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C. H A R G
p~LIVE;RED ' TP Tl{!i;


H ME!'{OTQM'f1


P R. J N c; E "H A L ~.
ffl . . 2 C 11; . :P~!l"t.,. , t ~ .... := . X. , .c. ' Nf



11cloved Brethre-11, Qf the A/ricdn Lodge,

~TIS now five years lioce I deliver'd
a Charge to you on forne parts and
points of Mafonry. As one branch or fu.
perfiruclure on the foundation ; when I .
endeavoured to .hew you the du ty of a Ma-
fon t-o a Mafon. and charity or love to all
mankind, as the mark and imaf!C of the
great Qod, .and the Father of the human
race. .
I !hall now attempt to !hew you, that it
is our duty to fympathife with our fellow
I men under their troubles : the families of
our brtthren' who are g0ne : we hope to the
Grand Lodge above, here to return no more.
But the cheerfulnefs that you h ave ever had
to relieve them, and eafe their burdens, un:-
, der their forrowii, will never be forgotten by
them ; ,. and in this manner yQu will never.
p~ ~~ary in doing gooq. - _... .
' -- - But


( 4- '
But my brethren, altl1ough we are to be;
gin here, we mufl: not end here ; for only
look :!round you and you will fee an<l hear
of numbers .of our fellow n1en crying out
with holy J oa, Have pity on me, 0 my
Jriends, for the hand of t\le Lord hat~
touched n1t. And this is. not to be confi-
ned to parties or colours ; not to towns pr
!l ates ; not to a kihgdom, but to the king-
dom~()f the whole earth, over whom Chrill:
the king is head 4nd grand man~r.
. Ar1)ong thefe nu_merous foos ~nd daugh--
ters of diO:refs, I hall begiri ~vith our friends
and breth reo ; and firfi, let us fee them
4ragg/d f~OJ?'l thei~ native country, by the
iron hand of tyranny anu oppreflion, frolll:
their dear friends and conncltions, \>Vith
' .
,~~epi 11g eyes.and aching l,1earts, to. a fi~ange.
lf.nd and ft raiJge p~op.le, whofe tender n:er-
cie:s are crtJel ; ii.nd there to bear the iron
yok:e c1f 11a very &; cru_el ty till d,eath as a friend,
'iliall telieve them. And mufi no.t the un-
happy condition 9f thefe ou~ f~llfw men.
draw, forth our hearty prayer aa~ w1lh~s for
their deliverance from thefe merchants and
t raders, whofe cha.raclers you have in the,
x I"iii chap. of the Revelations, 1 J, 1 2, l;fC 13.
, . vier(es~


( .5 )
, ferfes, and vvho khov1s but the[e fame fort
I of trat.lers may in a f'b ort time, in the like
1 manner, bewail the lofs of the African
j traffick , to their !hame and confufion : and if
l q1iflake not, it now begins to dawn in fame
of the \iVefi- I ndia iOands ; which puts me
)J in n1ind of a nation ( that I ha Ye !omewhere
, read ot) called Ethiopeans, that c~nnot
change their fkin : But God can and will
change their co1iditions, and their hearts too ;
and let Hollon and the world know, that
I-Je hath no refpeel: of perfons ; and that
ihat bul~ark of envy, pride, {corn and con -
tempt; v.bich is lo vifibie to be feen in fon1e
-and felt , !hall fall , to rife no more.
W hen we hear of the bloody wars v, l1ich
are now in the world, and thoufands of our
J fflllow 1nen Oain ; fhthers and mothers be-
1 wailing the lofs of 1heir fans ; wives for
th e lo{s of their huiliands ; towns and cities
burnt and defiroy'd ; w hat 1nufi be the
heart-felt forrow and difl rels of lhe(e poor
;ind unha ppy people ! Though we cannot
help them, the diflance being io great, yet
we may fy!l}pathize wiLh the1n in their
troubles, and mingle a tear ot farrow wi1l1
t hen1, and do as we are exhorted t o-weep
. thofe. th;it weep. Tl1us
- ---:.- - ' .

