contented and achieve good rank. Of course coaching
helps, we believe, only for Optional subject and not for General
Studies papers.
We do not believe in spoonfeeding. You might have realised it if
you have followed our initiatives. We started Answer Writing
Challenges for the first time and now everywhere it is being
implemented which is a good thing. It is a welcome step as it
improves the quality of answers in Mains and helps build healthy
competition. Also more platforms should come up with such
initiatives to help reach most aspirants.
We are aware that there are only 1000+ ranks and everyone can not
get a rank. It is a fact that everyone will work hard , but not
consistently. Most also do not follow a single strategy (this is a fact
and we want to be honest with you). But those who consistently
follow will eventually end up getting a rank this year or next year.
You should one of them. You can easily get rank in your very first
attempt (please read this). You dont have to be super brilliant to do
There are only 2-3 thousand people who consistently toil every day
to achieve their dream without wasting their time on too many
strategies. You are competing with only few thousand serious
aspirants. You will be one among these 2-3 thousand if you stay
focused and consistent. You must commit yourself from now itself to
follow your heart and never waver in your faith. Choose which works
best for you and follow it. Faith can do wonders.
What we will try to do is to just show you the path which worked for
our students. We try to motivate you now and then when we think
you need it most. We honestly believe it is a lonely journey no
matter how many people tend to support you in this journey. You
must do self study and excel. Of course we and everyone will always
be there to extend moral support.
This strategy seeks to give you a roadmap that will keep you
occupied, very busy and focused till the Interview stage of 2016 civil
services exam.
Your preparation must be Integrated one i.e. Prelims + Mains +
Interview oriented. The present pattern is such that an integrated
approach is the only way to excel in it.
How to do this?
Target 130+ Marks in Prelims
For Prelims preparation you need to
prepare comprehensively which should cover very basics from
NCERT books, daily current events and understanding of various
issues and concepts that are mentioned in the syllabus. As said
earlier, there is not shortcut to success. You have to read all relevant
books and materials and practice as many questions as possible to
get through. 10 Months of time is sufficient for this. Our approach is
to enable you to solve any type of question in exam. In 2014
many of our students are scoring 125+ thanks to the fact that they
solved so many questions. Prelims is the first hurdle which you must
cross. One must never take chances with it. Hence, our focus will be
on providing comprehensive roadmap in this regard.
For this we are going to adopt following strategy:
1. Daily Current Events
2. Daily Current Events Based Quiz
3. Comprehensive Paid Test Series for General Studies Paper 1
from October 2015 (more details will be shared later)
4. CSAT Online Free Fortnightly Test from February 2016
This year Our Test Series will be Online Based. This will include
following features:
1. You can solve timed test online and know your performance
2. You will get a PDF copy of your result (containing both
Questions and Detailed Solutions)
3. Analysis of your performance in various categories of questions
4. All India Ranking
These are the basic features. Much more will be included once we
start Test Series.

