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2017512 Duolingo:ABC


The alphabet as used in this lesson

Greek: Upper Case-Lower Name// English earest

Case Name pronunciation

- // Alpha A as in Ant

- // Veeta V as in Vase

- ()

- //Delta as in THe
Strength: 5/5
- //Epsilon E as in Element

Strengthen ABC
- // Z as in Zoo

-* //Eeta EE as in sEE

- //theta

-* ()//Iota EE as in sEE

- K as inCow

- //Lambda L as in Lemon

- () //Mee M as in Mother

- () //Nee N as in North

- () //Ksee X as in foX

-* // Omicron O as in Organ

- () //Pee P as in Pet

- (/Rho R as in Rhapsody

-/* Sigma

- // Taf T as in Table

-* //Ypsilon EE as in sEE

- () //Fee F as in Fun

- () //Chee H as in Hurry

- () /Psee PS as in liPStick

-* //Omega O as in Organ

Note: * -, - and - have the same pronunciation (''ee'')

- and - have the same pronunciation (''o'')

The pronunciations and their examples shown above are the nearest (not
the exact) pronunciations in Modern Greek. The sound of some letters
varies depending on the letter that follows.


**Of the 24 letters in the Greek alphabet 13 are exactly the same in appearance
as the Latin.

These are: A, B, E, H, I, K, M, N, O, T, X, Y, Z (They are not always pronounced the

same but they are typed on the same key.

7 keys have the same sound: 2/4

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