., ( I, ) '
Thus ~ny brethren we fee what a chequtr~
td world we tive in. Sometimes happy in
having our wives and children like oli've-
oranches about our tables ! recei~ing tlic
bounties of our great .Benefactor. The
next year, or n1onth, or v1tcek, we tnay be
aeprived of fame of thim 1 and we go mourn-
ing about the fireets : fo in foeit'.ties; we are
tpis day to celebrate this Feaft of St. J ohn's,
and the next week we might be called up-
on to attenq a funeral of fc,111e one here, as
we have experienced fince our laCl: in this
Lodge. S.o in the comn1on affairs of life \Ve
fometinies enjoy health and profperity ; at
another time ficknefs and adver1ity, croffes
a'i1d difappointn1ents.
So in fiates and ltinE;dotns ; (ometimes in
tranquility ; then wars and tumults ; rich to
day, and poor to~morrow ; which thews
~ that there is not an independent rnortal en
earth ; but dependent one upon the O!her,
.from the king to the beggar,
1~h~ great law.1gi"'.er, Moles, who in~
ftru et cd by l1 is fatl1er-in-law, Jethro, an
Elhiopean, how to regulate his courts o~
ju t1ice; and what f~rt ot_men to choofe for
,he djffl!rent offices ; hear now my words,
- faid

------~-..1. . . . . ._. . . . ,_._,___..,.

( 7 )
(aid he, l will giYe you coun(eJ, and God
{hall be with you ; be thou for the people
to Godward, that thou maycft bring t~~
caufes unto God, and thoq D1all teach them
! ordinances and I, ws, and iliall hew the
way wherein they muft walk ; and the
1l work that they muft do: naoreover tholl
hall provide out of all the people, able men,
fuch as fear God, meo of truth, hating co~
vetoufnefs, and place {ucb over them, to bo
rulers of thoufandi:, of hundreds and of cens.
:So Mofes hearkened to the voice of hir
J father-in-law, 2nd did a.II that Ile faid.--
1 Exodus xviii, 22-24.
Thi~ is the firO: and granqell letl:ure thac
Mofes ever received from the mouth of man,;
for Jechro underfiood geometry as weil as '
Jaws, that a Mafon may plainly fee ;' fo J

a little captive fervaot maid by wbofe

advice Nomen, the great gener~l of Syriats
army was healed of his le profy ; and by a
fervant his proud fpirit was brought down :
z Kings, v. 3-14. The feelin,gs of thi~
little captive, for this great man, her captor,
was fo great, that {he forgot her ftate of
'1 _ c aptivitj, and felt for the dittrefs of her
enelllY Woul4 to God (faid the to her
- miftrefs)

.( g )

miftrefs) my lord \Vere with the prophets

in San1aria he ll1ould be healed of his le ..

pro(y : So after he went to the prophet, his

proud holt was fo haushty tbat he not only
di!dain'd the prophet's direction, but cleri.
ded the good 0ld prophot ; and had it not
~een for his fervant, he would have gone to
bis grave, with a dollble leprofr, the out ..
ward and the inward, in the heart, which
is the worfi: of leprofies ; ii black heart is
wor{e than a white leprofy.
How unlike was this great general's beha-
viour to that of as grand a characJer, and as
well beloved by bis prince as he was ; I
n1ean Obadiah, to a Ji~e prophet. See fot .
ihis t ft Kings, ,cviii. from 7 to the 16th.
A.nd as Obadiah was in the way, behold
Elijah met him, and he knew hi111, and fell
on his face, and faid, Art not thou, my Lord,
Elijah, and he told him, Yea, g0 and tell
tlly Lord, behold Elijah is here t r.nd fo 011
lo thy l 6th verfe. Thus we fee,
great and good men h ave, and always will
have, a refpetl: for minifters and fervants of
God. Another in!lance of this is in Aels
viii, 27 to 3 I , of the European Eunuch, a
man 9f gr~a~ flUtllority, to Philip, th~

