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*Vd. Kalpana Sathe, **Vd.Avinash Chavan, ***Vd. Vinod Chaudhari,

****Vd. Vijay Bhandare, *****Vd Rajiv Mundane,****** Vd. Murlidhar Kharode


Key words: Ayurvedic review of nadi pariksha.

Nadi Pariksha is neither a shortcut for diagnostic purpose nor used as a tool for the
Prakruti Vinishchaya by Ayurvedic Acharyas.

Originally and superiority of ancient diagnostic approach identifying Roga and Rogi
lies in Nadi Pariksha. Ayurvedic diagnosis is done useing Panchanidana, Rogavastha and
Rogipariksha in terms of Darshana, Spartion, Prashnam.

Rogapariksha - Panchanidan.

Rogavastha - Shatkriyakala.

Rogipariksha - Aaturpariksha-Ashtavidh
Rogipariksha,Dashavidh Rogipariksha,
Atur pariksha - Darshana,Sparshana,Prashna Pariksha.

Ashtavidhapariksha combining Roga and Rogipariksha is importent among them.In

ashtavidh pariksha Acharyas have described the concepts and little practical details of Nadi
Pariksha regarding correlation of Nadigati (gait) and Dosha prominance (doshotkatata).

Viz.. Vatika Nadi - Sarpa gati

Paitika Nadi - Manduka

Kaphaja Nadi - Hansa gati

It is truly a complicated clinical technique. Now a days in each and every medical
field there is method to examine the pulse of a patient but their basic concepts, clinical
methods and practices are not identical.

To elaborate simple scientific methods of nadi pariksha.

To discuss the various methods of nadi pariksha for the development of modern
objective criteria.

Material and Methods:
Ayurveda and modern texts are used for the descriptive study.

Ayurveda has developed important diagnostic method of Rogipariksha called -
Nadipariksha. The word Nadi represents different aspects in different Ancient Indian
Ayurvedic embriology Garbha Nabhi Nadi

All systemic paths Srotas Nadi Marga (an hallow vessel containing body fluids.

Yoga Tantra Ida,Pingala,Sushumna.

Importance of pulse examination in clinical practice is well known not only in

medical world but also layman knows its fundamental importance in all disorders. In short it
is highly concern with patients care up to the level of psychological satisfaction.

Examination of pulse manually may lead to minute errors as the inference drawn may
differ from person to person. Thus the need of the era is to develop a P.C.-based medical
analyzer a novel technique to detect different diseases of human body.
The pulse examination can be done in the context of Sthana (site) Gati (pulse
movement, gait) Spandana (pulsation), Guna (vital characteristics) by sparshana vidhi to
assess Nadi Bala (strength), laya (rhythm), poornata (volume) etc. The reflection of the state
of equilibrium and vitiation in the doshas on nadi can be recorded as described in Ayurvedic

Pulse according to different doshas can be explained with the help of following
table: -


Vaata Anterior Index Vakra Snake,leech
Pitta Middle Middle Chanchal Crow,frog
Kapha Posterior Ring Manda Swan pigeon
Pittavata Ant-middle Index & middle Vakra chanchal Snake,frog
Vatakapha Ant-posterior Index & ring Vakra manda Snake,swan
Pittakapha Mid-posterior Middle& ring Sometimes chanchal Frog
Sometimes manda peacock
Tridosha Whole region Below the three Along with vakra Partridge
fingers Sometimes tivra pheasant
Sometimes manda


Vaat Vakra,Visham Snake,leech(kaka,manduk)
Pitta Chapala,Tivra Crow,Frog,Sparrow
Kapha Sthira, Stimita Swan,Pigeon,Elephant
Deeptagni Laghu
Mandagni Guru, Kathina,Jada
Rasasheshajirna Sthula
Persistant ajeerna Manda,Khandit,Sthira,Trupta
Exessive madhur rasa intake Trupta,Sthira Hansa
Exessive lavana rasa intake Sarala,Druta
Exessive amla rasa intake Koshna
Exessive katu rasa intake Chapala Brunga
Ajeerna (indigesion) Paritojada Earthworm
Visuchika (cholera) Utplutya-utplutya Frog
Asadhyata (incurable) Durbala,Manda Like a dead snake

Likewise effect of specific meals on pulse, effect of vihar on pulse beat like exercise,
maithuna, nidra, vegavarodha, emotions on pulse can be assessed and considered.

Ayurveda also explains whether disease is curable or not with the help of
Nadipariksha, so that time and knowledge can be well utilized on that patient suffering with
curable disease. This is called Sadhyasadhyata of disease.




1.Stana Vichyut Nadi (displased pulse) Nishchit mrityusuchaka
2.Tantuwat kampa spandan (varying speed) Asadhyata suchak (pulse indicating
- atisukshma,shigra,vakra incurability)
3.High body temp-pulse comparatively Krichhasadhyata suchak (difficult
cold low body temp-pulse comparatively situation)
4.Sthitwa sthitwa challanti atisukshma cha Aniyatmrityusuchaka
sheeta cha, strong pulse in weak person and

Existence of all the different kinds of Nadi, Agni, Koshtha in diseased conditions are
related to one another. These conditions have its unique importance in management of

various diseases. The occurrence of the relative condition is therefore most likely and is also
relate to Vatlaladi constitutions i.e. Prakruti. (by Charakacharya)

Therefore a project was taken by our institution named STUDY TO FIND


It was a survey type study in 390 subjects between 17 to 30 years of age, students of
Ayurvedic colleges in Pune region. The conclusion drawn after applying medical statistical
methods was as follows-

From the data collected it can be concluded that there seems to be a definite
association between Prakruti with Agni, Koshtha and Nadi. However the association seems to
be not strong enough to be of any predictive value.

