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expensive restaurant

beautiful town

The waterfall is located at kilometer 22 via San Gil - Charal, in the department of Santander.
Is an amazing place, with lots of vegetation. We can walk, swim and to practice torrentismo.
You can enjoy all day. We are coming back very happy and wet. You must not throw your
garbage on the floor, there are litter bins on the way. You can visit any day of the year. The
waterfall is picking up during the rain.

La cascada se encuentra en el kilmetro 22 va San Gil - Charal, en el departamento

de Santander. Es un lugar increble, con mucha vegetacin. Podemos caminar, nadar y
practicar el torrentismo. Puedes disfrutar todo el da. Estamos regresando muy feliz y
hmedo. Usted no debe tirar su basura en el piso, hay botes de basura en el camino.
Puede visitar cualquier da del ao. La cascada est recogiendo durante la lluvia.

Good morning
I present second contribution
The ideal place to go on vacations: Tayrona National Park
How to get to this place and where it is located
The tayrona Park is located 34 kilometers from the city of Santa Marta. We can
travel by car or plane to Santa Marta. Must be canceled at the get in and
continues walk on until the trail. The hotel can be reached on foot or get on
horseback along the trails.

What does the weather look like in this place?

Climate varies from temperate to warm. On mornings much heat feels on the
beach. Evenings can be cold near vegetation. The park has a moist forest
where you can see varied vegetation.
What specific facilities does this place have (description)?
The Park has different beaches where you can swim and others where only you
can see the landscape, stay away from high waves

The restaurants are varied, everyone gets to sample the food at different
prices. The trails are four, and are classified according to the difficulty. The
pueblito Chairama and Museum to learn about the tayrona culture.
What activities can you do in this place?
In the Park you can walk about by the trail, take pictures and videos. Tourists
can dive in around the island. Tourists will be able to tour the museum to
educate the Tayrona culture. In the park you can relax, enjoy the beaches,
camp, and play sports.

El parque tayrona esta ubicado a 34 kilometros de la ciudad de Santa Marta.

Para llegar al parque se puede ir en bus o en avin a Santa marta, y de all ir en
bus hasta la entrada del parque. Se debe cancelar al entrar. Puedes ir
caminando o en un pequeo colectivo del parque, de all inician los senderos
que pueden ir caminando o ir montados en caballo hasta el hospedaje.
El parque tiene diferentes playas donde se puede observar el paisaje y
mantenerse lejos por las olas y otras para nadar.
Los restaurantes son variados, todos pueden probar la comida a diferentes
Los senderos son cuatro, y se clasifican de acuerdo a la dificultad.
El pueblito Chairama y museo para conocer la cultura tayrona.

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