-------.. ,....-_...--. ---~------

r ~. '
apo{tle : here is mutual love c\nd fricnrithiP.
between them. This minirtcr of Jerus Ci1nti
dii not think h-imfelf too g ood tq receive the
hand, anrl ride in a ch,iriot "' ith a black man
ill the ~ace of"aay'; neither die! this gt~at 0)0-
na~ch Jfor f~ (~f- ~vas). 'l~in~ ic" beneath ~im
,co ~\\~~ a p~~ r Jer vant of the Lord by the
hand, ~nd, ~nvfre ~trp into ,hi~ carriage, though
bt ,w,1th
a 11aff' one coat and< 110 money 111 his
) ; t)J1 >
pock,~r.1 ~o ~ur Grand Maftt:r, Solomon, was
not ailiam
d -to rake the f)ueen of Sheba by
,1 I :-<:.:
the haiid, and lead her inro his coorr, ac the
hour of. hi'g i1 1 ~\velve~ and there: converfe w1tlt
her :,on. - poi-11ts~of 'l m\'. fo1rry 't fiir if ever there
Was-J female rn,t[on 11) tri'e WOr]d. tbe \V3S One)
I ana other curio.u~-: .!1'-l.llers ; anJ grat ified her,
by (Iiewing Ii~} all "his riches and curious pit..
C~f, of ' "rGn itectu,re in thl! tetn p)e, and in his
h9ufe: Afce'r fomg li~~ ftaY,rrlg " 'i th her, he
; lo_aqed her wft,h mu<;h rich prefcnrs : he gave
hl r .ch'e rlgnc hana o'f' aff::ci:ion anJ parted in
lovc.u ' r ., ' ' .
'! 'I h 9pe th'a t 11\) one \Viii dare openly (rho' in
fact the behaviou~ drromeimj),lle : as m uch) ro
f1y, as our L ,rd liid on a,10, htr 6::cal1011. Be-
hold a grea(er Jh~J). Sqlomqa is here. Bue yet
le't tQ,e1n confider 1'ha.t our Gra1~d ,Vfafler S0lo-
1rion, did not 01vid~'the' livtntt chiftl. \\lh ttever
he m ight, do \Vi (h t h e dead oi1c~ neither drd he
pretend to make a la,v, co forbid che 'P,~rties
B from

( 10 1
f~At h,ay ing.f~~c int;er~ou~f~.with ,one ,a9othcr
vqc,~ot1t t~e fear of cenfur;e, or,be ,t\,lrneg 01:1t of
ynagogue. . .
'fyQ\V:'m"y b'rethreA.,. ~SW~ .f~e and eXpC:t)~l)<;e,
t~~ .11 lh.i~~ ,frajl and cha,ngeab,le ~pd

ng~~1ng ht:re~ t~ be .1~peni~d;. UI,)?.'~. : ~ t us '

fe~k,c~ofe thlng, \Yh1ch are. aboye, which are
fW:~ ar~: ~~dl~a; and_un.~~apgi a~le,:' a!l9, ic..t~~
f":,~ t1r.n~ le~ us pyay 1to ,Al,migt1.tY Ggd, whj.le.
\\;~ r~mau),. 1n the. taoernaf le, \hat he wou!d
gt1e us the g,~a~e of pat.ienc~ and ~ren~;~ t(?1
b~r ;up un~<ir., al} our. t ,:oub!es, which a~ . t~i~
d~y ,Goq ~n~ws we qur {har,e., Patience _I
fay.., ,f9r W$,re .we npt P.~[ef.s,'9. of .:1. gre~.~ mea- ,
fu,~,.ofjt y,o col\ld 1;1qt bear ,up under the cfa!-
ly i~fu}ts . you ll)~~t with in the ftreets of Bof-:
t'ln-.; mu~h. on pui>ljc; daya ofrecr~ati?n, .
h~w .are you !ham~~ullr,.abs'd, and t~~t at
fucl:i. a degree, that you m;t)'. truly b.e faid .to
ciiiry your liv7~ in your h:lnd~~ and the .arrO\VS ,
of death are flying about your heads ; helplefs 1
old \\'.Omen have their clothes torn off their
bac:;ks, eve.I?- to'che cxpoijqg of their nake~,g efs; .
ang, by wfiom1are thefe difg~acefu~ ac,d abuve .
a~ioa~ committed, not by . tbe me~ . b9.~n a!ld
brc..4.. i n, ll'?fion, for they ar,e better b~ed ;
bur,. by. a mob or horde ,of !hamelefs. 'lo\f-hv~di.
er)r iou~. fpitelu1 perfons, fomc of. them not
_1<?!'!8,fi?c.e, , fe~vanrs in gent!e!l)en's kitc~inga,
fc~~fiqg knives, tending horfes, and dr1~1ng

