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Sample Problems for Quiz 1

1. Sixteen kg of air at 101.325kPa and 77oF is compressed into a 12x14cm reciprocating

compressor with 14% clearance. If the delivery is 4.0 bars, determine:
a) volume at the start of expansion, b) volume at the start of compression,
c) actual volume of air compressed, and d) work of compressor.
2. A two-stage compression system with intercooling finally delivers compressed air at
8.0bars. Air at 26oC and 101.325kPa enters the 15.24 x15.24cm reciprocating low
pressure compressor having 12% clearance. Determine: a) volume at the start of suction
at LP compressor, b) actual volume of air compressed at LP compressor, c) actual mass
of air compressed at LP compressor, and d) work of two-stage compressor.

Sample Problems for Quiz 2

1. Air at 26oC enters the compressor of the gas turbine system that has a compression
ratio of 4.38. if the temperature after expansion is 497oC, determine: a) temperature
before heat addition, b) pressure ratio, c) temperature after heat addition,
d) intermediate temperature that would yield maximum work, and e) thermal efficiency.
2. Air at 27oC enters the compressor of the gas turbine system that has a compression
ratio of 4.4. If the temperature after expansion is 450oC, determine: a) amount of heat
added, b) amount of heart rejected, c) compressor work, d) turbine work, and
e) net work.
Sample Problem for Quiz 3

1. A four cylinder, 2.5L SI engine operates on a four-stroke air-standard Otto cycle at

3000rpm. The engine has a compression ratio of 8.6 and stroke-to-bore ratio of 1.025.
The heat generated during combustion is 19492kJ. At the start of compression stroke
conditions in the cylinder combustion chamber are 100kPa and 60oC. Determine:
a) bore and stroke, b) mass of gas mixture (or air) in the cylinder before compression,
c) clearance volume, d) pressure before heat rejection and e) net work.
2. A 3.5 liter 4 cylinder CI engine with 8% clearance has its initial conditions 1.01 bar and
25oC runs at 3000rpm. Other pertinent data are: 72% mechanical efficiency, 63% brake
efficiency, 1.75 pressure ratio and 96.14kPa mean indicated pressure. Analyzing a
single cylinder, determine: a) clearance volume, b) indicated work, c) brake work,
d) cycle work, and e) compression ratio.

Sample Problems for Quiz 4

1. Steam at 2.0MPa and 350oC is introduced into the steam turbine for expansion in the
following pressure stages: 1.2MPa and 0.9MPa. The condenser pressure in 0.35MPa.
Draw the schematic, T-s and h-s diagrams and using only the Mollier chart determine: a)
amount of heat added, b) turbine work, c) heat rejected and d) thermal efficiency.
2. 41kg/m of steam at 1.2MPa and 290oC leaves the boiler to expand in the following
pressure stages of the steam turbine: 0.6MPa and 0.35Mpa. If the steam leaves the
boiler at 0.20MPa. Draw the schematic, T-s and h-s diagrams and using only the Mollier
chart determine: a) amount of heat added, b) turbine work, c) heat rejected and
d) Thermal efficiency.
Sample Problems for Quiz 5

1. 30 kg of steam at 3.5MPa and 380oC enters the steam turbine to expand to 2.5MPa,
then to 1.8MPa after which it is reheated and re-enters the steam turbine at 300oC. It
further expands to 1.4MPa then to 1.0MPa where it is reheated to 290oC. It re-enters the
steam turbine and expands until the 0.4MPa. If the condenser pressure is 0.26MPa,
draw the schematic, T-s and h-s diagram and determine: a) total amount of heat added,
b) heat rejected, c) turbine work and d) thermal efficiency.
2. 30kg of steam at 3.5MPa and 410oC enters the steam turbine to expand at the following
pressure stages: 2.5MPa, 2.0MPa, 1.8MPa, 1.2MPa, 0.8MPa, 0.45MPa. Extraction of
steam for feed water heating at the open heaters is at 2.0MPa and 1.2MPa. If the
condenser pressure is 0.26MPa, draw the schematic, T-s and h-s diagram and
determine: a) total amount of heat added, b) heat rejected, c) turbine work and
d) thermal efficiency.

Sample Problems for Quiz 6

1. 15kg of steam at 3.5MPa and 330oC is introduced into the steam turbine to expand to
2.0MPa, and 1.0MPa. The steam is then reheated to 300oC and re-enters the turbine to
expand to 0.8MPa, 0.45MPa and 0.30MPa. The steam is further reheated to 280oC and
re-enters to expand to 0.09MPa. Bled steam is extracted at 2.0MPa, 0.8MPa and
0.09MPa for feed water heating in open heaters. If the condenser pressure is 0.06MPa,
draw the schematic T-s and h-s and determine: a) total amount of heat added,
b) heat rejected, c) turbine work, d) thermal efficiency and e) total amount of bled steam.
2. 45kg/s of steam at 4.5MPa and 350oC is introduced into the steam turbine to expand to
3.0MPa, 1.8MPa and 1.6MPa. The steam is then reheated to 310oC and re-enters the
turbine to expand to 0.6MPa. The steam is further reheated to 290oC and re-enters to
expand to 0.35MPa and 0.14MPa. Bled steam is extracted at 1.8MPa and 0.14Mpa for
feed water heating in open heaters. If the condenser pressure is 0.09MPa, draw the
schematic T-s and h-s and determine: a) total amount of heat added, b) heat rejected,
c) turbine work, d) thermal efficiency and e) total amount of bled steam.

