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The Secret To Becoming The Alpha Male Of Any Group

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A Message From Mr.M

If you are reading this, then you have purchased the Social Circle Mastery DVDs.

Firstly, thank you. Social Circle Mastery represents a huge chunk of the last few years of
my life. Braddock and I slaved away at coming up with and testing the theories on the
DVD. We appreciate your support and your buying the DVD and we hope that makes a
significant difference in your life as it has had in ours.

Secondly, congratulations. Social Circle Mastery' is the foundation of next generation

pick up and dating techniques. It takes us beyond the realm of cold approach and
into the realm of enhance your entire social life and building an enviable lifestyle.

Mr M
The Secret To Becoming The Alpha Male Of Any Group

Article Structure

This article comprises of 3 parts:

1. Setting The Context: Introduction to Social Circle Mastery.

2. Social Trees and The Alpha Male (based on my previous TAF article here, but
more advanced and expounded).

3. How To Create Lasting Influence and Dominance The Importance of Respect

and Integrity.

I would strongly suggest watching the SCM DVD prior to reading this so that you
understand the key terms and concepts particularly for the latter half of this article. -
This is an advanced article.

Setting The Context: Introduction To Social Circle Mastery

Before I step into how to become the alpha male of the group, I want to make some
basic points about Social Circle Mastery. This will help provide some context for what
you are about to read.

Social Circle Mastery has several purposes, amongst them:

To make it easier to meet and get 10s (shorthand for top models, beautiful
actresses, playmates, and other women who are the elite of the elite)

To lead a more satisfying social life and use it to enhance other aspects of your
life (business, relationships etc)

To create more balanced individuals rather than cold approach junkies

To provide a deep level understanding of the influences and social dynamics that
affect any group situation, whether that be at school, in the office or at the bar.

Braddock and I never actually intended to develop an all-encompassing system for

managing your social life and for social techniques. We were just looking for new and
more consistent ways to seduce 10s. Dont get me wrong the Love Systems cold
approach system is revolutionary and amazing and I am never going to stop doing cold
approach. But cold approach has inherent limitations.
If I want a 10 tonight and there is no 10 where I go out, theres not much I can do. Even I
cant seduce a woman who isnt there. Theres luck involved, and we wanted to control
the impact of chance.

That was the birth of Social Circle Mastery.

On an immediate level, we use our social circles in two different but related ways:

1. As a source of beautiful women. Of course, this only happened when we learned

how to find, join, and lead social circles that have these beautiful women in them.
This is what led us to the MRB5 model, which I will get into below.

2. As glue. With any woman, theres always a chance that her logistics (other
commitments, friends, etc.) will prevent you from seducing her on the same night
you meet her. Weve all succeeded against heroic odds and those make the
best stories, but the mundane reality is that, for example, the runway model you
just met after a fashion show probably isnt going to be able to go anywhere with
you that night, no matter how good you are.

By building and managing social circles in the right way, you can absorb her into
your life and grow her interest in you without you actually doing anything. We call
this slow burn game

However, at a higher, more long-term level, you can and should use your social circle
for creating attraction. The alpha male of the group usually gets this attraction, whereas
being the beta male can (depending on the group) lead to being teased, mocked,
disrespected etc. In other words, it pays to be the alpha male in social circle.

This article will show you how.

Note that the initial part of this article uses one of my previous posts on The Attraction
Forums as foundational information (so you hard core fans may have read the
technology on the first few pages before). However, the article will go into far more
depth in later stages. I would thus encourage everyone to read the whole thing.
You Dont Have To Be Great At Social Circles Already

Before I get into some of the specifics, I want to reassure you that before Love
Systems I was not naturally great at social situations. I was never the popular guy in
school and my social life since then wasnt a whirlwind of activity. Braddocks story is
slightly different (he was the quarterback in high school) but the point is that you dont
have to be one of the naturally socially powerful people to succeed with Social Circle

Social Trees And The Alpha Male

A non-Love Systems seduction coach once stated that there should only ever be one
alpha male in a social tree. He said that you should out-alpha that alpha male by way of
surreptitious ousting. He likened all social groups to a structure where there was only
one top and that to become the top, you should simply behave like you are already at
the top in every social situation that you come into.

