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Name: Stainley Yap Lik Hong



Course:AACB1253 Bioenergetics

Enzymes are macromolecular catalyst which provides an alternative path way to accelerate the process
of a chemical reaction which required lower activation energy. Enzyme may convert substrates to
another product which usually happen in a current existing cell. This reaction will be done through the
temporary binding of the enzymes to one or more reactants. Enzymes are widely knew as a proteins and
currently research shown that not all enzymes are proteins as some are ribonucleoprotein enzymes
where catalytic activity is in the RNA part rather than in the protein part. (Enzymes, 2016, Enzymes, Para.
1 The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016 Westfall, 2013). Furthermore, Alajar(2009) also stated
that, Some enzymes are composed chiefly of proteins while most [are made up of] protein and
non-proteinportions which can either be an organic molecule or a metal ion" known as a cofactor
(Enzymes, 2015, Function and structure, Para. 4).Almost all metabolism process need enzyme to
accelerate their chemical process to sustain life. Enzymes are currently known as catalyst almost 5000
types of chemical reaction. Usually most of the persons confused about different between of enzymes
and catalyst, but there are little different between both of them.There are mainly two types of catalyst
group which are competitive and non comepetitive inhibitor.Competitive inhibitor function by binding
reversibly to the active site of the enzyme however non competitive inhibitor function by bind
to the enzyme whether or not the substrate has already been bound, but if it has a higher
affinity for binding the enzyme in one state or the other.Catalyst is an enzyme used by the liver to
decompose the poisonous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen (O2) and water (H2O). This experiment
seeks to prove that catalyst is the cause of this reaction and that oxygen and water are the byproducts, and
also to explore the effects of increased temperature on catalyst activity, and enzyme activity in general. The
main different is that enzymes are largely organic in nature and are bio-catalysts, while non-enzymatic
catalysts can be inorganic compounds such as Iron, vanadium(V) oxide, platinum , rhodium and so on.A
catalyst is a chemical that increases or decrease the rate of a chemical reaction remain unchanged after
the reaction. In fact that they aren't changed by participating in a reaction distinguishes catalysts from
substrates, which are the reactants on which catalysts work but enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions.
So, enzymes are proteins that increase rate of chemical reactions converting substrate into product.
Catalyst also not specific and therefore end up producing residues with errors but enzyme are highly
specific producing large amount of residues. The reaction of a catalyst required a high temperature and
pressure but enzyme required a good condition and environment which provide an optimal pH,
temperature, salt condition and so on. Then the reaction rates of a catalyst typical slower compare with
enzyme.The enzyme activity can be controlled but the activity of the catalysts can not be
controlled.Therefore, all enzymes count as catalysts but not all catalysts are enzymes.

The similar between enzymes and catalysts they are both remain unchanged chemically and
quantitatively at the end of a reaction and they can be recycle using.Then, they are both are
required in small quantity as compared to their substrates and do not change the equilibrium of
chemical reaction.After that,the reaction control by catalyst and enzyme are reversible and
They lower the activation energy needed to start the reaction. Enzyme and catalyst are both
also only enhance the rate of chemical reaction and do not initiate the reaction.Other than that,
They form short-lived complexes with the substrate molecules and does not change the
product after the reaction.

Every enzyme is specific for some reaction and enzyme are mainly possess great catalytic power.
Enzyme are also highly specific and show varying degree of specificities.Enzyme usually only
bind with one substrate.The reaction of an enzyme is highest while the enzyme is at the
optimum temperature also have an optimum pH range within which the enzymes function is at
its peak. The increase of concentration of the reactants, and substrate the rate of the reaction
increase until the enzyme will become saturated with the substrate.Otherwise, increase the
amount of enzyme, increase the rate of the reaction.Some of the.Inorganic substances known
as activators also increase the activity of the enzyme.

There are many factors will affect the efficiency of enzyme such as pH, temperature, salt concentration,
small molecules.Here are the examples how these factors affect the activity of enzyme.

pH=pH is a unit to measure acidity and basicity of a solution.pH is a measure of the hydrogen

Ion (H+) concentration. and therefore a good indicator of the hydroxide Ion (OH-)

concentration. It ranges from pH1 to pH14. Lower pH values mean higher H+ concentrations

and lower OH- concentration.Acid solutions have pH values below 7, and Basic solutions have

pH values above7, Deionised water is pH7, which is termed 'neutral'.The change of pH will
alter the enzyme shape and become denatured.However, different enzymes work best at
different pH values.The optimum pH of each enzyme is variable and depend on where it
normally works. For examples, intestinal enzymes such as trypsin has an optimum pH of about
7.5 . Enzymes in the stomach has an optimum pH of about 2.

