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Spinoza suggests that substance does not affect us by its mere existence, but through

its :

(A) Qualities (B) Modes

(C) Attributes (D) None of the above

By the expression "the face of entire universe" Spinoza means:

the infinite collection of particular extended objects in nature
the universe conceived as a single indivisible nature
the way the universe appears to God
the way the universe appears to us

Spinozas monistic pluralism

reduces individuals to the following :
(A) Idea
(B) Attribute
(C) Substance
(D) Mode

According to Spinoza, an attribute

is that
(A) which the intellect perceives as
constituting the essence of a
(B) which the intellect perceives as
constituting the accidental
property of a substance.
(C) which the intellect perceives as
constituting the rational
property of a substance.
(D) which the intellect perceives as
the spiritual property of a

According to Spinoza

(A) substance is always the subject

(B) substance exists in itself and

concerned by itself

(C) substance is material

(D) substance is the unknown

foundation of qualities
Spinoza explains the body-mind

relation through the following

doctrine :

(A) Interactionism

(B) Pre-established harmony

(C) Psycho-physical parallelism

(D) Epiphenomenalism

Spinoza explained the relation between

mind and body by the help of

(A) Inter-actionism

(B) Parallelism

(C) Pre-established harmony

(D) Identity-in-difference

Which of the following statements

are true with regard to phenomenology ?

(A) Phenomenologists is not

concerned with particular facts

as such.

(B) The subject matter of

Phenomenology is the ideal

meanings and universal

relations with which the ego is

confronted in its experience.

(C) Only (A) (as above said) is true

and (B) is false.

(D) Both (A) and (B) (as above

said) are true.

The objects of phenomenological

inquiry are

(A) External objects

(B) Intentional objects

(C) Extensional objects

(D) Ideal objects

Given below are two statements, one

labelled as Assertion (A), and Reason

(R) :

Assertion (A) : According to Quine,

the verificationist theory has

taken language in a very piece-

meal fashion.

Reason (R) : It therefore has

resulted in a sort of reductionism.

In the context of the above two

statements, which of the following is

correct ?

Code :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and

(R) is the correct explanation of


Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer code from

below :
List I List II

a. On the logic of

social sciences

i. Gadamer

b. Being and


ii. Habermas

c. Philosophical


iii. Heideggar

d. Hermeneutics

and Criticism

iv. Schleiermacher

Codes :

a b c d

(A) ii iii i iv

innate ideas acceptable to Descartes and Spinoza

Spinoza's theory of klnowledge;

Intuitive knowledge advances forht from an adequte idea f the objective essence of
certian atributes of God to the adequte essence of things.
Reason comprehends the Univeraal essence of things and understands these intheir
relation to God.
Obscure and inadqutae ideas have thier origins in senasation and imagination

Assertion (A) : Spinoza conceives error not as defect of knowledge.

Reason (R) 1 No idea is either true or false as such; what makes an idea true is the presence of an

appropriate object.

A True

According to Russells theory of the definite description the proposition the author of Waverley is

Scotch is analysed as the following :

(a) At least one person wrote waverley.

(b) At most one person wrote waverley.

(c) Whoever wrote waverley is scotch.

Conjunction of ABC

Spinoza conceives error as :

(1) defect of senses (2) defect of knowledge??

(3) defect of reason (4) defect of intellect

All the propositions below, according to Spinoza are true, except :

(1) God and world are one and the same

(2) God is immanent in the world

(3) God transcends the world

(4) The world and its changes are Gods modes

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