\ ( 11 ,.)

l chai fc. Twas faid .b):' a gentleman who

thac fi lt-hyb~h,tviour. 'ttie coin'mon, that 1n~ 1
the plaCell he had be,en in, he never ,faw fo cr'uel
,behaviour in a'11. his'life, a-nd t~at a nave 11, th e
v;rell: 11nd!~~, -on S~ nd.1y or h?l!days_~~joy~ n~in-
fel I and friends w1Ll1out any mofefiauon. N ot
Qnly this marr; but nianJ ih >rc>wo wrto );~th
foen their' b.b~avio~[; to y9u, ~nd \h'ii~ ..\~,i th op.t
any pr0vocat1ons; t \\'. enty.o,r thirty cowards fall
'llpor~ one man,'nave \von'd'c r'd at ' t}ie patiencc
of the B lacks : . 'tis:not 'for_ w~nr'of"cou~gc
i'n you, tor theyl<now tnat they dare'not facI!
you .man for man. : oui:~fP..a rnob, wni,ch w e
,defpifei" and had 'i-ac}ier {uffer wrong than to
:<lo ':VfOng,:ro the difl:i.irbance of the CQmmtinity
an_d' die difgrace of our 'reputation : for "ev'ery
good ,citizen doth borlor io the'laws of ' ihe
'Seate wfaerelie 'i-cfides.
'My brethren, 1et us not be ca: down unpc:.r
thefe and many other abufe,s ,,e at ,prefeht la-
, pour under : for ,tile 'cfarkcft ill 'before the
break of day : My 'brethren, let us remember
what a dark day it was wirb our African orc-
f thren 'fix years ago, fn the French Weft-Indies .
Noth.iog but tbe'fnap of the whip Wa heard
from morning to evening ; hanging; broken
on the ,vhcel, burning, and all manner of ror-
' turc; inflicl-ed on thofe 'unhappy r,coplc, for

I nothing elfe but to gratify their '!)afters priqf,

wantonncfs and cruelty : but blefi'cd be God,

( 1'2 )

the rcC"ne i.s changecl ; tliey1now confefs that


God hath no refpecl of perfons, and there.fore

receive them a$: their 'frie,rris, and treat them
as brothers. Thus doth E t hiopia begin to
.flrerch forrh her hand, fron'l a firik :of fiavery
to freedom and equality.
Alc~ough you are ~eprived "of' ' t~e means of
~ducat1on ; yet yol'I are not deprived of the
means of medication '. ; By ,vhich 1 mean think-
ing, hearing and ,veighing matters, n1en ~.nd
things 111 your own mind,and making tha't judg-
ment o~ thew a~ r~u t~i'~k reaf~nable r~ latisfy
your,,n~nJs .:ind_ ~tt e :an an(:.ver't<:> ~h~ft Wfio
rnay , afk you a'Jqu! fl~on. 'rh!s 'nature 'hath
furn ifhed f.ou ,v\l}l; wic~~ui letter H:hrning '; and
_foin c h:ive m'adc'g reac p'r9,grefs therein,foni(! of
thofe 1 have h<1ard repeat pfalms and hy1T1ns,
and a ;;reat p art of a fermo'n, only by 'hearing
it read or prcacied and' \\ hy not in other thi,i,gs
in nature ; ho,v rpany of this clafs of our br~-
thren that follJw -1he feas .; can foretell a ftorm
I fome days liefotc it domes ; whecner it ,viii 'tie
a heavy 1)( l ight, a Joni or fuoi-t 6&c ; foretell
a hurricane whether it ,viii be dcfrruclive or 1no-
deratc ; wi;nout any other means tlian -0bfetva-
,,_ I
t1on and con{ideration. .