The theory is that if your reality was stronger, people would accept your reality and
you would dominate the social setting. He believed that if you acted 'alpha', you would
eventually become the alpha male.

This perspective is incorrect. We live in the real world here, filled with people who want
and deserve respect. As a simple example how wrong this guy was - if anyone was to
ever try to act like the boss in the law firm that I used to work at (one of the worlds
most prestigious international law firms), I assure you that he would quickly be out of a
job. Think about it from the incumbent alpha males perspective - if you were an alpha
male, and there was someone who wanted to break into your group by acting
dominant, what would you do? In primitive times, you would simply kill him. In this day
and age, you would do the social or business equivalent - reject him or destroy his
chances of accelerating through the social group/business/friendship group (likely by
way of reputational badgering, not offering him any assistance or simply promoting
those who are aligned with you (i.e. the people you like and who like you)).

The way to become a modern day alpha male is therefore NOT necessarily to be the
leader or alpha male in every group. There ARE exceptions to this. The ability to
consciously socially dominate through the means described above is a good skill to
have, and can be applied, particularly in either (a) weaker groups filled with beta males
or (b) cold sets which do not constitute part of your social circle. You can do this simply
by being louder, more verbose, more interesting, talking more etc (i.e. essentially
engaging in more dominant 'alpha male' behaviour). I emphasize that this applies in
cold approach sets. However, the techniques that you will learn in this article are more
subtle and used for more long-term social circle dominance and influence.
Braddock and I have tried this 'out alpha' approach
as a social experiment numerous times. It does
have reasonable success rate in cold approach. In a social circle group
However, the overwhelming observation is that in where there are pre-
social circle settings, while it is often possible to established alpha males
hold court by being the most charismatic, loud, and social alliances,
verbose, or in his own reality person, this type of obtuse dominance is not
behaviour may not be accepted by the other alpha the optimal behaviour.
males. This can happen on both the conscious
(e.g. they openly don't like you) or sub-conscious
(e.g. they harbour ill feelings towards you and consequently say negative things about
you behind your back) level. In short, other alpha males will have an active dislike of the
show stealer.

Interestingly, they will try to justify their emotional response through thoughts and
comments like, what an idiot, 'try hard', 'he's a little uncalibrated', 'he's weird', hes a
little too much, show off, weird etc.

So, why does loud, dominant, alpha male behaviour offend a pre-existing social group
with existing alpha males and social alliances? Because you are attempting to achieve
social value without having any actual social value. But on a deeper level, by acting the
way that you act, you represent a threat to the status quo of the incumbent males
domination. Instead of aligning with them, you represent a threat to them. They may
not consciously think this, but it is subconsciously felt through the emotions of jealousy
or dislike. Their incentive is thus to bring you down. This is not behaviour that you should
necessarily blame people for. It is human nature
to attack or undermine something which
This applies to SOCIAL threatens your value. The more willing that you
SITUATIONS OUTSIDE accept that people have a tendency to act to
OF COLD SETS. In cold protect their value on a subconscious level, the
sets, this type of obtuse, quicker that you can work within the boundary
alpha male behaviour given. As my good friend and mentor Eskay says
can sometimes allow (paraphrased), 'Life is full of rules and you have to
you to get the girl. play within them. But once you know the rules
and accept them, they can be bent to achieve
great effect'.

