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Lexus Collins

Block: 2
Reading for Enjoyment
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Major Assignment #3 Multi-Genre Novel
Projects: Obituary
Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has died. This loss is completely devastating for all of
his friends and family as well as his many students. Professor was very much liked by
many of his students and staff. Some have even said he was the best wizard of his
generation due to his exquisite teaching skills and many accomplishments. Professor
Dumbledore was not only the headmaster Hogwarts but also, at one point, the Supreme
Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the
Wizengamot. He was offered many times the job of Minister of Magic or at least a job at
the Ministry of Magic, but always denied them.
Although Dumbledore was an incredible wizard, his death was very tragic and
very few know what actually happened. I however know the real story, which is
incredibly tragic. Professor Dumbledore had come back to Hogwarts School with the
young Harry Potter to find the Dark Mark or Voldemorts signature above the Astronomy
Tower. Naturally he and Harry headed towards the mark on their brooms to see the
damage that had been done. When they arrived Dumbledore realized there was
something wrong and stunned Harry Potter whilst he was under an invisibility cloak, to
keep him safe and unseen. After a short period, one of the teachers from his school,
one he trusted very much, entered the area and proceeded to perform the unforgivable
curse, Avada Kedavra, killing him on the spot.
This tragic story of the bravery of one of the greatest wizards of our time has
broken many hearts and this loss will never be forgotten. One of many affected by
Dumbledore, Im sure we all have the utmost amount of sympathy for Harry Potter and
yet another death he was the witness of. Dumbledores accomplishments in the
wizarding world will not be forgotten and neither will he. One of his many
accomplishments could be long but strong fight for equality of all blood statuses, him
being a half blood himself. This fight was not entirely in vain, because many laws or
prejudices regarding blood status have been put to rest because of his fruitless efforts.
Let there be no doubt that Dumbledore deserved to die in much better way than what he
got. We all will mourn this loss for years to come. Albus Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will
never be forgotten and although there are many who doubted him, he was a good and
he will be missed by most.
Grand Opening Announcement: Weasleys Wizard
Due to recent funds provide by an Anonymous source, Fred and George
Weasley, the handsome twins who are recent dropouts and legends and
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, are now opening a joke shop.
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes products have previously been sold to
students attending Hogwarts Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry and have
come to fruition in the form of a joke ship. The items you loved (unless you
didnt attend Hogwarts or attended before or after our time there, in which
case, you will love) before are now being mass produced as you are
reading this. Old favorites like: Skiving Snackboxes(a variety of sweets to
make you ill enough to get out of trouble, or class), Puking
Pastilles(generally self explanatory), and Nosebleed Nougats(also self
explanatory) and new favorites like: self-propelling custard pie and love
potions(for those feeling a little heartsick). For those freaks like our dad, we
also have a section of Muggle Magic tricks. So come down to 93 Diagon
Alley, London, England and check out our tricks, because there is so much
more to come.

Fred and George Weasley, Co-owners of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

How to Create a Horcrux News Article

This exclusive article is strictly for educational purposes and none of the instructions that shall be listed should ever
be followed.
Being of the dark arts, horcruxes are in no way acceptable in the magical
world, because the means to create one are highly illegal and will
eventually result in a life sentence to Azkaban.
First off I shall explain what exactly a Horcrux is, as that is obviously an
important aspect of this lesson (for lack of a better word). A horcrux is a
fragment of ones soul, contained in any object, although the few who have
had a horcrux prefer to use objects of significance, being that this will better
protect the fragment. Horcruxes are used to obtain immortality or at least
extend ones life.There is only one way to create a horcrux and it is an
extremely cruel and unforgivable means to a not worthy end. Seeing that
the splitting of the soul is against nature, in order to do it you have to
commit an act of evil, THE act of evil. To create a horcrux you have to
murder, thus splitting your soul. You use this opportunity to encase the torn
piece into an object of your choosing by using a spell. I am not entirely
aware what the spell but if you want to learn for yourself, then you must find
another source. Anyways, once the fragment is contained, in the future
when your physical form must die, this fragment will remain in tact and you
will live in non-corporeal form. There are ways of returning to physical form,
but that is for another article. I must warn, this act of soul splitting has a
harsh effect on the soul and many people lose part of who they are. As well
as this, splitting your soul into more than 2 fragments may have an ever
larger effect and has only been done once before, by the Dark Lord
himself, Lord Voldemort/He Who Must Not Be Named/Tom Riddle. Please
remember that this article is for educational purposes only and anyone who
creates a horcrux will be punished.

Felix Felicis Recipe

As Made by the Half-Blood Prince

Ashwinder Egg
Squill Bulb
Tincture of Thyme
Occamy Eggshell
Powdered Common Rue

What to do:
To begin you must add the ashwinder egg to cauldron. Then you must add
horseradish and heat. Next you will juice the squill bulb, add it to the cauldron
and stir vigorously. Chop up the anemone-like growth on the back of Murtlap, add
to your mixture and heat once again. Add a dash of you tincture of thyme and stir
slowly. Grind up occamy eggshell and add to mixture. Stir slowly and heat the
cauldron once more. Add a sprinkle of the powdered common rue. Stir vigorously
and heat the cauldron a final time. Wave wand over potion in a figure 8 and say
incantation Felixempra! Your result should be the color of molten gold and
droplets should leap out.

Shopping List for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

1. Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage
2. A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
3. The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6 by Miranda Goshawk
4. Quintessence: A Quest
5. Confronting the Faceless
6. Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
7. Advanced Rune Translation

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