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Japanese WORDS!
has a subtropical climate with short mild winters and long hot summers. It also has
high mountains and steep slopes, which limit habitability. Shikoku is the smallest of the
four main island in the Japanese Archipelago. The island has few natural resources or
large scale industry, but it does produce extensive food, beverage, livestock and
tobacco industries. It also produces many pulp, paper and chemical products. Shikoku
is famous for its 88 temple pilgrimage associated with the priest Kkai and the Obon
festival. The largest city on the island is the capital of the Ehime Prefecture,
a mountainous island, with many signs of tectonic activity, including numerous areas with hot
springs and volcanoes. The island houses Japan's most active volcano, Mt. Aso. Major agriculture
products the island produces are rice, tea and soy. The island also widely produces silk and is
noted for various types of porcelain. Heavy industry is located in the northern part of the island,
which includes chemical and metal processing. The largest city on the island is Fukuoka, which is
the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture. Kyushu is also home to the city of Nagasaki, which was only
the second and to date the last city on Earth to experience a nuclear attack .

the northernmost and largest prefecture in Japan. The island is know for its cool summers and cold
winters. The center of the island has a large number of volcanic and mountains, while there are
coastal plains in all directions outwards from this center. The island also has a number of National
and Semi-national Parks. The island has some light industry, like beer brewing and paper milling, but
most of the island's people work in the service sector. Hokkaido also has a major role in agriculture,
ranking first in Japan in production on a number of products like corn, beef, and wheat. The tourism
industry also plays an important role in the economy. The largest city on the island is the capital of
the prefecture, Sapporo which is also the fourth largest city in Japan.

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