So, just like it is OK to admit you are wrong sometimes, it is OK (and, in fact, intelligent)
in social circles to sometimes defer social power. It is OK to be the beta male
sometimes, particularly when the context governs that this is appropriate.
So, how then, do you achieve social dominance?
Well, in this day and age, you are most likely a part
The important principle to
of a number of social trees. Being the sole leader /
take away here is that by
dominant male of all of these trees is both unlikely
being the connector and
and undesirable. This is because, on a logistic level,
having the perception of
being the undisputed alpha male of a group
the opportunity to add
requires maintenance (i.e. time invested in
value (even if only
relationships, hanging out, constantly adding value
perceived value), you are
etc), which takes time. You can therefore far more likely to be
realistically only be the 'sole' alpha male of a certain considered amongst the
number of groups, which brings me to the crux of leadership of men.
this article:

How do you accomplish this? How do you become

considered as 'amongst the leadership of men'? There are a number of ways, but the
most effective ways are:

1. To align with the pre existing alpha males of the group.

2. Show that you are ALREADY IN the leadership of men in a SEPARATE TREE that
has a RELATIVELY PERCEIVED HIGHER VALUE than the present group.

3. Bring good emotions to the group, be are normal and vibe well (this in itself is a
value). Note too that good emotions are an absolute prerequisite (i.e. you need
to be able to give good emotions and vibe).

People align to value. Value or perceived value augments almost all social human
behaviour. The social tools above are some of the most crucial avenues of obtaining
value quickly in social situations.

In relation to 1, social alliances with existing alpha males (or males with situational
value) in groups represent incredible value in social situations. Imagine the difference
between an introduction where the leader says very good things about you versus
where he says nothing positive about you. This is why alignment is so important.

In relation to 2, above, value is also begotten by being a connector that has access to
other trees or having access to a scarce resource (e.g. parties, money etc) or simply
being funny or providing good emotions. This also means that you are not perceived to
be a value leech. As opposed to someone who latches on to the group, you come into
the social group and add value by being someone who provides good emotions,
perceived social connections into other high value groups or other forms of value.
In relation to 3, further above, good emotions
are derived from:
The optimal state of
affairs is not to feel like Having clean inner game.
you have to be sole Not becoming a threat to the group or
dominant male in every people in it.
group that you are a part
Vibing well (e.g. through in jokes, shared
of and to out alpha all
role plays etc).
the other males. The
Having good intentions (as people will tend
optimal state of affairs is
to see the real you through their thin slice).
to be considered
Sharing good experiences.
amongst the leadership
of men in the groups
that you are part of and That being said, realize that you dont have to be
to align with the other everyones best friend and that it takes time and
dominant members. energy to connect with people, so people may
not like you immediately. Dont be needy about

Here are some actionable tactics to achieve good emotions and vibing well:

1. Create In Jokes by using callback humour. These are like role-plays in

that they are jokes, phrases, lines etc that are unique to your group. For example,
you could re-use certain lines from movies or shows that you have seen and use
them in different contexts. Ill give you an example.

Lets say there is a movie that the group (or some members of it) have seen. For
the sake of this example, lets say its Anchorman - the movie. There are many
great lines from Anchorman which could be used at various times to create
callback humour. One of the lines, for example, is Im kind of a big deal. There
are many funny contexts in which this line could be used. An example is that you
score a goal in a friendly soccer game and say Im kind of a big deal as a joke to
your friends.

2. Form an alliance. Connect well with one of the group members and try to
make that vibe something that others would want to be part of. Demonstrate this
vibe in front of others. Be perceived as always having a good time with that group
member. Have in jokes with that person, as described above. Showing a strong
alliance in which there is clearly a lot of fun and in jokes creates social value.
3. Be perceived to be having more fun or have more going on than
everyone else. Try to be invited to cooler events or to have fun things going on
in your life which people would want to be part of. Provide a value to the group
which is hard to replace. For example, you could be a promoter, be well
connected at a bar or club or if youre in school, hold and have access to great

4. Take the initiative and dont be afraid of being an individual. Dont be

the follower all the time. At times, show a willingness to do your own thing and if
others do not follow you, then do it anyway. As a basic example, if you are in a
food court and everyone wants MacDonalds, but you want Subway, just go for it.
Dont make a big issue out of it, but respect the fact that others will respect you
for your independence. Part of social leadership is not being afraid to deviate
from the norms. If you get teased for it, make light of it and joke about it (i.e. tease
yourself). You can put up with teasing insofar as it does not cross a major
boundary (see the Inner Game Seminar for more on boundaries). But remember
- dont be afraid of being an individual. People will respect this.

