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MS Windows:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

+ Pause Show System Properties

+R Open the Run dialog box

+X Open Mobility Center

Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder

F11 Full Screen

Alt + P Display the preview pane

+ Esc Exit Magnifier

+ 1 to 9 Open Taskbar Apps

+ / Split Windows

MS Windows:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Alt + Enter See Properties

Alt + Tab Switch Between Open Programs

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager

+F Open Search

+M Minimize All

+L Lock Your PC

+D Display the desktop

Shift + F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

Shift + Delete Permanently Delete

MS Excel:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Alt + Shift + F1 Insert New Worksheet

Ctrl + Shift + : Add Time

Ctrl + ; Add Date

Ctrl + Shift + $ Apply The Currency Format

Ctrl + Shift + % Apply The Percentage Format

Ctrl + Shift + ^ Apply The Exponential Format

Shift + Spacebar Select Row

Ctrl + Spacebar Select Column

Shift + F3 Insert Function

Ctrl + Shift + ~ Apply The General Format

Ctrl + T Insert Table

MS Excel:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

F2 Edit Cell

Alt + (=) Auto Sum

Ctrl + N New Workbook

Shift + F2 Insert Cell Comment

Alt + I + R Insert Row

Alt + I + C Insert Column

Ctrl + → Go to Last Column

Ctrl + ↓ Go to Last Row

Ctrl + ( Hide Row

Ctrl + Shift + ( Unhide Row

Alt + W,Q Zoom

MS Word:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Ctrl + 5 Set 1. 5 line space

Ctrl + 2 Double line space

Ctrl + 1 Single line Space

Ctrl + Shift + D Double Underline

F7 Spelling Check

Alt + Shift + T Add Time

Ctrl + Shift + Q Change text into Symbol

Shift + F7 Launch the Thesaurus

Ctrl + F Find

Ctrl + H Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print

MS Word:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Ctrl + Enter Page Break

Shift + F1 Review Text Formatting

F4 Perform Last Action

Shift + F3 Change your text case

Ctrl + Shift + C Copy formatting

Ctrl + Shift + V Paste formatting

Ctrl + W Close MS Word

F12 Save As

Ctrl + J Justify

Ctrl + Shift + > Make Your Text Big

Ctrl + Shift + < Make Your Text Small

MS Word:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Ctrl + End Go to end of the Page

Esc Cancel

Alt + Shift + D Add Date

Ctrl + Insert Copy

Alt + Ctrl + S Split Doc

Ctrl + Num(5) Select All

Ctrl + F1 Show / Hide Ribbon

Ctrl + = Subscript

Ctrl + Shift + (+) Super Script

Ctrl + Home Go to home of the Page

Ctrl + K Add Hyperlink

MS Power Point:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Esc End Show

F5 Start From Beginning Slide

Ctrl + D Duplicate

Shift+F5 Slideshow from current slide

Ctrl + M Insert and new slide

Shift + Alt + F9 Show Ruler

Shift + F9 Show Gridlines

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