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174 Ravi Jindal, Sukhwinder Kaur Bajwa, Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Ratika Jindal


Pregnancy in cardiac disease: clinical, obstetric and anaesthetic concerns

Ravi Jindal1, Sukhwinder Kaur Bajwa1, Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa1, Ratika Jindal1

Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2011; 33: 174-182

Abstract Physiological changes in the cardiovascular

system in pregnancy include a 50% increase in blood
In the past patients with cardiac disease were volume, 40% increase in cardiac output and a 25%
advised against pregnancy. With improved increase in heart rate by the end of second trimester.
cardiac care and better obstetric as well as There is a fall in systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
anaesthetic facilities, pregnant cardiac patients and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). There
are on rise. Their management involves joint occurs an increase in myocardial oxygen demand by
efforts of cardiologist, obstetrician and anaes- approximately 50% during labour1,2,6,7.
thetist. Instead of a specific technique, what
underlies a successful anaesthesia in cardiac Vaginal delivery is preferred over caesarean
patients is maintenance of haemodynamic section (CS) 5,7. The advantages include reduced blood
stability and avoiding adverse physiological loss and fluid shifts, reduced metabolic demands and
effects of parturition on maternal patho- stress response and lower incidence postoperative
physiology. Both regional as well as general infections and pulmonary complications. Indications
anaesthesia provide successful outcomes. for CS include: severe aortic stenosis, aortic dissection,
Vaginal delivery is preferred over caesarean recent myocardial infarction, Marfan syndrome with
section. aortic root involvement and severe heart failure during
delivery (The principle is to avoid haemodynamic
Key words: pregnancy, cardiac disease, peripartum stress of labour)5.
General considerations
Four main predictors of cardiac events are prior
Introduction cardiac event (e.g. heart failure, ischemia, dysar-
Cardiac disease is the third most common cause rythmia, stroke), baseline NYHA functional class >II
of maternal death1. Though in early 1900s maternal or presence of cyanosis, left heart obstruction (mitral
mortality was high in cardiac disease, now it ranges valve area <2 cm2, aortic valve area <1.5 cm2, left
from 0.5% to 2.7%. 0.2% to 4% of pregnant patients ventricular outflow tract gradient > 30 mm Hg by
have a cardiac disease. 20% of such cases have severe echocardiography) and reduced left ventricular
cardiac complications2-5. Most of the patients having function (ejection fraction <40%). For risk estimation
New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I or II each predictor is assigned one point each. The
status before pregnancy, accomplish pregnancy safely. estimated risks for cardiac event with 0,1 and >1
Exceptions include patients with fixed left-sided points are 5%, 27% and 75% respectively4.
obstruction (mitral or aortic stenosis), those with
pulmonary vascular disease or aortic valve disease. Predelivery
Patients with NYHA class III or IV are at a higher risk.
Assessment of the ability of the abnormal heart to make The main aims: antepartum stabilisation of the
the necessary adaptations to the major physiological mothers condition (e.g. use of b-blockers, thrombopro-
cardiovascular changes occurring during pregnancy, phylaxis, or pulmonary arterial vasodilators as
labour and delivery is necessary. One should be able required), monitoring any for deterioration; and
to predict potential trouble in advance both for the minimizing stress on the cardiovascular system during
mother and the baby, and reduce likely adverse effects delivery and the post-partum period. Diuretics,
digoxin, and hydralazine, nitrates, or both as
(environmental and genetic) on the foetus1.
vasodilators to offload the left ventricle may be used
for heart failure. Assessment for any foetal problems
due to various drugs is required6.
Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Banur,
Patiala, Punjab, India. Intrapartum
Correspondence: Sukhwinder Kaur Bajwa Regional analgesia during labour helps reduce
E-mail: increase in cardiac output and myocardial oxygen

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Pregnancy in cardiac disease: clinical, obstetric and anaesthetic concerns 175

