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Google Authenticator How it works

1. We need a SECRET KEY (ORIGINAL KEY), provided by DB Gurus, or client, or a combination of client
and DB Gurus. We will be using the original key to generate PRESHARED SECRET KEY to provide to
the user (employees). (see Image 1.1 Algorithm) The user will use the PreShared Key to his her
Google App by manually entering it or using QR/Barcode. The Google App generates 6 digits key
every 30 seconds. (see Image 1.2 Google App Face). We did testing using iPhone and Android yet.

Image 1.1 Google Authenticator Algorithm

Image 1.2 Google App face

II. Google Authenticator How to implement in DB Gurus

Option 1. Owner Account provides the Barcode and PreShared Key to other users (employees).

How: The Owner account can generate the Barcode and PreShared Key at the creation of other-
users stage (Admin > Users > Add user); Detail.aspx page. This could be a button to popup a
dialog box to show the Barcode and PreShared Key.

Note: Suggestion, the user should not have a saved-preshared key.

Option 2. User get the Preshared Key and Barcode

How: After the user has been created by the Owner Account (or DB Gurus), on the first ever
login of the new created user, a popup will show to inform the user about his her Barcode and
Preshared Key.

Note: This is not secure because the user can save the Barcode or PreShared Key.

III. Google Authenticator Needed Keys

1. Original Secret Key

a. Use to generate PreShared Secret Key
b. This can be provided by:
i. DB Gurus, or
ii. Client, or
iii. a combination of DB Gurus and client, or
iv. System Generated for users different PreShared Secret Key (Recommended)

2. PreShared Secret Key

a. To be used by user for his her Google App
b. Barcode or Codes. (see image 1.3 Barcode and Codes)
3. PIN
a. Generated by Google App, 6 digits.
b. To be used every time the user login. This is the 2 nd factor.

Image 1.3 Barcode and Code

IV. Impact on Database

Option 1. One Original Secret Key for all users (Not Secured)

1. This is not III.1.a.iv

2. We can use System Option to store Original Secret Key. Encrypt and Decrypt.

Option 2. Different Original Secret Key per user (Secured)

1. We need a new Table Column for PreShared Secret Key, perhaps in User Table. C# calls this
every time the user log in.

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