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Web 2.

0 Tools

1. Name of the tool: Grammarly

Description: Grammarly is a tool that gives correction of grammar either in a document
being typed through Grammarly or a preexisting document that has been uploaded to
Grammarly. Through Grammarly, the user can get technological feedback about the
document being reviewed through corrections added in small boxes whether it is spelling
corrections or changes in verb tense. Grammarly also offers synonym and antonym
options for words as well as a thesaurus.
Teacher usage: Teachers can use this tool for grading documents for students in higher
grade levels by uploading the submitted document into Grammarly to check to see if
there are errors. Also, teachers can use this tool while teaching students how to peer read
each others work by pulling this tool up online and showing how to find mistakes.
Student usage: Students can use this tool for assignments given that involve writing.
Students can access this tool through school or home which is beneficial because some
assignments are for home rather than at the school. Therefore, students can upload typed
drafts into Grammarly or even chose to write his or her essay within Grammarly to
receive feedback on the mistakes made. This tool can help students correct the mistakes
while learning about why the mistakes are wrong.
Advantages of using the tool: Some advantages of using this tool is the knowledge
students as well as teachers will gain about grammar. Teachers do not always know
perfect grammar therefore, this tool will help teachers while grading papers or teaching
about peer reading. Advantages that students gain from this tool is the help outside of a
physical teacher. If students are working outside of the classroom help from a teacher is
not always accessible however, through Grammarly students have access to grammar
knowledge to aid him or her with assignments.

2. Name of tool: theLearnia

Description: theLearnia is a tool that allows lessons to be created into a video lesson
with the creator talking about the content uploaded into the video. Pictures, textboxes,
hyperlinks, and slides are additions that can be added. The creator can then record the
lesson and pause at specific slides to further explain the content. Once the creator is
finished the lesson can be published whether other viewers can have access to the content
being taught.
Teacher usage: Teachers can use this tool to create lessons virtually for students to have
access to within the classroom or at home. Teachers can upload lessons in video form to
better suit the environment of a lesson or to benefit students accommodations. Overall,
teachers can use this tool as a measurement of how successful a lesson is since it can be
viewed over before releasing the content.
Student usage: Students can use this tool to view lessons in the classroom or at home.
Since the video lesson is publishable, students have access to the lessons at any time for
extra support and can utilize the access for better preparation for quizzes and tests.
Advantages of using the tool: Teachers have an advantage of using this tool because it
creates a different learning environment for students because it catches their attention
while engaging them in a brief lesson that incorporates images and slides. Other
advantages of this tool is that students who are absent from school will not miss lessons
because it can be created and uploaded through theLearnia.

3. Name of the tool: Mindomo

Description: Mindomo is a tool that allows user to build concept maps and outlines for
brainstorming and note taking. Users can organize thoughts and plans through using the
concept maps on Mindomo. Mindomo also gives users the option of adding images in
the concept maps as well as turning the concept map into a slide presentation. Once the
presentation is complete, users can publish the concept map for other viewers.
Teacher usage: Teachers can use this tool while lesson planning for themselves since the
user can create multiple linkages as well as incorporating images and eventually turn the
map into a slide presentation. Teachers can also organize students into groups based off
this tool and the group can publish concept maps over material that the teacher can view.
Student usage: Students can use this tool to build concept maps for material being taught
and for brainstorming purposes. Also, students can construct a concept map for note
taking which can later be used as a study tool. Since teachers can publish a concept map
into a slideshow, students can also access these publications to use as a study tool.
Advantages of using the tool: Students and teachers both can benefit from the
advantages of this tool since thoughts and lessons can be organized into leading stepping
stones. The usage of this tool in the classroom incorporates technology to a paper tool
that has been used for many years, however with Mindomo this paper tool is taken to a
deeper level.

4. Name of tool: Synap

Description: Synap is a tool that allows the user to create quizzes from scratch and even
allows hyper- linkage to be used within the quiz. Answer choices can be explained by the
creator once the quiz is graded. The creator can also publish the quizzes created so that
other can view it and actually take the quizzes and receive the explanations for wrong
Teacher usage: Teachers can use this tool to create quizzes for their classrooms for the
material that is being covered for that time. Teachers can also create groups for the
quizzes which can be monitored by the teacher while each student is taking the quiz.
Teachers can use this tool to measure questions that may not be on pre-made worksheets
from workbooks but that are deemed appropriate for a specific unit.
Student usage: Students use this tool by taking the quizzes that the teacher creates for
them and by also reading the explanations and viewing a specific linkage incorporated
within the quiz. As stated in the teacher usage section, students can further their
knowledge over material by the teacher made questions that may not be within the pre-
made worksheets many teachers use. Also, students can create quizzes for themselves
over material that is covered in the classroom as a study tool.
Advantages of using the tool: Advantages of this tool is that it provides a start from
scratch page that way information the teacher or student feel is appropriate can be put
into a quiz. For teachers, the advantage of using this tool is that the quizzes created can
be shared amongst other teachers to aid within their classrooms and vice versa. For
students, the advantage is that they can review these quizzes made by teacher and apply
the explanations as a study tool for tests and other assessments. Also, students can create
quizzes of their own over material to use to a prep guide for tests and other assignments.

5. Name of tool:

Description: is a tool that allows the creator to create online worksheets from
scratch over material that is in need of practice or reviewing. The website provides
images and textboxes as well as blanks and short response answers boxes through the
creating section.
Teacher usage: Teachers can use this tool to create worksheets for their classrooms over
material that the teacher feels needs extra practice or even over new content. Teachers
can use these online worksheets to engage students in enjoying the activities since the
worksheet is created with them in mind. Teachers know what their classroom enjoys so
with the use of this tool keeping the students attentive is not hard.
Student usage: Students use this tool when they are completing the worksheets that are
made for them by their teacher. Since these worksheets are online and based off specific
content, students will gain more knowledge over the material the teacher feels the class
needs more practice with.
Advantages of using the tool: Advantages of this tool is that it allows teachers to see
weak areas within their classroom which will aid them in the basis of making these online
worksheets from scratch. Students are at an advantage from this tool because teachers can
point out areas that each student needs extra practice in and make the worksheet around
what needs are there. Teachers can also share the worksheets with other teachers which
benefits other teachers classrooms.

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