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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name: GOKHAN DOGAN____________ Date: 06/11/2017___________

Instructional Project 3


This is a research assignment. Use your textbook, web articles, and NAU library to conduct research
when writing this paper.

Use APA style references and in-text- citations. You need to use at least 3 different resources
besides Castronova (2002), and Moore (2015).


Download and read the following article:

Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century: What is it and how
does it compare to traditional learning in effectiveness in the 21st century. Action
Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-12. Retrived from
After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer to the following

What is discovery learning?

Discovery learning creates the learning environment with no direction and the learner is encouraged
to go it on his/her own in the understanding of information and problem solving based on the
information they themselves have or have found out.
How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered instruction?
Students learn important communicative and collaborative skills through group work. Students learn
to direct their own learning, ask questions and complete tasks independently. Students are more
interested in learning activities when they can interact with one another and participate actively.
What educational theories support the discovery learning model?

CONSTRUCTIVIST theory supports the discovery learning model.

What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
Active learning creates higher level of intrinsic motivation. Students tend to learn more and retain
information longer when they are actively involved in constructing their own knowledge. With other
teaching methods, students are motivated from teachers feedback during class discussions and
through grades received on assignments. During discovery learning activities, students are
motivated by the activity itself, direct involvement, and group dynamics. Fosters the development of
positive social skills.

How can you apply this method to your future classroom?

I can use Discover Learning in my classroom using these tools; Encouragement of active
Promoting of motivation, autonomy, responsibility, independence,
Developing creativity and problem solving skills.


Select one of the following chapters to conduct research: Chapter 2, 3, 5 or 12. Review
the chapter and respond to related questions for that chapter by conducting your own

Chapter 5- Using Classroom Technology

1. How does technology enhance the teachers ability to plan instruction? Use one of the
available search engines to explore the web for technological tools such as lesson planning
software, worksheets and puzzle tools, poster and bulletin board production tools, and time
management tools that will assist you in planning. Share your findings with your class.

Technology enhances the teachers ability to plan instruction is way faster and more rich than regular
method. Like;

a. Classroom response systems, or clickers, offer an active learning approach. Each student has a
small transmitter (clicker) that looks much like a TV remote control. The classroom has one or more
receivers that picks up the signals generated when a student pushes one of the buttons and a
computer equipped with the appropriate software records the student responses.

b. SMART Boards are powerful tools that use touch screen technology and a computer with a large
screen presentation. These flat screen monitors are networked with the teachers classroom
computer and the schools Internet connection. Interactive lessons for the students can be put on the
screen, and images from the computer can be displayed.

c. A PDA, also known as a palmtop computer, is a mobile device that functions as a personal
information manager. PDAs often have applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, personal
organizers, and calculators, as well as the ability to connect to the Internet. PDAs are reasonably
affordable when compared to desktop computers.

d. The classroom use of digital cameras is becoming more and more popular. Indeed, teachers are
using digital cameras in just about all grades, kindergarten through high school. Digital cameras
make it possible to have immediate access to pictures that are recorded on memory sticks or disks.
These photos are easily transferrable from the memory stick or disk to the computer.

e. Google has greatly expanded its role in the educational environment from being a leading online
search engine to providing educators with a wide variety of tools for the digital classroom (Covili,
2012). The comprehensive library of Google tools that can be used to help teachers meet their
classroom goals and meet National Education Technology Standards (NETS) include Gmail, Google
Docs, Google Calendar, Groups, Sites, and Google+.

f. In recent years, computer-based instruction (CBI) has been expanding rapidly as a technological
technique for teaching a wide range of skills. The idea behind CBI is to use the computer as a tutor
to present information, give students practice, and assess their level of understanding. CBI programs
generally share the following characteristics: (a) using a structured curriculum; (b) letting students
work at their own pace; (c) giving students controlled, frequent feedback and reinforcement; and (d)
measuring performance quickly and giving students information on their performance. These
systems can be designed to be highly motivational and to provide positive needed reinforcement.

g. An assistive technology (AT) device can be any item that is used to maintain or improve the
functioning of a student. Assistive technologies include adaptive keyboards, assistive-writing
programs, eye-gaze technology, interactive SMART Boards, screen readers, touch screens, voice
recognition and voice production software, tablet PCs, motorized wheelchairs, visual indicators for
emergency notification, specialized telephones, translation software, closed circuit broadcasts,
wireless headsets and amplifiers, and switches.

2. Technology offers tools that can help students learn. To what technology should students
have access? Do you have any educational concerns about the use of these technologies in
schools? If so, what are they? If not, why not?

I believe the students should have access all technology they can use. I do have some concerns
about Cyberbullying, Catfishing, Sexting but they can be eliminated with strict rules. I had several
students they tried to use non-educational tool in Chromebook but they faced to consequences that
they did not do it again and their friends learned what they are not supposed to do.
Cite at least 5 References in APA.
You need to use at least 3 different resources besides Castronova (2002), and Moore
You may use for citing your sources
in APA style.


1- Ausubel, D. P. (1964). Some psychological and educational limitations of learning by

discovery. The arithmetic teacher, 11(5), 290-302.
2- Piaget, J., & Roberts, G. A. (1976). To understand is to invent: The future of education. New
York: Penguin Books.
3- Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century: What is it and how does it
compare to traditional learning in effectiveness in the 21st century. Action Research
Exchange, 1(1), 1-12. Retrived from
4- Rice, M. L. & Wilson, E. K. (1999). How technology aids constructivism in the social studies
classroom. Social Studies. 90(1), 28-33.
5- Takaya, K. (2008). Jerome Bruners theory of education: From early Bruner to later
Bruner. Interchange, 39(1), 1-19.
6- Moore, K. D. (2015). Effective instructional strategies: from theory to practice (Fourth ed.). Los
Angeles: SAGE.

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