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Marcus Thompson

MEDT: 7476
Assessment Implementation

1.) Client:
Brandon Thompson
Charles Drew High School
PSC Account Number: 910127

2.) Assessment:
The instructions are given orally with the text on screen for the students to follow along. For
reference the students are also given a print out with the instructions on it. The Printout also
has the rubric from which the students will be graded on.


Prepare a TV script for a TV news report on a hypothetical smog, acid rain, or ozone alert.
Be creative and factual as well as coherent
Script/Storyboard should be included
Theme for your news channel
The source of the pollution- (where it comes from and what is the cause)
Any aggravating factors- (what makes it worse or harder to solve such as jobs or politics)
Advice on how people can minimize their exposure during the alert
Tips on how to alleviate the problem
Construct a background on white paper (optional or us app)
3.) The Measurement Tool
Not at all Very little Majority of the All areas are
0pts information was information was covered
covered covered 5pts
1-2pts 3-4pts
Were you able to identify
the topic, theme, and
names of students

Were you able to identify

the sources of the

Were you able to identify

the aggravating factors?

Did the student(s)

provide detailed
information on how to
minimize exposure?

Did students provide

proper ways to prevent
and get rid of the
environmental issue?

Did students present an

intro and outro to their

Was the video creative

and factual as well as

Did students use a

background or any special
Total points:________
4.) One Example of Student/Participant Submission with Teacher Feedback and Grade:
Not at all Very little Majority of the All areas are covered
0pts information was information was 5pts
covered covered
1-2pts 3-4pts
Were you able to identify 4
the topic, theme, and
names of students

Were you able to identify 4

the sources of the
Were you able to identify 4
the aggravating factors?

Did the student(s) provide 3

detailed information on
how to minimize exposure?

Did students provide proper 3

ways to prevent and get rid
of the environmental issue?

Did students present an 5

intro and outro to their
Was the video creative and 5
factual as well as
Did students use a 5
background or any special
Total points:____32pts____

- Names of students were written but not stated. An intro was provided however to hosts did not introduces
- All sources of pollution where not stated
- Few aggravated factors where provided however they did not explain how
- Details on how to minimize exposure such as how to dress, special equipment needed, and what times of day have
less of a risk of exposure should have been identified
- Students stated to stop driving gas powered cars however planting trees as well as using alternative energy would
be proper ways to reduce or eliminate the issue.

Overall great work and I really enjoyed the use of iMovie to add some real life graphics to your video. Next time just slow
down and the video was done as if you were in a rush to finish.
5.) Report your Findings

Explain what worked well or did not work well with the assessment implementation.

During the implementation of the project several things worked well for the students. They could
work well collaboratively and they were able to use 21st century technology in the form of cell
phones and apps to complete their assignment.

Were the students/participants able to complete the work as directed or did they need
clarification on anything?

Students did need clarification while completing the project. To my surprise, I discovered that not
many of the students watch the news and are not familiar with the format in which news works and
is reported.

Did you get the types of responses or performances you expected?

Overall the responses varied some were less than expected while other exceed expectation. The
best projects came from students who used apps to create graphics and sounds on their projects
that really made it feel like an actual news broadcast.

What should be done to improve the assessment the next time it is implemented?

The next time this project is implemented there are several improvements that will be made. First
we will have student work from this year to use as sample when introducing the assignment.
Second I have worked with several app as well as seen work done by students to create a stronger
list of resources students can use to generate their projects. Finally, we understand that we cannot
take for granted that all students may not have the same concept of news and what a news
broadcast looks like therefore we must be more flexible to the diversity of ideas the students have
as well as more specific to what the basic concept of news is for students who have never watched
it before.
6.) Report Impact on Student Learning

Results: Passed 12 Failed 18

Below expectations (Below 0-49%) Meets expectations (Meets 50-69%) Exceeds expectations
(Exceeds 70-100%)
Assessment: Chapter 12 Quiz: Air
Male Students: 13
Below: 8 Meets: 3 Exceeds: 2
Female Students: 17
Below: 7 Meets: 8 Exceeds: 2
ESOL: 10 (6 girls 4 boys)
Below: 4 Meets: 2 Exceeds: 4 (all boys)

This data is based on the entire chapter 12 section that deals in air pollution. The assignment was
designed to take all the information that students had learned and combine it together to make one
project which was a news report. Overall several students passed the assessment while
remediation is going to be needed for others. Although the data shows how well the students did
on the quiz it does not take under consideration the different variable that took place during this
time frame. Several of my students have very bad attendance, behavior issues that cause them to
miss class, health issues, and other problems that affect this data.

7.) Future Instructional Plans

During each new unit, our typical format is vocabulary, lecture, independent assignment, inquiry
based assignment (independent or collaborative), Lab, quiz, and remediation if needed. However,
We will change by adding a pre-assessment to each section. This will allow us to make better use of
our time in spend more on weak areas and review the strong areas. This will help students who
miss a lot of school because they will have more time to go over their weak areas. As far as the
projects are concerned decreasing the number of students per group will hold students more
accountable for the information. We know that collaborative learning is a valuable tool and make
learning more engaging for students. Yet in the future I think that is will be better for simple
projects like this one to be done independently.

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