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Letter to Judges

I am Hadiqa Rehan and I am 18 years old. For my senior project, I decided to do something

related to computers and coding. Because this was a community service project, I related my

project to something I feel strongly about, and that is helping people in difficult or unfortunate

situations. For my project, I planned to program a drone to transport supplies using GPS in

locations where traditional roads cannot reach.

Throughout this project, I learned a lot of coding. The main coding language I learned was c++

which was used in some of the demonstration in the Hour of Code the school hosted. I also

learned just how many people were dying due to starvation and lack of medical utensils in the

world. Both these problems could be resolved if humanitarian aid agencies implemented drones

to deliver supplies in needed areas.

Lastly, I would like to thank the judges for taking time out of their busy schedules to look at my

portfolio and judging my project.

Jazak Allahu Khair,

Hadiqa Rehan

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