Temperature-As the temperature increases, the rate of reaction also increased,but too high
temperature will denature enzyme.The activity of enzyme will increase dramatic increase with
temperature up to around 37 degree celsius or body temperature. Then as the temperature
continue increasing, the rate of reaction will fall rapidly as the heat energy cause denatures the

Salt concentration-Salt concentration could affect the activities of enzymes by high

concentration of salt cause change in salinity.Thus it will cause add or remove of cation and
anion and it also disrupt bond of enzyme by disrupt the attraction between charged amino
acids at the end the protein of enzyme will become denatured by affect the structure of protein.

To test and analyze that how the pH affect the rate of reaction of enzyme catalyst


Fresh liver, potatoes, sand,10ml measuring cylinder, dilute hydrochloric acid solution, 100ml hydrogen
peroxide, boiling water, mortar and pestle, toothpick, 10ml measuring pipettes, dilute sodium hydroxide
acid, clean test tubes and vials


1)5 mi of 10 V hydrogen solution which measured by student then poured into each eight labeled
vial by using measuring cylinder.
2) One piece of liver cubes was taken by using a toothpick ,then placed into boiling for 2-3
minutes.Student should remove and allow it to cool before started next step.
3)Student should take another cube of liver and another of potato, place into separate
mortals.Release the cell content by grinding each tissue with a separate pestle.
4)To the vials labeled A to F, following table was added:

Vial Solution Substance added

A 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Pinch of sand

B 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of liver

C 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of potato

D 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Ground liver

E 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Ground potato

F 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of boiled liver

G 5ml Hydrogen peroxide+1ml Dilute hydrochloric acid solution Cube of liver

H 5ml Hydrogen peroxide+1ml Dilute sodium hydroxide solution Cube of liver

5)Number of bubbles evolved from the hydrogen peroxide in the vials observed by students.Speed
of production oxygen in a table recorded by students by using scale 0 to 5, where 0 represents no
production and 5 represent the most rapid production.
6)1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid solution to vial G and 1 ml of dlute sodium hydroxide solution to
vial H.Then, cubes of liver was added to each vials.The rate of oxygen production observed and
recorded by students.


Vial Solution Substance Speed of Observation

added production
oxygen (scale)

A 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Pinch of sand 0 No bubbles

formed actually

B 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of liver 3 Bubble formed

immediately but
didn't shoots
straight up

C 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of potato 2 Few bubbles


D 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Ground liver 5 Bubbles formed

when reactants
touched and

E 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Ground potato 3 Bubble formed

immediately but
didn't shoots
straight up

F 5ml Hydrogen peroxide Cube of boiled 1 Least bubble

liver formed, enzyme
could have

G 5ml Hydrogen peroxide+1ml Dilute Cube of liver 4 Bubble formed

hydrochloric acid solution immediately and
went up fast
after combining

H 5ml Hydrogen peroxide+1ml Dilute Cube of liver 4 Bubble formed

sodium hydroxide solution immediately and
went up fast
after combining

Discussion and questions

What can you conclude from the results from tubes B and C?
Reaction of enzyme in liver of tube B faster than reaction of enzyme in potato of tube C.This is
because liver contain more enzyme catalyst compare with potato which breaking down hydrogen
peroxide become oxygen. Liver contain more because of it detoxified the body. A larger amount of
catalase lowers the activation energy, therefore speeds up the rate of reaction. The potato contains
less enzyme catalase, therefore requires more activation energy, slowing down the rate of reaction.

Comment on the results of the pairs of tubes A and E

Reaction of pinch of sand is nil however reaction of ground potato is happened.This is because the
sand does not contain any enzyme to break down hydrogen peroxide become oxygen however the
enzyme in cube potato able to break down hydrogen peroxide become oxygen.

Comment on the results between tube B and F

Compare the results from tubes B and G and tubes B and H
Write a summary on properties of enzymes.


In this lab, we show that how pH and temperature will effect enzymes. We learned about pH
and temperature will effect on the enzyme. Enzymes are mainly work best at certain pHs, if
they are in a pH that is too low or too high they start to denature and don't function as well. In
this experiment, when we added NaOH to the enzyme, the reaction took place at a slower rate.
This can lead to the conclusion that if we were to make it more basic, the reaction may not
occur at all. This goes the same with adding the acid. When we added a couple drops of HCl,
there were no significant amount of bubbles that formed. This can conclude that the acidic
level was too high for the enzyme, preventing it to carry out its function. Additionally
temperature has the same effect. When we put the enzyme in the cold water bath, reaction
occurred at a slow rate, producing a small amount of bubbles. Then when we put the liver into
25 degree Celsius, the reaction sped up compared to the control. Enzymes in a high
temperature environment, will have their bonds break because they will start to denature.


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