So in the obrervarion ofthe htavenlf bodies,
. 1

this fame clafs ,vithouc atellefcopc'or 9ther ap-

p aratU$ have chro ngh ~ fm~ak'd .glafs '?~f~:ve.rl
the eclipfe of th'e fu rt ~ ' One be111g afU'd w'hat

) { . 13 .)
hefa '" through his finoaked glafs ? f.1id, Saw,
faw, de clipfey, or de cliplc:ys ;~and what
do you think of it ?-!lop, dcre be t\VO ; -
r ight,and what do they look like ?-Look like,
why if I tell you, they look like two iliips fail-
ing one bigger than tother ; fp they f.1il by one
anoth~r, and make no noile. As fimple as the
an( \V('rs are , they have a meaning, and !he\v,
that God can out of the mouth of babes and
Afi icans !hew forth his glory ; then Love
and adore him as the G od who defends u,s and
fupportsus and,wjll fupport us under our pref-
fure~, Jee. roem be. ever:fo heavy, and preffing.
Lee us by the, b-leffing of (~d. in whatfoever
ftate ,ve are, ior n1~y be in, to be con.tent ; for
clouds and darknefs aJe about him ; but jufticc
and truth i1f his hab>itation ; ,who hath faid,
Vengeance is' mi(,e and 1 will i:epay it, there-
fore let tis 'k:ifs the t od and b~ ft1ll, and fee the
works of'the~Lortl. I h. '

- A norher tr.iing [ w,0uld, ,var.n you againft, is

-:n 1
e~fittv1ib' teat of man, ,whrch bringeft a [nare.
"i faith I Soloilnoo . ... 'This 'Paffion '0f, fear, like
pri~e and en~y, , h~th O:ain its th?ufands.-
Wnat but this makei. fo many per:1urc them-
felves ; for fear of offending thrm at~hon1c they
are a linle depending -on, f-0r forrie tiiifles :
A man that1$ u".lder a ~anic of fear, is affraid
to be a~o_nc'; .Jy"ou cannot: heat at' a robbery or
h'obfe eroke open or,fet on, fire, buti he
,,.. ' ac.complice
1.,:::;._ -


( ( 14 l }
.-ccompli'ce',w1th-hi'm,' :who' rtitift fuaro-thc f]>ojf
~ith him ; .wh~re<_ls if-lhc1wasJi<uly , bold, and
void of fear, he wo1.1ld':keep tn:e whole pluncter
ro h'imf,elf :- fo ~ wen ei'cher o( chero 1~ dececled
and1not the, a>the-i., , he rm1_y t?e .-~a;ll 'J 1 to oa\h
:torkcop it fectet., but t'hro11tgh tear, 1(a)d' ih~t
.paffion l'S""lO (trong) -he will c.OOt (Qllf~(~, t\11
the1fatll-l cord is put an hts. neck ; tben .dcjlth
,will deliver hirnfrom tfle fear-of man, :l):ld h~
'Will confefs rHe: rrut,h wheJ\ it ,vill aet-,be of
rany :good to him[elf <)I; th:e' community : nor is
this;~on of fear. only c() be foun,d in this
' ~afs of .m'cn, but. a):nong ,the <
What was the r:eafon that b.Ur, A,fFican ' k_inga
,and pi;ioceS: bav.e plunged them lei vc, anp thc.-ir
~e-ac:ea_ble kingll9ms -joco bloody wars, to t.he
tiefioyi_ng of'rowns ~nd-kiogdotrls,. but thetea.r
-ofithc rep0rt ofa great:gun~or theigJittering of
rms and fwdr8s, ,,tti<?h firue)( tl'll:(~ ~-;11g.s n~~r
the feaports ~Yith fuch a-panic fi)f fear~a~ not_o.11ly
-to d'cflroy the peace ilnd happinei~ of cheir in-
land brethren, but pluJ1g'cl m'illions of their fcl- '
low countrymen into flavcry ..and cruel ,bon-
-dage. .
So other .countries; fee Feli~ tremblingon
~is throne. How many Emperors and _kings
hitvt5 Left their kingdoms and beftfriends, at the
!fight of <): handful of men 1n trms : how many
,have>we feen that have: left their -efiates
and their
fr.ieo.di arid ra.h over tothc fi:ronier fide as they