We have also learnt from previous mistakes and will be striving to

make our Test Series truly the best in India by introducing following
1. A dedicated discussion page for each test where unlike
past, every doubt raised by you will be addressed and resolved
by our team members
2. Explanations to each question will explain why particular
Option is correct and others are wrong. Earlier we were just
providing you the content and solution without telling you why
answer was correct or incorrect.
3. Along with explanation, we will also provide the Source for
each question i.e. page number if question is framed from
NCERT or other books, or URL (with explanation) if question is
from online source. This is done so as to let you know sources
which are important to be covered.
4. Papers will be designed just like UPSC does having questions
of Very Difficult, Difficult, Medium and Easy levels. We wont
be making entire paper tough or easy.
5. Emphasis on providing Error free question papers (at least
99%). No Typos, not spelling mistakes or any other mistakes. We
have accumulated sufficient experience to avoid such things in
future. Even if some mistakes appear, they will be addressed
soon on discussion page.
6. We will provide syllabus that you can truly manage to read in
Ten days (this is the gap period between each test). Targets will
be realistic. Even if you are going to start your preparation
today, you can be assured of clearing Prelims with ease.
By the time you complete test series and daily targets, you
will master NCERT books, all standard books (including Economic
Survey and India 2016) and current events.
Daily current events, daily Quiz and a strict Timetable to follow once
in every Ten Day will help you stay focused every day. Learning will
be made truly fun and rewarding. You will be in charge of your
exam preparation. You will be in charge of your Rank.
Nearly 60 (indirect or direct questions) appeared from our test series
in Prelims 2014. Hundreds have mailed us telling us how our tests
helped them get 120+ or 130+ in Prelims (fruit of their hard work).
Based on this feedback we are assuring you that you too will clear
Prelims provided you solve all tests.
(More details will be provided on entire design of Prelims
Test Series later. A detailed timetable will be posted within
next Two Days)
Mains Preparation:
Mains preparation depends how well you master both current
events and static concepts.
Mastering current events depends on two factors:
Understanding background information and analysing particular
issue from exam point of view.
While you prepare for Prelims you will be reading current events
from prelims point of view. You will understand the issues if you
read our current events (we provide background information for
almost all articles).
But to analyse an issue, you must start answer writing practice.
This is where Secure 2016 will help (Secure 2015 till
December). You must answer at least 2-3 questions daily either in
your notebook or on website to improve your writing and analytical
See, your aim is to get in top 100 or in top 50 in 2016. There is no
What about static part?
Apart from what we are already posting for Mains 2015 aspirants
(Free offline tests), we will start a Mains Self Study guide
for 2016 Aspirants as well. Questions will be based on same
Timetable as for Prelims Test Series. So that your preparation
is not haphazard, time consuming and is streamlined.
For 2016, targets will have names of sources too. But this will be
a FREE feature. Timetable will be available on website. When you
prepare for Prelims Tests, you will also have to read books
from Mains perspective. Questions will be framed from the
sources we mention in the Schedule. Extra sources will be
mentioned from Mains perspective whenever needed.
Coupled with Prelims Test Series and Secure Questions, Mains Self
Study Guide 2016 will be a gamechanger. You will comprehensively
prepare for UPSC civil services exam 2016 without the aid of
coaching institutions (go for them for Optional subject if you need
There will be no confusion what to follow or what not to follow.
Roadmap is crystal clear. Those who follow till the end, will always
succeed. This is a fact borne out of our experience and observation.
Without confusion if you stick to this roadmap, you will be on
warpath to face both Prelims and Mains in 2016 with lots of
confidence. If you are still in doubt, you can read testimonies
by Toppers.
Also, you will be Mains ready by the time you write Prelims 2016!
After Prelims you can immediately start again with renewed focus.
This time it will be only revision, more writing practice, more
revision and updation of current events.
Icing on the cake is that we are planning to take
consistently performing students as our students at our offline
class irrespective of whether you are fresher, veteran or a rank-
This program is well suited for those who want to go for a rank at
any cost in 2016.
From this October to Next November you will be super busy. This is
an advantage as it will keep you away from distractions and help
you focus on what matters most for you i.e. getting a rank in your
very first attempt.
What about Optional subjects?
We will continue Optional Answer Writing Challenges after Mains
2015 too but in a systematic way. So that you can practice for
Optional as well.
Optional subjects will not be neglected. You should not neglect it
either. There are rumours about pattern change etc. Until everything
is official, one must go on preparing keeping in mind demands of the
present pattern.
Then, what about Interview?
Preparation for interview doesnt and shouldnt start after Mains
result. It is a continuous process along with your Prelims and Mains
What matters most in interview is your personality. Honesty,
integrity, clarity of pressing issues, basic understanding of concepts,
good articulation of thoughts and humility are the factors that
decide outcome in interview.
No initiative can help you improve your personality. Your or anyone
is basically a very good person at heart. That goodness should
dominate your personality.
But few initiatives can help you form opinion on various issues and
learn the opinion of experts in their fields. In this regard, our Daily
Debates, Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV debate summaries will
help you immensely.
Debating a particular topic gives you clarity on the issue. It helps
you refine your views and improves depth of understanding.
Therefore, you should at the end of the day make it a habit to
participate in Daily Debates. We ask such questions that can be
asked in interview too. In Secure also we ask questions, especially
under Ethics heading, which can be asked in interview.
Many aspirants who are posting comments at Daily Debates have
told us how they have improved in understanding issues. Also
the fear of writing is gone for most of them.
Preparing beforehand is always better. Interview is extremely
important in getting you a rank. Therefore, while preparing for
prelims and Mains, please prepare for interview too.
This is not overload:
These initiatives might appear like lot to do every day. But it is very
simple if you follow a disciplined timetable:
Morning you can read The Hindu and do Secure Questions.
Afternoon devote time for Optional. In the evening prepare daily for
next Test. Before going to bed, spend Two hours for Daily Debate,
reading current events, Lok Sabha TV/Rajya Sabha TV summaries
and for revision of entire day work.
This is just a suggestion. You can spend time as per your priorities
and your convenience. Everyone has their own style of preparation.
But broadly speaking, what we like to tell is that it is easily
manageable every day. Reserve Sunday for revision of entire weeks
Most Important Secret Behind Success is: Your Consistency!
We and others will give you many strategies and
roadmaps. Ultimately it rests on you. If you consistently follow a
strategy, it will work for you. It worked for many people. They got
ranks in Top 10, 25 and 100.
We believe that YOU can get a rank. You should and you must. You
are going to work hard and you will be proud of your achievement.
Have no doubt.
Follow this strategy if you believe this will help you achieve your
dream. If you are skeptical, at least give it a try. We wont claim ours
is best and will never ask you not to follow other strategies. Please
follow and take others suggestions as long as they help you. But
certainly this strategy is the one that worked for many in the past
and we are certain that this will work for you too. We will never
compromise on quality.
There is nothing new or unique about this strategy. But this is the
one that works because its emphasis is on Self Study. Every topper
will tell you that it is Self Study that ultimately helps you win this
battle. Also, your self respect will never be compromised. You will be
more proud when you realise that you succeeded solely relying on
your hard work.
Note: Within two days, we will announce detailed
Timetable for 2016 (Prelims test series + 2016 Mains self study
guide). So that you can plan accordingly and start preparation in a
streamlined way immediately.
Lets start our journey together.

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