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LUKE10:25-37, LUKE 6: 31

Seyi was very sad because she did not receive any gift from friends on her birthday.
Her mother noticed that she was sad and asked her why. Seyi voiced out the reason
for her sadness and her mother asked her. 'When was the last time you gave
somebody a gift on their birthday?' Seyi replied that she couldnt remember!

Many of us are like Seyi. We feel sad when people treat us the way we treat them or
others. Especially where love is concerned. We just go on and on, saying people do
not love us, people are selfish and other statements like that. But the truth is we
have never taken the time to check if we show love to other people or if we do the
things we expect others to do to us.

In Luke 10: 25-37, Jesus tells a parable of the good Samaritan who showed
compassion on the man who was wounded by thieves. In the same passage, we also
read of the priest and the levite that saw this man and passed the other way. Quite
a number of us are like the levite and the priest. We do not show love to other
people even if they are in need, but we expect to receive love from people.

Luke 6:31 is also known as the golden rule. If you want love from people, show love
to others. If you want help from people, help others. It is what you show to people
that they reflect back to you.

This does not only apply to helping people or giving gifts to people, it also applies in
our attitude to people. We should respect people, not look down on them, and they
would reciprocate that respect, that love, that help. Let us love somebody, let us be
examples of what we expect from others.

And just as you want men to do

to you, you also do to them

Luke 6:31

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