Sample Problems for Quiz 1

1. Air at 101.325kPa is introduced into a compressor with 10.16cm bore, 12% clearance
and 92% volumetric efficiency. If the stroke is equal to the bore, determine:
a) final delivery pressure (bar), b) volume before suction, c) volume before expansion,
and d) work.
2. A two-stage compression system is proposed in an industrial plant. The air to be
introduced into the low pressure compressor is at 538.47oR and 1.01325 bars. If the
proposed final delivery pressure is 4 times delivery in. Determine:
a) intercooler pressure, b) high pressure compressor work, c) low pressure compressor
work, and d) work for two-stage compression system.

Sample Problems for Quiz 3

1. In a Rankine cycle, steam at 300oC and 2.5MPa enters the turbine to expand until
1.8MPa. It further expands and leaves the turbine at 94% quality. Draw the schematic T-
s and h-s diagrams and determine: a) amount of heat added, b) heat rejected, c) turbine
work and d) thermal efficiency.
2. In a Rankine cycle, 27kg/m of steam at 314oC and 2.8MPa enters the turbine to expand
at the following pressure stages: 1.6MPa and 1.2MPa. It finally expands and leaves the
turbine at 95% quality. Draw the schematic process, T-s, h-s diagrams and determine:
a) amount of heat added, b) heat rejected, c) turbine work, and d) thermal efficiency.

Sample Problems for Quiz 3

1. 20kg/s of air at 26oC is introduced into the CI engine with 67% brake engine efficiency
and 57.1% thermal efficiency. If the cut off ratio is 3.08, determine: a) percent clearance,
b) amount of heat added (kW), c) amount of heat rejected (kW), and d) brake work.
2. A 10cm X 14cm, four-cylinder Diesel engine with 12% clearance operates at 3200rpm at
0.08kg/s of air-fuel mixture (considered as air only by assuming air-standard). The
highest temperature of the cycle was found to be 2410oC while the temperature at the
end of heat rejection process is 26oC. If the indicated engine efficiency is 78% and the
mechanical efficiency is 82%, determine: a) cycle thermal efficiency, b) heat added, c)
cycle work, d) mean indicated pressure, and e) brake work.
Sample Problems for Quiz 5

1. 43kg/s of steam at 2.5MPa and 280oC leaves the boiler to expand in the turbine at the
following pressure stages: 2.0MPa and 1.2MPa. The steam then is reheated and re-
enters into the turbine at 250oC. The steam then expands into the following stages:
0.8MPa and 0.6MPa. After this expansion, the steam is reheated and re-enters the
turbine at 210oC. If the condenser pressure is 0.26MPa, draw the schematic, T-s and h-s
diagrams and calculate: a) total amount of heat added (kW), b) heat rejected, c) turbine
work, and d) thermal efficiency.
2. 43kg/s of steam at 3.0MPa and 310oC leaves the boiler to expand in the turbine until the
pressure is 1.2MPa. The steam then is reheated and re-enters into the turbine at 260oC.
The steam then expands into the following stages: 1.0MPa and 0.5MPa. After this
expansion, the steam is reheated and re-enters the turbine at 200oC to further expand to
0.35MPa. If the condenser pressure is 0.26MPa, draw the schematic, T-s and h-s
diagrams and calculate: a) total amount of heat added (kW), b) heat rejected, c) turbine
work, and d) thermal efficiency.

Sample Problems for Quiz 6

1. 45kg/s of steam at 3.5MPa and 340oC leaves the boiler to expand in the turbine at the
following pressure stages: 3.0MPa, 2.5MPa and 1.8MPa. After the expansion at 1.8MPa,
the steam then is reheated and re-enters into the turbine at 280oC. The steam further
expands into the following stages: 1.6MPa, 1.4MPa, and 1.0MPa. After expanding to
1.0MPa, the steam is reheated and re-enters the turbine at 210oC to expand to 0.8MPa.
Bled steam for feed water heating is extracted at the following pressure stages: 3.0MPa,
1.6MPa, and 0.8MPa. If the condenser pressure is 0.6MPa, draw the schematic, T-s and
h-s diagrams and calculate: a) total bled steam, b) total amount of heat added (kW), c)
heat rejected, d) turbine work, and e) thermal efficiency.
2. 45kg/s of steam at 3.5MPa and 360oC leaves the boiler to expand in the turbine at the
following pressure stages: 3.0MPa and 2.5MPa. After expansion at 2.5MPa, the steam
then is reheated and re-enters into the turbine at 290oC. The steam further expands into
the following stages: 2.0MPa, 1.6MPa, and 1.4MPa. After expanding to 1.4MPa, the
steam is reheated and re-enters the turbine at 240oC to expand to 1.0MPa and 0.8MPa.
At 0.8MPa pressure, the steam is reheated and re-enters the turbine at 210oC. Bled
steam for feed water heating is extracted at the following stages: 2.0MPa and 1.0MPa. If
the condenser pressure is 0.6MPa, draw the schematic, T-s and h-s diagrams and
calculate: a) total bled steam, b) total amount of heat added (kW), c) heat rejected, d)
turbine work, and e) thermal efficiency.

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