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Historic context

France is a sovereign country and belonged to the European Union. Emmanuel Macron has been
led France for a long time. This country has been recognized for different aspects: Culture, social
aspects and places. Also, the French economy has been led by education, health and public
services. The women havent been included but, in this city was developed one of the most
important scientific advances in history. NATI

This was done by a woman and her husband, Radio, a fundamental element for modern
medicine, was discovered by Marie Curie and Pierre Curie. Thanks to that, the Nobel Prize in
Physics was given to both of them, for their important work, both husbands died of cancer, by
the constant exposure to the radio. Hundreds of women have been inspired by Marie Curie,
because for them it is a model of overcoming and recognition in an epope dominated by men.

Main characteristics of the radio. VALEN

The radius is a chemical element of the periodic table. Its symbol is Ra and its atomic number is
88, it is the heaviest of metals, it is intensely radioactive, chemically resembles barium.

Main uses of the radio

It is important to mention that some practical uses of radium are derived from its radioactive
properties, for example:

-Only used in luminescent paintings for watches and other instruments.

- When mixed with beryllium, it is a source of neutrons for physical experiments

-is used in cancer treatments

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