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How To and
Setting Up Cornell Notes
0 This is the basic structure
of Cornell Notes.
0 Essentially, a lopsided I.

Set-Up: Notebook Paper
1. On the top blue line, 1
write: Social Studies Reconstruction Plans 11/2

Subject, Topic, and Date.

2. Place 3 Kingers at the
bottom of the page.
Draw a horizontal line
across the page above your
top Kinger.

3. Place 3 Kingers on the red 2

line on the left-hand side.
Draw a line down the page
next to your pointer Kinger.
Set-Up: Google Doc
0 Create a New Google Doc

0 Rename your notes:

0 Topic of notes

0 Go to File, then Page setup

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 Change the margins to give
yourself more room to take

0 Make all margins .5

0 Click OK.

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 Type to Subject Topic - Date

0 Then, go to Insert.

0 Choose Table.
0 Create a 2 x 2 table.

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 Click on the vertical line in the
middle of the table.

0 Drag it left until it lines up with

the 2 on the ruler.

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 Highlight the bottom two cells.

0 On a Mac, 2-Kinger-click.
(On a PC, right-click.)

0 Choose Merge cells.

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 You now have a Cornell Notes template!

0 You can label the columns or simply begin taking notes!

Set-Up: Google Doc
0 If you want, change the title to Cornell Notes Template.

0 Go to File and Make a Copy.

0 Title your copy whatever your notes are about.

Taking Cornell Notes
0 At the top of your notes, write:
0 Subject Topic Date
0 If from a textbook or article, include:
0 Textbook section
0 For example: Chapter 18 Lesson 1
0 Article title and author

Taking Cornell Notes
0 The large box on the right is the Note Taking Column and
should be made up of the details.

Taking Cornell Notes
0 Note Taking Column tips:
0 Include important graphics, charts, etc.
0 Skip a line between ideas
0 Use abbreviations and shorthand symbols
0 Make sure you know what they mean!
0 You can also include the WHAT, WHO, WHEN, and WHERE
just be concise!

Taking Cornell Notes
0 The column on the left is often
called the Cue Column and
should be made up of Main

0 After reading, at the end of

class, or after watching the
video, re-read your notes.
0 Write the main ideas, key
words or phrases, etc. in this
column in line with your notes.

Taking Cornell Notes
Taking Cornell Notes
0 The section at the bottom of your notes is the Summary.

0 Write 2-3 sentences summarizing the key points of your

notes, including both main ideas and details that are

0 Ask yourself:
0 If I was to explain this to someone else, what would I say?

Studying with Cornell Notes
0 Re-read the notes in the right-hand Note Taking Column
for examples and details.

0 Focus on understanding the key ideas in the left-hand

Cue Column. These are the most important ideas and are
likely to be on a test.
0 Dont just memorize what is written here!
0 Ensure you understand the ideas and how they Kit together.

0 Re-read the Summary to help solidify understanding.

Studying with Cornell Notes
0 In Google Docs (and on paper)
you can also highlight the most
important ideas and details.

0 Select the text you want to


0 Click on the A.

0 Click on Highlight.

0 Choose a color.

Studying with Cornell Notes
0 In Google Docs (and on paper) you can also annotate to add
more information.

0 Select the text you want to add a thought to.

0 In the upper right, click on Comments and choose Comment.

0 Type the information then click on Comment. It will now

Kloat next to your notes.

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