5. Never try to be the alpha male. If people dont follow you or recognize
that you are dominant, then simply rely on principle 4 and dont be afraid to be
an individual. Sometimes, as stated by Braddock in the Social Circle Mastery
DVDs, it takes time to climb a social tree or even be recognized as part of one.
Dont worry about the fact that you have to come through the bottom
sometimes - but never give off the thin slice of trying hard to be dominant or a
leader. Lead, but if people dont follow, lead yourself. Remember, its OK not to
be an individual. You dont have to follow the group all the time, especially when
you disagree with the action or it doesnt suit you and is important to you. The
more OK with YOU that YOU are, the more OK that others will be with you too.
Yes, its probably worth reading that sentence again.

6. Be in the moment. More on this in the next section.

Remember - you dont have to completely dominate a social circle group to create
attraction. What you do definitely want to do is:

1. Align and develop relationships with high value members

2. Bring value to a group (this can be by way of good emotions)

3. Avoid trying to out alpha everyone (as many dating coaches do)

4. Show that you are part of other social circles in which you are also in the
leadership of men.

These factors will enable you to be considered as a high value member who is
amongst the highest members of the tree and thus, you will be naturally attractive to
the females. By naturally, I mean that people's natural social cues will be wired such
that they show that you are a dominant member of the group - an alpha male.

How to Create Lasting Influence The Inner Game of Social Dominance

This next section is almost like the Inner Game of Social Influence and Dominance.

When I first started to understand social dynamics and the nuances of human
communication, I focused on conscious control and influence. Examples of this are the
tactics that were covered in the last section.

I observed the techniques people were using in these situations (such as the tactics)
whether it be in the workplace, alliances, social environments, business meetings etc.
These techniques included things such as advanced qualification, framing and social
pressure. They are powerful techniques when used in a social context.

However, as I became more aware of these tactics of social influence, I realized more
and more that the end result of relying on consciously applying tactics could be a lot like
what happened in the movie The Butterfly Effect. In that movie, Aston Kutcher has the
ability to go back in time and change the world for what he believes to be the better.
The only problem is that every time he goes back in time with the intention to make
things better, some things get better, but other things become a lot worse.

The same is true of using conscious thought for social influence and dominance. In the
end, using certain hard tactics of Social Manipulation are like relying on good tactics
to cover up for a bad strategy. You can use principles like AMOGGING, advanced
qualification, framing and social pressure to get what you want. You can manipulate
alliances and even, at the darkest level, use NLP to achieve a form of mind control. Ive
witnessed all of these used in social situations. But the truth is that while these tactics
are offensively useful to some degree, they are most useful so that you can identify
when someone is using them against you (its kind of like an alarm bell going off in your

The key paradigm shift is that in the same way that you can either (1) use lines and
routines to create attraction, or (2) you can be a genuinely attractive guy, you can
either (1) consciously manipulate social situations to become dominant and have
influence, or (2) focus on creating win-wins and strong, long lasting relationships and

In both cases above, (2) is the preferred route.

You see, what I learned is that in the very end, conscious social influence will often bite
you in the ass, for three main reasons:

1. Because it is an act.

2. Because high quality people will see right through you within the first few seconds
of meeting you, no matter how polished you are. This is due to your thin slice
(as explained in the Social Circle Mastery DVD).

