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Contact point: -
First test topper:-

Shortcut description
Ctrl+o open
Ctrl+a select all matter
Ctrl+b bold select matter
Ctrl+c copy
Ctrl+d open the font preferences
Ctrl+e center
Ctrl+f open find box
Ctrl+g grid
Ctrl+I italic selection
Ctrl+j justify
Ctrl+k hyperlink
Ctrl+l left
Ctrl+m indent the paragraph
Ctrl+p print
Ctrl+r right
Ctrl+s save
Ctrl+t create a hanging indent
Ctrl+u underline
Ctrl+v paste
Ctrl+x cut
Ctrl+y redo
Ctrl+y delete the current line
Ctrl+z undo
Ctrl+shift+l quickly create a bullet point
Ctrl+shift+f change the font
Ctrl+shift+> increase the font
Ctrl+] increase select font
Ctrl+shift+< decrease select font
Ctrl+ [ decrease select font
Ctrl+/+c insert a cent sign ()
Ctrl+shift+* view or hide non printing character
Ctrl+<left arrow> move one word to the left
Ctrl+<right arrow> move one word to the right
Ctrl+ Del deletes word to right of cursor
Ctrl+ backspace deletes word to left of cursor
Ctrl+end move the cursor end of document
Ctrl+home move the cursor start of document
Ctrl+spacebar reset highlighted text to the default font
Ctrl+1, 2, 5 line spacing
Ctrl+1, 2, 3 change text to heading 1, 2, 3
Alt+Ctrl+f2 open new document
Ctrl+f2 print preview
Ctrl+shift+f12 print the document
Shift+insert paste
Ctrl +insert copy
Shift+alt+d insert the current date
Shift+alt+t insert the current time
Alt+tab switch between open applications
Ctrl+ esc bring up start menu
F2 rename select item
F5 refresh contents
Alt+ f4 close current open programs
Ctrl+f4 close windows in programs
Alt+enter open properties windows of
select icon or programs
Shift+f10 simulate right click on select item
Shift+Del delete the programs permanently
Winkly+m minimize all windows
Winkly+e open my computer
Winkly+r open the run box
Winkly+l lock the computer
Ctrl+n new page
F7 spelling & grammar
Contact point: -
Second test topper:-
Shortcut description
F12 Save as
Shift+f12 save
Ctrl+alt+del restart the system
Ctrl+o open
Ctrl+a select all matter
Ctrl+b bold select matter
Ctrl+c copy
Ctrl+d open the font preferences
Ctrl+e center
Ctrl+f open find box
Ctrl+g grid
Ctrl+I italic selection
Ctrl+j justify
Ctrl+k hyperlink
Ctrl+l left
Ctrl+m indent the paragraph
Ctrl+p print
Ctrl+r right
Ctrl+s save
Ctrl+t create a hanging indent
Ctrl+u underline
Ctrl+v paste
Ctrl+x cut
Ctrl+y redo
Ctrl+y delete the current line
Ctrl+z undo
Ctrl+shift+l quickly create a bullet point
Contact point: -
Third test topper:-

Run command shortcut-

1. Reamot desktop mstsc

2. Shutdown windows shutdown
3. Shound &audio mmsys.cpl
4. Task manager taskmgr
5. Wordpad write
6. Windows explorer explorer

Shortcut description
Ctrl+shift+< decrease select font
Ctrl+ [ decrease select font
Ctrl+/+c insert a cent sign ()
Ctrl+shift+* view or hide non printing character
Ctrl+<left arrow> move one word to the left
Ctrl+<right arrow> move one word to the right
Ctrl+ Del deletes word to right of cursor
Ctrl+ backspace deletes word to left of cursor
Ctrl+end move the cursor end of document
Ctrl+home move the cursor start of document
Ctrl+spacebar reset highlighted text to the default font
Ctrl+1, 2, 5 line spacing
Ctrl+1, 2, 3 change text to heading 1, 2, 3
Alt+Ctrl+f2 open new document
Ctrl+f2 print preview
Ctrl+shift+f12 print the document
Shift+insert paste
Ctrl +insert copy
Shift+alt+d insert the current date
Shift+alt+t insert the current time

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