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Writing sample


Childrens name: Charlotte and Lily


The children are mixed for family grouping in the outdoor area this morning. Charlotte approached the drawing
table and asked for paper and pens. Her peers joined her Charlotte began writing on her blank page.


Charlotte began writing upon her page showing control of her pencil. What are you drawing? Charlotte asked
her friend Lily. I am drawing a treasure map with pirates Lily responded enthusiastically. Charlotte watched
Lily write her own name then copied this on to her page she then underneath wrote her name at the top of her
page then moved directly above and wrote her last name. What does that say Charlotte I asked pointing to
her last name. That is Shute, thats my last name, my name is Charlotte Shute she said confidently. Charlotte
then began to move underneath again writing a new name. She spelt out her friend name Rawinia. What does
that say? I asked again. It says Rawinia, R A W I N I A she responded. That is excellent Charlotte did you see
her name written anywhere? I asked. No I just know how to write Rawinia she exclaimed. You have great
spelling Charlotte I praised. How do you write your name Courtney? charlotte asked. I began saying each
letter as it follows in my name and Charlotte was able to copy them down accordingly. There Courtney she
said pointing showing me her work. That is such a great work Charlotte I love it I said. Charlotte went and
placed her work in her bag and continued playing.


Charlotte can be seen within First Steps Continuums. Phase 2: Semi-Phonetic Spelling of as she;

- understands that a word can be written down

- recognises and spells own name and that of her peers
- knows the letters of the alphabet by name
- recognises words in context that says Rawinia.
- shows confidence to experiment with words
- talks about what she is writing to educators
- keen to share her written language discoveries with others (Department of Education Western
Australia, 2009).
Through this writing experience Charlotte is exploring learning outcome within the Early Years Learning
Framework (DEEWR, 2009):

LO.5.1 Is able to construct meaning through verbal communication as she states what she is writing

LO.5.3 Charlotte actively shares their enjoyment for literacy experiences

LO.5.3 Charlotte uses writing to express meaning and ideas

LO.3.2 Writing extends on Charlottes fine motor capabilities Comment [CB1]: Analysis of learning linked to the Early
Years Learning Framework outcomes.

Whats next?

To further enable Charlotte to express meaning through drawing and writing experience as she shows a strong
engagement within. I would like to encourage her to begin self labelling her drawings. Scaffolding by educators
will be provided to enable Charlotte to spell words within her drawing (Vygotsky, 1978). Comment [CB2]: Future opportunities to embed In planned
experience to further learning, also attuned to Charlottes
interest in creative arts. Educator strategies noted.

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