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Scotts Weekly Newsletter

Week in Review: June 12 - 16

Strong Start came to visit our class on Tuesday! The kids had a lot of fun choosing the centres we would
share with the younger kids.

We had our second to last trip to Garden View on Thursday. We took down our stained glass rainbows
from the windows and worked on a new poem using the reading strategies we are learning: Lips the Fish,
Eagle Eye and Stretchy Snake. Ask your child if they remember how to use these strategies.

We had a great field trip to the Kimberley Public Library and the Kimberley Fire Hall. Ask your kids
about all the different vehicles they got to sit in and how long you can take a movie or a book out from
the library.

The year end trip to Fairmont will cost $5 per student and parent volunteer. Please send in the
fee at your earliest convenience contact the office if you have any questions or require
financial assistance.

Also we need to make sure we have a 1 to 4 adult to child ratio for this field trip!

Upcoming Week: June 19 - 23

*Send a water bottle for your child. We are still on a water quality advisory.*

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

*Egg Drop 10:30 *Aboriginal *Talent Show AM *Dress Like You
am 12 pm Education Day AM Are 150 Years
*Please return Old!
Library and Home
Reading books!

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