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Structured Liberal Education Syllabus: SLE Schedule

Current Quarter
SLE Schedule Spring 2011
Spring Res earch Paper As s ignment

Section and Tutor As s ignments

Oral Pres entations information

Google Calendar Cours e Texts Spring 2011

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

WEEK ONE Legacies of the Revolution I

This week's SeLEct Art

Tuesday, March 29
3:30 Romantic Poetry, Profes s or Vermeule (Englis h) (LOCATION: Roble Theater) | Lecture s lides
6:00 Schleiermacher, Profes s or Socknes s (Religious Studies ) (LOCATION: Roble Theater)

Wednesday, March 30
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Frankenstein, Dr. Melis s a Stevens on (UAR) (200-002; His tory Corner bas ement)

Thursday, March 31
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Beethoven, Profes s or Stephen Hinton (Mus ic) (LOCATION: Roble Theater)

Romantic Poetry Selections (click on links to download: pdf 1 of 2, pdf 2 of 2)
On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers (excerpts ), Friedrich Schleiermacher (excerpt ins tructions here)
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Symphony no. 9, Beethoven (This is a lis tening as s ignment -- click here for ins tructions )


WEEK TWO Capitalism and Critique

This week's SeLEct Art

Monday, April 4
Firs t of two opportunities for Green Library Works hops (ins tructions )

Tuesday, April 5
3:15 Indus trialization, Profes s or Mancall (His tory)
6:00 Marx I, Profes s or Mancall (His tory)
Wednesday, April 6
3:15 Dis cus s ion Seminars
6:00 Marx II, Profes s or Mancall (His tory)

Thursday, April 7
3:15 Dis cus s ion Seminars
6:00 Film: Metropolis (Lang, 1927; 127")

Friday, April 8
Second of two opportunities for Green Library Works hops (ins tructions )

The Marx-Engels Reader (excerpts from "Economic and Philos ophic Manus cripts " (pp. 66-93), "Thes es on Feuerbach" (pp. 143-
45), "German Ideology" (pp. 155-75), "Capital" (pp. 302-12, 319-29, 351-61, 419-31), and "Communis t Manifes to" (pp. 469-
The Condition of the Working Class in England, Frederick Engels ("The Great Towns " and "The Attitude of the Bourgeois ie
toward the Proletariat") (Full book found on-line here; for a printable copy of the s pecific chapters : docx or pdf)
Handout: Marx s tudy guide pdf (print and bring to lectures )


WEEK THREE Legacies of the Revolution II

This week's SeLEct Art

Monday, April 11
12:00, 1:00, 3:00, or 4:00
Hume Writing Center Works hop opportunity 1 of 3, "Defining the Res earch Topic" (s ign-up ins tructions ) (LOCATION: Hume
Writing Center, bas ement of Margaret Jacks Hall, front of Quad)

Tuesday, April 12
12:00 or 1:00
Hume Writing Center Works hop opportunity 2 of 3, "Defining the Res earch Topic" (s ign-up ins tructions ) (LOCATION: Hume
Writing Center, bas ement of Margaret Jacks Hall, front of Quad)

3:30 Liberalis m and its Limits : The Cas e of J.S. Mill, Profes s or Sheehan (His tory)
**5:00** What Do We Call 'Clas s ic' Today, and What Does this Mean for Our Relations hip to the Nineteenth Century?,
Profes s or Gumbrecht (Comparative Literature and French & Italian) (NOTE early s tart time)

Wednesday, April 13
Hume Writing Center Works hop opportunity 3 of 3, "Defining the Res earch Topic" (s ign-up ins tructions ) (LOCATION: Hume
Writing Center, bas ement of Margaret Jacks Hall, front of Quad)

3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars

6:00 Balzac's Pere Goriot, Dr. Linda Pauls on (Continuing Studies )

Thursday, April 14
12:00 Hoover Archive works hop at Hoover -- opportunity 1 of 2 (s ign-up)
1:00 Hoover Archive works hop at Hoover -- opportunity 2 of 2 (s ign-up)
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 SLE Salon: Jean-Michel Frodon, "Cinema and the Revolution in New Media"
7:00 Dinner with Jean-Michel Frodon (s ign-up)
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill
Pere Goriot, Honore de Balzac


WEEK FOUR Genealogies of the Human

This week's SeLEct Art

Tuesday, April 19
10:00 Paper miles tone: pros pectus due
3:30 Nietzs che I, Profes s or Anders on (Philos ophy)
6:00 Nietzs che II, Profes s or Anders on (Philos ophy) and Profes s or Hus s ain (Philos ophy)

Wednesday, April 20
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
5:45 Darwin, Profes s or Durham (***Note early s tart time***)

Thursday, April 21
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 SLE Salon: Gerhard Cas per (Pres ident Emeritus of Stanford)

Darwin: The Indelible Stamp, Charles Darwin (from "On the Origin of Species " pp. 339-348, 369-454, 585-601 and from "The
Des cent of Man" pp. 603-614, 630-702)
Genealogy of Morals, (Preface, Firs t Es s ay, and Second Es s ay), Friedrich Nietzs che
Selections from The Gay Science (click here to download a pdf of this reading)
Nadeem J.Z . Hus s ain, "Hones t Illus ion: Valuing for Nietzs che's Free Spirits " (click here for pdf)

SATURDAY, April 23
Sartre's "No Exit" at San Francis co ACT
Bus es leave at 12:30, s how at 2:00 (If you can't attend, plus put your name on this lis t)


