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University of Eastern Pangasinan

Binalonan, Pangasinan

Management of Human Behavior in an Organizations

Final Examination

School Year 2020-2021

Name: __APRIL JOY L. OBEDOZA____ Course & Section: __BSA 2____

Test I. Identification

Instruction: Identify the right word/words. Write your answer from the space provided.

_ Take a break between tasks __1. When doing a lot of tasks without a break, it is harder to stay
focused and motivated.

__ Remove non-essential tasks/activities _2. It is important to remove excess activities or tasks.

__ Poor workflow __3. The inability to plan ahead and stick to goals means poor efficiency.

__ work culture __4. It promotes healthy relationship amongst the employees.

___ Poor reputation __5. If clients or your employer cannot rely on you to complete tasks in a timely
manner, their expectations and perceptions of you are adversely affected.

___ Decision Making ___6. The act or process of making choices or decisions with a group of people,
especially in business or politics.

__ Identify the alternatives ___7. With relevant information now at your fingertips, identify possible
solutions to your problem.

___ Take action ___8. Develop a plan to make your decision tangible and achievable. 

___ Strategic plan __9. It is important in the development of any business organization.

____ Culture ____10. It decides the way employees interact at their workplace
Test II. Question and Answer Portion

Instruction: Answer the two questions with at least 5 sentences. Write your answer from the space

Question: From the output you made, what learning you learned and how do you apply that in your
day to day endeavor? (15 points)

The topic that we discussed last time which is about decision making is not only limited for the relevance
of our academic requirements but also plays an important aspect in our daily lives. Decision making has
a big impact in order for us to pull away from uncertainty or an undesirable outcome and also to achieve
our own objectives in life. We make a decision thoroughly to solve our problems or to make a plan for
better result. For example you have to make a decision of what path you want to pursue or a chosen
course. Decision making is a process that plays an important role in our daily lives. Some decisions are
not that important whereas other important decisions, when carefully carried out, can change the
course of our lives.

Decision making can be quite tricky and challenging in some cases. It is hence important to gather as
much information from different sources and evaluate all possible alternatives to the problem or
situation at hand before making a decision. Doing so will allow us to arrive at the best possible solution
for the problem. That was based on my experience like when I choose what course I will take. My
decision wasn’t an overnight one. It took me a couple of months of research and consultations with
friends, and my professors when I was in senior high school to make a decision. I also asked them if I’m
fit to that course, because that kind of decision may affect my future. We face a numerous problems
every day that needed a right decision to solve. Through our report it enhance more my knowledge in
decision making, its steps for making a decision and etc.

Question: From the output you made, among the members of your team, to whom do you give the
highest grade? And what grade? Why? (15 points)

To be frankly I will confidently give the highest grade for myself. It doesn’t mean that I’m being arrogant,
what I meant is I deserve to get the highest grade because I know to myself that I gave my very best in
that output. In everything that I always do, I totally and exert my 101 %. Others are always saying that
I’m too competitive but I didn’t see any wrong on it. I choose myself to have the highest grade because
whom will gonna be proud of you, if you also are not. Being proud of yourself is just another way of
saying you have a strong sense of self-worth. People who are proud of themselves tend to have a great
passion for life, feel content and grateful, and are excellent at motivating others just like I am.

It doesn’t mean that they are not that good, but with that question I will always say that it’s me. It was
so hard for me to gain this confidence since I’m so reserve and shy way back then. Being proud is not
necessarily bad. What is bad is selfish pride. Believing yourself to be of greater importance or value
compared to others. We are all equally important and of very great value. There is absolutely nothing
wrong in being proud of who you are today. Have good self-esteem and confidence. Be proud over your
success for no one else would do it for you. No one else can have the same pride over your success than
you can.

Test III. Pic me Out!

Instruction: Explain the picture below. Make your own interpretation. (15 points)

Time management is an important trait for us to be embody to make our daily works flow calmly and in
the right way. Here is the time management tips, we have set goal correctly first, it will serve as your
basis on what will you gonna do, Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It
focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that
you can make the most of your life. Then you have to prioritize wisely, on a regular basis, prioritizing not
only makes a person more efficient at daily work-related activities, but also gives them the latitude to
focus on their personal goals. It helps strike the right balance to handle both, their professional and
personal life. Next is set a time limit, mostly if we know that we still have that long time to do, it makes
us slow to do our works but if we set a time limit you will forcedly act on your works.

Then take breaks between task, it will help to reduce or prevent stress, help to maintain performance
throughout the day and reduce the need for a long recovery at the end of the day. Fifth, you have to
organize yourself, through this you can increase your productivity. By keeping organized, you will save
time looking for things and will have more time to work on important tasks. Next is remove non-
essential task and focus on the essential one. It will help you to forward faster just like in a road you will
travel faster without any blocks. And lastly, plan ahead, Planning ahead is an important aspect of dream
achieving process. By planning ahead, you become proactive and foresee issues or roadblocks that may
come your way and therefore plan the actions to avoid the roadblocks or face them confidently. Those
tips are very essential in our daily lives to manage our time, so we have to keep this in our mind to live
our lives flow gently.

Test IV. What I Have Learned!

Instruction: Write your learning from this subject, Management of Human Behavior in an Organizations
from the space provided.

I’ve learned a lot of things in this subject that will truly help me in the future as being a professional.
Organization activity, culture, aspects and etc. that we learned affects the daily lives of all people, as
they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. At some point in our lives, we, students will encounter
the world of business or being in an organization since it is the path we chose. Therefore, we must be
prepared to engage in business activity with confidence and competence, by understanding how
businesses or an organization function and the role it plays in our society. I familiarize with the skills that
are required in the business or organization environment and the impact these skills can have on their
own lives and on society.

HBO not only involves studying individuals, communities, and organizations, it involves also assessing
their needs and problems, as well as generating solutions. This subject build a strong foundation for us
students who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as management,
international business, marketing, accounting, information and communication technology, or
entrepreneurship. It will also provide practical skills for those who wish to move directly into the
workplace. I learned in this subject a new, practical context for many aspects such as culture and values
in an organization and human behavior as well. I also learned and understand in this subject on how
managers and employees makes people behave the way they do in an organization. That’s why I am so
grateful to have this kind of subject that helps us not just now but plays a major aspect in the future.

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