3. Because there is a better way to do it, where no one loses.

The ultra successful people that I met (i.e. people who achieved their Supernova) who
were great with men and women and had an air of both dominance and influence
around them NATURALLY exhibited two common characteristics: Respect and

This was a surprise to me at first, but truly was what I found to be a common
characteristic amongst the self made titans who were not only good with women, but
were also true leaders of men. This strategy though, is playing for the long term. Its less
about the tips and tactics and more about the who you are.

When hanging out with top-level natural alpha males, Braddock and I discovered that
one of the most important Inner Game qualities that each of them had was that they
sought respect first and popularity second.

From this, we postulated that there is a Respect Phase of any interaction. Contrary to
popular belief, gaining respect (as opposed to popularity) should be the primary goal of
most initial social interactions. Respect is the feeling that the person that you are talking
to has good boundaries and no agenda. It leaves you with the feeling that he:

1. Is comfortable with himself (to see my article on how one becomes comfortable
with himself (see: here.)

2. Regards the way that others treat him as the most important factor to whether or
not he connects with them (before what they can do for him in any sense
(monetary, women etc)).

This Respect mentality comes from a place of abundance. Popularity on the other
hand, is based on the desire for others to like and
approve of you and/or the feeling that you can get
something from them (whether that be approval, Respect First,
validation, money, connections etc). People respect Popularity Second
this because it shows good personal boundaries.

Why respect first? Some people try to fake their way

to become popular up front. They try to be overly nice, or accommodating, or simply
emotionally leak in their initial interactions. They do not and cannot genuinely like you
that much when first meeting you. Firstly, getting a reputation for being this sort of
person is social suicide and the risk is not worth it. More importantly, the main problem
here is that high value people have incredible thin slicing ability and will see the real

Yes, this means that these people are difficult to fool (this makes sense as this is one of
the reasons that high value people are high value). Now if these are indeed the people
that you want to connect with, then if you come in with an agenda, you will eventually
be weeded out and your thoughts exposed. This wont happen consciously. Instead,
you know when you have that dull feeling that you should not trust a person? Or that
something is off? That is exactly the feeling that that person will get.

I want to make two important points here. This is not about not smiling or not being nice
to someone. This is about having the self-respect to not supplicate, to act like a high
value human being and to realize that being overly nice is not going to make others like
you faster (it may in fact, have the opposite effect of making them distrust you). It
means being warm but not emotionally overreaching when you first meet someone.
This is an essential part of naturally being the guy who is a natural social leader.

Let me give you an example of a certain manifestation of this. An old friend of mine tried
to be overly nice to everyone he met. He would even be overly nice to try to put them
at ease or (as he thought) show his own value. I thought that this was a winning
strategy until high value connectors and friends would outright tell me that they found
him fake and contrived. Unbeknownst to him, this actually made him even less
comfortable to be around and it made him
seem like he had an agenda.

Keep in mind, this isnt There are certain counter examples, but you
about not having have to consider them in context. Richard
manners or showing Branson, for example, often does try to be overly
decency, common nice to people that he meets. It is important to
courtesy or friendliness. consider the context here. Richard Branson is
All these characteristics famous and has high status. As discussed in the
are genuinely great Social Circle Mastery DVD, the higher someones
traits. However, what relative value, the more that they can emotionally
you want to avoid is to overreach. And this is not a bad thing. Why?
seek others approval too Because they are very unlikely to have agenda.
strongly or to give them
a strong thin slice There are a number of ways to consciously
immediately upon achieve this. The first step to being respected is
meeting them. to avoid a potentially poor thin slice (see the
Social Circle Mastery DVD or Malcolm Gladwells
book Blink for more on thin slicing). Dont be
emotionally attached to the outcome of the interaction and avoid telegraphing interest
too early, appearing needy or being someone who has a clear agenda. This is
especially important in your interactions with high value connectors. Dont be cold
though be warm but stop short of emotionally leaking or speaking to someone
through the guise of friendship when you have a clear agenda.