WEEK FIVE The Problem of Equality

This week's SeLEct Art

Monday, April 25
1:00 HWC works hop opportunity 1 of 6 (s ign-ups )
2:00 HWC works hop opportunity 2 of 6 (s ign-ups )

Tuesday, April 26
3:30 Lenin and Rus s ian Revolution, Profes s or Weiner (His tory)
6:00 Firs t World War, Profes s or Z ippers tein (His tory)

Wednesday, April 27
1:00 HWC works hop opportunity 3 of 6 (s ign-ups )
2:00 HWC works hop opportunity 4 of 6 (s ign-ups )
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:15 "The Was te Land", Profes s ors Nicholas Jenkins (Englis h) and Roland Greene (Englis h and Comparative Literature)

Thursday, April 28
11:00 HWC works hop opportunity 5 of 6 (s ign-ups )
12:00 HWC works hop opportunity 6 of 6 (s ign-ups )
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 SLE Salon: "Guilt", with Profes s or Herant Katchadourian, Emeritus (Ps ychiatry and Human Biology)

"The State and Revolution" in The Essential Works of Lenin
"The Was te Land" (Norton Edition), T.S. Eliot (the as s ignment is the poem its elf, but you're encouraged to look through the
other Norton edition material)
Chapter from Katchadourian's book Guilt (to be dis tributed on Tues day)


WEEK SIX The Divided Self

This week's SeLEct Art

Paper milestone: Small group meetings to dis cus s a current bes t-gues s outline of your paper as well as a bibliography and
three pages of s ample writing. Details of the meeting and s ubmis s ion guidelines to be determined by your s ection leader.

Tuesday, May 3
3:30 Freud, Profes s or Yearley (Religious Studies )
6:00 Benjamin, Dr. Yoon Sook Cha (SLE)

Wednesday, May 4
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Art of the Avant Garde, Dr. Eram (SLE) (pdf of lecture s lides )

Thursday, May 5
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Film: Un Chien Andalou (Bunuel and Dali, 1929) (This s es s ion will las t about one hour)

The Freud Reader, "On Dreams ," "The Theme of the Three Cas kets ," "Mourning and Melancholia," "The Ego and the Id," (pp.
142-172, 514-522, 584-589, 628-658)
Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility" (in "Materials " on Cours ework)
Caucasian Chalk Circle, Bertolt Brecht


WEEK SEVEN The Problem of Equity

This week's SeLEct Art

Tuesday, May 10
3:30 Modern Feminis m, Profes s or Freedman (His tory)
6:00 Woolf's To the Lighthouse, Profes s or Cas tle (Englis h)
Wednesday, May 11
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Feminis m and Exis tentialis m: Beauvoir's The Second Sex, Dr. Jeremy Sabol (SLE)

Thursday, May 12
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Film: Orlando (Potter, 1992; 93")

Woolf, To the Lighthouse
Simone de Beauvoir (s election available in Cours ework "Materials ")
Selections from Justice, Gender, and the Family, Sus an Okin (cours e reader to be s old in clas s )



This week's SeLEct Art

Tuesday, May 17
10:00 Complete paper due - vers ion one (turn in to tutor)
3:30 Holocaus t, Profes s or John Fels tiner (Englis h) and Profes s or Mary Fels tiner (His tory)
6:00 Night and Fog (Res nais , 1955; 32")

Wednesday, May 18
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 World War II, Profes s or Scheffer (His tory)

Thursday, May 19
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
7:00 SPECIAL EVENT: George Packer in Convers ation with Tobias Wolff and Profes s or Satz in Annenberg Auditorium (IT IS

Friday, May 20
12:00 Pizza SLE Salon with George Packer

Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt, Chapters 1-8, 14, 15, Epilogue, and Pos ts cript
Survival in Auschwitz, Primo Levi


WEEK NINE Things Fall Apart

This week's SeLEct Art

Tuesday, May 24
10:00 Complete paper due - final vers ion (turn in to tutor and s ection leader)
3:30 The Breakdown of Imperialis m, Profes s or Roberts
6:00 Fanon, Dr. Eram (SLE)
Wednesday, May 25
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Exis tentialis m, His tory, Theatre, Dr. Sabol (SLE)

Thursday, May 26
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Cache (Haneke, 2005) (a recommended movie due to the res cheduling of the SLE play)

Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth ("Preface" by Sartre, "On Violence", "Colonial War and Mental
Dis orders " (Series A and Series C); pp. xliii - lxii, 1-62, 181-199, 207-216)
Locked Up, Jean-Paul Sartre (trans lated by Jeremy Sabol) (for pdf, click here; hard copies to be s old in clas s )



Monday, May 30
6:00 SLE PLAY! (The Wizard of Oz)

Tuesday, May 31
3:30 Dis cus s ion s eminars
6:00 Mus ic by Computer, Dr. Ruviaro (Center for Computer Res earch in Mus ic and Acous tics ) ***LOCATION*** At the Knoll,
the building directly behind Flo Mo

Wednesday, June 1
3:15 Dis cus s ion s eminars
5:15 SLE Salon Banquet, Alondra Dining Hall -- Special Gues t: Profes s or Mark Mancall (Appetizers at 5:15, dinner at 5:30)

Thursday, June 2
Study period

Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohs in Hamid


FINAL EX AM INFORMATION: Friday, June 3 - Saturday, June 4

20 minute oral final exams will be s cheduled during this two-day period. Students will be allowed to s ubmit times they are
NOT able to take an exam, but the SLE teaching team will make the exam as s ignments (i.e., by whom you will be examined
and when). Each s tudent will be examined by a SLE faculty member who has NOT been a s eminar leader for the s tudent in
any of the three quarters .




Faculty materials

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