( J5 ,. .
thqught : alt th1'ough the fear otrnien; wh@ is
but a \Y'6rm, and hi try no more. power. to hurt
his felloY{ worm, without the ,.per.miffion. of ,
God; than a real worm.

Th~s we fee my bretl'lren, what. a muer-ablo'tion it is to be under the .'1lavi!h: fear of
f men; it is offuch a deftr1tttivc nature to man~
kind; that the " fcr:j'pt'1!r-et every where ', from
Gencfis to the Rcyelat1on1 waril$ ~11- againll: it ;
and even our bleffod Sav'iour-himfelf forbids .ua
from this '
. fdar of
- tnaA, . ,In: his fermon,on
the 'mquz;i.i:, ' a!1tl rt1~e.-0nly' -, wa-y. ,c_o.,avoid it -i~.
t6 be in the fear of Gort :I let. a:~m.1rt,confidei, ..
, trye 'gt'C~rl~fs of h'i~ power; as . thc:n1aker and
1 up~older of a!l things here beloiv, . and
Him we live, and move, and h11vc our. boing.
the giver of rhe .mercies we enjoy hpre- from:.
day to day, and that our lives arc,in his hands,
and that 'hc,tn~de the heavens,, m!lon
l anti Clars. to move. iA their ,various orders ; luc1