Here are other common mistakes which relate to what Braddock and I consider
Respect over Popularity:

Trying to forcefully lead.

Being emotionally affected by the group or by another individual in the group

over petty disputes.

Talking shit about other members of the group to other members of the group.
Emotional or psychological leaning.

Any form of neediness.

Inability to stand your ground to certain members of the group.

Not treating everyone the same. The coolest guy and the lowest guy should get
the same yes or the same no in equal situations.


Despite understanding how to consciously manipulate social dynamics, my social

experience (and my mentors) have taught me that the ideal is to have nothing but
genuine social interactions with people.

Simply become a person with a high amount of integrity and a balanced character who
others can trust. The principle here is that people will see the real you especially high
value connectors. And if and when they do, then youd better be a genuinely good
person. This does not mean that you are nave or a pushover. It simply means that you
treat others with respect and integrity and
expect them to do the same. This does
phenomenal things to your thin slice - you come
People are more inclined
across to high value people as someone who is
to build relationships with
also high value and who has a lot of integrity.
people that they trust. If
you assume that This is especially the case with your Navy Seal
peoples thin slice is Team. The only way in which you can build a
accurate (i.e. they will long-term relationship with people is to create a
see the real you), and on solid foundation of trust, which is based on
the whole they are for mutual integrity. Your Navy Seal Team are your
high value individuals, Inner Core those who are closest to you like a
then the ideal is for you family almost and the best way to build this part
to simply have a pure of your life is to have respect and integrity with
inside and good one another.
As a caveat, I understand that there are people
out there who you need to use the tactics on. If
you are being bullied for example, you need to
establish boundaries in the proper way. This has nothing to do with integrity. Integrity
and respect are like the icing on the cake dealing with people who create social
pressure and make your social life unpleasant requires tactics or for you to apply the
other principles expounded in Social Circle Mastery.

A final point on reputation. My most successful and influential mentor said to me, The
reason that I am who I am is because people trust me. Im impressed that youve
broken down all of these techniques that I use, but I want you to remember that they
are simply the veneer behind the fact that people trust me, that people are genuinely
important to me, and that I treat them right. Remember, the be all and end all of all
of your study on this should be that reputation is the key. In the end, you only have one
reputation. So take care of it.

Social Circle Mastery is not like cold approach. You do NOT burn the house down.
You do not push interactions to the limit. People remember you and remember who
you are. Principles like buzz (see SCM DVD) are entirely based on this. Thus, your
reputation is key for the highest level of SCM and of achieving social dominance. If
people know, trust, respect and like you, then you are most likely to be someone who
is naturally socially dominant and influential without the need for tactics.

I used to walk into clubs with 50 girls and think that it was great social circle game. I
used to be able to think that alpha male behaviour was the way to go.

If Im honest with myself, the truth is that it was only after this, when I met high quality
and high value mentors who had a real Supernova going on in their lives, that I started
to realize that it wasnt about the smoke of being a ladies man or a wannabe alpha
male just trying to be dominant by acting alpha.

Those few people who I have had the absolute privilege of meeting who are truly on
their Supernova (i.e. blowing up in wealth, health, game and relationships with both
men and women) and who are socially dominant and influential in all their social circles
exhibit two main characteristics in their dealings with others - Respect and Integrity for
both themselves and others. Yes, they understand and at times use certain tactics
previously discussed (for example, alignment) and they usually have value (thus, the
value of a Supernova). However, they focus on the long-term gain derived by solid
relationships and a good reputation. And, of course, on developing their Navy Seal
Team (for more on this, see the Social Circle Mastery DVD).

These are not the pillars of living a playboy lifestyle, but of creating a social circle
dynasty with amazing and dynamic people and groups of people, who like you, strive to
be their best selves and inspire you on to greater heights not just in the game, but in

Achieving this is true social dominance.

Mr. M

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