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Aspergillis (molds

(Vermeulen) If you want a good book on Fungiyou need to buy Vermeulens Fungi -
expensive but worth it if you are trying to DD
between them

In same family as Penicillin

Aspergillis (molds

Aspergillis flavus ()
Keys (Vermeulen)
Yellow to olive green
saprophytic moulds
Associated with fats and oils
(nuts, peanuts and
tree seeds)
Warm humid climates
Soy sauce
Affects the LIVER

1960 Turkey killing disease
Liver failure
Liver cirrhosis
Liver cancer

On outbreakpatients high fever, rapid progressive jaundice, edema of the limb, pain,
vomiting, and swollen livers
Aspergillis (molds

Aspergillis fumigatus ()
Keys (Vermeulen)
Bluish-green to grey mold
Thrives in humid
Tolerates very high temps
CNS disease related to hot weather
Allergies: affinity for nose and sinuses
Asthmatic symptoms, like
pulmonary tuberculosis
Aspergillis (molds

Aspergillis niger ()
Keys (Vermeulen)
Jet black mold
Musty odor
Citric acid; soft drinks
Reacts with arsenicals
Copper, detects copper
Ear infections and nasal sinus
Skin reactions; swelling of the
Swelling of the face, as if stung
by a bee
As if burnt
Lobster red
Couldnt open eyes
As if weights hanging on eyes

Picture of aspergillosis

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