us thus view th-e,g of God, and''then

tlirn out 011 mortal man, a \VOrm, a fh:tde, .
a wafer, a11d fee whether he is all object of fear
or not ; of\ the c99rrar-y, you \viii, think.him in
hi, beft ,eClate, to be b1:1t vanity, feebl~ and a ,
dependent mortal, and ftands in need ofi your
h,lp. and cannot d ;) wirhout your aillllancc, in
1l fome way or . or her ; ahd yet f<>me ,of thefe,
poor mortals 1vill 1ry ro make you believt they
are God,. but worChip them not. My bre-
thre~ let us pay a:H due ref~d: ;o all whom
God hath put iJl places .of h~1w.~.!'X~.r us : de,
juftly and be-- faith(ul , to them ,tl'\ac hire you,
.and crcat th~m 1.tith that refped: they max
dcferve ; .b.uG..wor01iJl) na map. r. Wor.fhi p God,
this much is your dutf, as q}\tjtiiaqf ,and ~s
rnafons, . , i r: : r: 1 . , , , ( _ r
We fi:.e tlien how bec9rning .and ncceifary it
i to have a fellow,,fecling for our <Jjjlrefs'sl' , _
brethren of 'the human race. in their troubl~s,
'both fpiritual an.d te,mg9.r'~l-tlq;~f5=frc;fh~ng.ih
is to a fiok n1an~to. fee his fympatJ~~fiog '1 Jripdf1
around , bis bed, reacly to a'Clcninttjer~all fhe re;:
lief in tliei.r powei; ;al.though ~hey can't re 7
lieve- his bodily pain yet .cb~y n1ay C:i\fe.tiis mind
by good inltruclions ,<\nU 1, cl}t;er pi~ hear; 1b[ y ,
) Ho\V doth it cheer u,p the hca_rt ?f ~ 1qian
,vhen his ~ .
. houfe is 011 ,fjre, ,.to fee a n~mber of
friends coming to his, t~Ji.rt ; he is 1fp cl ran{po~r.-
ed that he almOft torgecs Jii.s. Joi~ ,and his dan-.. l
ger, -and fills him \~ ich arJJ gratitude . I
and rheir joys and l0rro~~ ;\,f~ n,1urual. , I
So a man wre ck'd at fea, how mu(l
it revive,
his dro<Jping h~art to fee a fuip 9c;a1 ing do,wn
for his rel',et,, . .
. - '
How do:rh it rejoice the, hc,r; pf a flrang~r a
in a ftrang~ lai1d to.fee thC,p\'ople chec~fu l and Ii
plcafant and ,are ready to heJp hlrn .
( 17 J
Ho,v did it, think you, cheer the ~art of,
f thofe our poor unhappy i\ frica n brethren, to
fee a !hip ,:omm1fii0nt'd from G od, apd from
a nation that v.1ithout flattery fait h, that all men
a1e free and are brethren; I fay to tee them in '
an inflanc d eliver fuch a number from their
I cruel bolrs and galling c hains,and to be fed like
JI men, and treated like brethren. Where is the
man that has rhe leaft (park of hun1:inity, that
. i., will notiejoice ,vith chem; and ble{sarigh-
teou.r; God who know$ how ano \vhcn to re-
\. lieve the opprefled, as \Ve fee he drd in the
deliverance of rhe captives amo ng che Alge-
I rines ; h0,v fudden iverc they delivered by the~
~ f)'1npathifing m embersof the Congrefs of the:
Unned Scates, who now enjoy the free air o'r
peace ;ind lt bert y, to their gr.tat joy and fur.!.
priie, to them 11nd their friends. Here ,ve
fee the hand of God in various ,vays, bringing
about his own glory lor the good of mankind,
by the mutual help of their fcl!O\\I rtien ;
which 01;Jght ro reach u.s in all our firaics, be
1 they \\har_ th_ey 1nay, to ~ut our rru:ft i~ Ht!V~
firmly beltcv1ng, that lie- 1s able and "''111 deli-
, er us and defend us'' agaiqfi all our enemies ;
and that no \Veapon form'd againft us fhalf
profper; only let us b~ ftcady and unifoi-'n1 in ,
I our \\~lks, fpeech 'and beJ1~" io11r ; al\vays do-
1 ing 10 all men as we wilh and delire they
wou)d do to us in the like ca!es and circuin.!'
fi::,ices. ,'I ' Live '
s~ 'ID . C - - ~-,
?"< . -~~:-A -

( 1i }

,L ive and.act as Mafon1, that you may die~

Mafons , let tnofe <kfpifers !ec, al tho' many of
ua ca11not read, yet by our fearchea and r.efearch-
cs into men and things, we have fupplied that
defect, and it they will le.t us,,ve {hall cal'! our-
felves a charter'd lodge, of 9uft and lawful
Mafon1 ; be always ready tf> gi,ve an anfwer to
thofe that afk you a queflioa ; give the right '.
hand of aft'cction and fellowfhip to whom it
ju!lfy belongs lee their col0ur and co1nplcxion ~
be what it \Vill : let their nation be what it may,
for they are your brethrcn,.ancl it is your indif-
pcnfible duty fo to do; lee chem asMafons deny
this, and \\'e & the worldknO\V what to think o{
them be they ever fo grand : for we know this
Solomon's creed, Solomon'i. creed did I fay, it
is the decree of the Almighty, a.rid all Mafonc
have learnt it : plain market lar,iguage and
plain and true lacts need no apologies.
I fhall now conclude with an old poem
which I found amoi1g fome papers :-
.Let blind admirers handfome face, praife,
And grac:cful features to great honor nifc,
The glories of the red and 1vhite .cxprefa,
. I ' know no beauty but ''in holinefs ;
H God of beauty be the uncreate
Perfeft idea, in thia lower fiate,
The greateft beautiee human moul d
Who mo'fi re!emble 1-Iim we jullly hold ~
Whomwe refeml,>le not in fle!h :ind blood,
But ,b eing pure and holy, juft and gooi:
Mar fiu:h a beau,ty fal t bul to my {hare,
For cur:e>us fuape or face I'll never care,

.. weesz. lane ....

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