The concept behind this project was that the Prakrut dosha can not be vitiated by any
situation unless and until there is any life threatening sign known as Arishtasuchak lakshana
in Ayurveda. This basic concept is well described by Vagbhata a brilliant physician in his
book Ashtanga Sangraha. Essence of his description is there are two stages of evolution of
Doshas viz Prakruta and vaikruta. The prakrut doshas evolved at the formation of gamete are
dominant and the vikrut doshas formed as biproducts during digestion and assimilation are
the resipent. The morphological, physiological, pathological and degenerative changes
occurred in lifetime of an individual are predominant to Prakrut doshas.

But according to our study the relation between Prakruti and Vikruti is may not be
always constant it changes with Agni,Koshta,Aaharvihar.The Vaikrut doshas are usually
vitiated by Vikrut aaharvihar.

Thus the Nadipariksha can be the initial screening test for Prakruti Vinishchaya only
if the other conditions like Aahar, Vihar, Dosha, Kala, Rutu, Vaya, bala, satwa, sara etc are
kept stable or constant in chosen population. Then from these controlled condition exact
interference can be drawn. That will make out the remarkable difference between diseased
conditioned Nadi and Nadi within normal physiological conditions. Then only we can
correlate body constituency with Nadi.

If the PC-based medical Analyzer could read the normal pattern of Nadi in Swastha
Purusha without disturbing dosha status then only there is a ray of hope for our study.
Otherwise we believe that it is an excellent tool to detect diseased condition i.e. Dosha
vaishamya Awastha.

Our suggestion regarding methodology of clinical pulse examination can be
considered under three main headings-
I. Relating to the Physician
II. Relating to the Patient
III. Relating to Examination.


1. A Physician should sit with a sound stable mind and examine the pulse with concentration.
2. A Physician must be healthy in body and mind. Anger, greed, lust, depression etc. will
hind the physician in the diagnosis of patients.
3. For examining the pulse, a physician should sit comfortably facing towards North or East.
4. A physician should sit with a cheerful mood for examining the pulse.
5. A physician should not consume intoxicants such as alcohol during pulse examination.
6. The excretory system of the physician should be sound.
7. Physicians who are greedy and cherish various desires cannot examine the pulse
successfully and so they should refrain themselves from the various cravings of the world.
8. A physician should use the three fingers of his right hand to examine the pulse.
9. If his hands are cold then heat should be generated by mutual friction of hands.
10. Pulse should be examined for two minutes patiently with stable mind. Eagerness is not


1. The patient should be free from the excretory products of the body.
2. The patient should sit comfortably with folded hands or must lie comfortably on the bed
and then examined.
3. The pulse of a patient who is sleeping must not be examined.
4. The pulse of a patient who is hungry or thirsty must not be examined.
5. The pulse of a patient should not be examined just after the meals.
6. The pulse of a patient who has come directly from sun must not be examined.
7. The pulse of patient who has taken bath or had exercises must not be examined
8. The patient should not have indulged in intercourse.
9. The patient should not have consumed intoxicants.
10. Pulse should not be examined during Bhootavishta and epilectical attacks.
11. The patient should not be on a fast.
12. If a patient has lust, sorrow, greed, fear, depression or anxiety then examination must not
be done.
13. Patient affected by extreme cold, heat, stimulants must not be subjected to pulse
14. The pulse should not be examined with patient in standing position.


1. Examination should be carried out in morning hours with empty stomach.

2. The patient should sit or lie down comfortably and then be examined.
3. Patients hand should be relaxed and slightly flexed.
4. If a patient is sitting then the physician must give the support of his left hand below the
elbow joint in order to make the hand relaxed and feel the pulse with ease.
5. The fingers of the patient should be quarter flexed just like a banana.
6. The stress or pressure on the radial artery must be removed.

7. The pulse of left hand in case of woman while the pulse of right hand of men should be
examined. The best thing to do is that the pulse of both hands must be examined. It may
happen that the pulse rate of both hands may be different therefore the pulse of right hand of
men checked first then that of left hand and vice versa for women.

8. A physician must use his index finger, middle finger and ring finger for pulse examination.
He should put his fingers one by one with a slight pressure to find out the pulse rate.
9. The pulsation should be checked for one minute not for 15 seconds and then multiplied by
10. If a patient has taken tea, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs etc then there is increase in
pulse rate. On the other hand consumption of cold drinks, curd etc leads to decrease in pulse
11. An excited, tense or frightened patient need to be calmed with assurance and then be
12. If a pulse of wrist carries a doubt or it is unclear then the pulses at various sites need to be
checked and correlated.
13. Fingers kept on the pulse must be lifted and then again they be kept with a slight pressure.
This must be done at least three times and then Doshik abnormality be assessed.
14. The heads of the patient who is lying must be a little curved and kept laterally facing
towards the body.
15. If there is a doubt in pulse rate then the physician must use a stethoscope and check the
heartbeat and the pulse rate.
16. If there is a doubt about the force then the pulse of both hands must be examined
simultaneously with both hands of physician.

*Professor & Head, Dept. of Sharir kriya Ayurved College,
Hadapsar, Pune
** Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Rachana Sharir
,S.G.R..Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Solapur.
***Professor & Head Dept. of Rachana Sharir, Siddhakala Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya Sangamner.
****Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Samhita Siddhaanta,
Ashtang Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune.
***** Professor & Head, Dept. of Rognidan, D.M.M. Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya Yeotmal
******Associte professor

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