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A Review on the Film Anima Mundi of the University of Baguio

Films and works of art, most of the time, reflect the predicament of the society they
are in at the time of its creation. The film Anima Mundi is no exception to this observed
fact. The older generation may look into the current situation of the present generation by
examining carefully their work and creation.

Anima Mundi, the film produced by the students from the School of Liberal Arts and
Human Sciences, reflect the values system and the present society. It showed how the
society affect human psychology. The lead actor, who was suffering from multiple split
personality, acquired such illness because of her past experience which caused trauma on
her innermost being. Unable to overcome this from childhood, she reflects the characters
of her father, mother, and herself at different intervals of time unconsciously. As a child,
she lived in a slum with his father and mother. Her father was a drunkard, and most of the
time abuses her and her mother. Her circumstance became worse when she witnessed
her father shot her mother dead. This caused her to kill her father. After several years, she
became a Psychiatrist and is married to a playboy husband. Her split personality started to
recur. Her life became more miserable as she discovers a painful truth that her best friend
had become one of her husbands mistress. Her misery came to its peak when she killed
her husband, and her best friend. At the time of her confinement to a mental hospital, her
cause was defended by a passionate lawyer who succeeded in exculpating her from the
crimes she committed. Instead of rotting inside the jail, she was adjudged to undergo
medication in the mental hospital for one and a half year. However, during her
confinement, she managed to escape by killing the ward attending to her.

As an evaluation of the film, the following were observed: the story is quite eerie;
Audience seem to be uncomfortable with some of the scenes; The mark for Filipino films
was evident - the constant confrontation and argumentation between the characters, the
hurting and beating, and the konyo language of the characters. The audio was not that
clear and voices were sometimes soft and sometimes loud. We may include in the
curriculum the proper mixing and mastering of sound. Legal procedures were observed
however, the team must always consider on researching the dos and donts in legal
proceedings. Although there are several things we can note on the technical side, we
commend most of the actors in the film because they were able to deliver their script
properly considering that they are yet amateurs. Overall, the film was good as it was able
to transfer the message and was able to convey the desired emotion and feeling to the
audience. Kudos.bvvbxzc

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