demand due to pain and anxiety and facilitate Cardiac diseases complicating pregnancy
instrumental delivery8. General and regional anaes-
Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
thesia (spinal, epidural, or combined spinal-epidural)
can all be used for Caesarean section9. Cardiovascular 60% to 80% of obstetric patients with cardiac
stability is the goal 7. Oxytocin, if required, post- disease have a CHD13,14. These may be cyanotic or
delivery, is given only by infusion10. Bolus adminis- acyanotic. Some major issues to be looked into in
tration should be avoided. Ergometrine in severe the peripartum period include evidence of CHF
cardiac disease leads to vasoconstriction and (compensated or uncompensated), pulmonary
hypertension, and increases the risk of myocardial hypertension, presence of cyanosis and presence of
infarction and pulmonary oedema. Therefore, it should residual ventricular septal defect15-24.
be avoided. Carboprost can lead to or exacerbate
pulmonary oedema7. Cyanotic CHD
These include tetralogy of fallot, tricuspid atresia,
Postpartum Eisenmemger syndrome and transposition of great
In the post-partum period, high-level maternal vessels25.
surveillance is required till the main haemodynamic
changes resolve. The patient is monitored in a high Cyanotic lesions have a right to left shunt.
dependency unit (HDU)/ intensive care unit (ICU) Conditions leading to increase in pulmonary vascular
with haemodynamic and fluid therapy monitoring. resistance (PVR) or a fall in systemic vascular
Congestive cardiac failure may occur in first 24-72 resistance (SVR) should be avoided (Table 1). Uptake
hours11. For unstable cardiac conditions, surveillance of inhalational anaesthetic is reduced leading to
may be required in hospital for up to 2 weeks7. Chest prolongation of induction. Onset of intravenous
infection or peripartum cardiomyopathy (which may anaesthetic is fast. Nitrous oxide causes rise in PVR
occur anytime from 1 month predelivery up to 5 and should be used with caution. Air embolism can
months post-delivery) may compromise postpartum have disastrous consequences and has to be
period9. Adequate posto-perative analgesia should be meticulously avoided. Epidural catheter placement
provided. Due to risk of deep vein thrombosis and should be done using saline instead of air. Fall in PVR
subsequent embolisation, early ambulation is is beneficial. Hence, increasing FiO2 and respiratory
advised12. rate helps decrease the shunt fraction15-25.

Table 1. Factors affecting pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 25,26

Factors decreasing PVR Factors increasing PVR

Increasing PaO2 Hypoxia

Avoiding sympathetic stimulation with Sympathetic stimulation due to light anaesthesia and pain
deep anaesthesia

Alkalemia Acidemia

Minimising intrathoracic pressure Increased intrathoracic pressure

1. Spontaneous ventilation 1. Controlled ventilation
2. Normal lung volumes 2. Positive end expiratory pressure
3. Low tidal volume 3. Atelectasis
4. High tidal volume
Hypocarbia Hypercarbia
Pharmacologic method Pharmacologic method
1. Isoprenaline 1. Epinepherine
2. Phosphodiesterase III inhibitor (milrinone) 2. Norepinepherine
3. Prostaglandin infusion-PGI2 and PGE1 3. Phenylephrine
4. Inhaled nitric oxide 4. Nitrous Oxide

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Arterial line may be needed. Central venous titrated dose of local anaesthetic can be used 2,29.
pressure (CVP) monitoring is reserved for symp- However avoid fall in SVR. If GA is used, ketamine
tomatic patients while pulmonary artery catheter and etomidate are preferred. Positive pressure
(PAC) placement is anatomically difficult. Transoeso- ventilation, however causes increase in PVR2,25,29.
phageal echocardiography (TEE) is a useful real time
monitor of cardiovascular status, especially under Goals: maintain preload, SVR and sinus rhythm.
GA26. Avoid increase in PVR and myocardial depres-
sants 2,19,30.
Tetrallogy of fallot
Acyanotic CHD
It constitutes 15% of all congenital cardiac
diseases 11. It comprises ventricular septal defect, These include atrial septal defect (ASD), ventri-
pulmonary stenosis/ right ventricular outflow tract cular septal defect (VSD), or patent ductus arteriosus
obstruction (RVOTO), overriding aorta and RV (PDA). Shunt is left to right. Patients with small or
hypertrophy11,19,25. Most pregnant women will have repaired defects tolerate pregnancy well1.
had corrective surgery (closure of the VSD and
widening of the pulmonary tract)27. Such patients Balance between SVR and PVR determines the
tolerate pregnancy well and are managed like normal shunt fraction. Hence acute changes should be
obstetric patient alongwith antibiotic prophylaxis and avoided. Avoid air embolism. CVP monitoring is
caution for air embolism11,26. considered in patients with symptomatic heart failure.
Arterial catheter may be required in severe cases2,15,19,31.
Anaesthetic management
Labour: Epidural analgesia or combined spinal
epidural (CSE) technique in first stage using Small defects (<5 mm) are haemodynamically
intrathecal opiods followed by titrated dilute insignificant19,21. There is right atrial and ventricular
bupivacaine solutions prevent rapid SVR changes. dialatation, increased pulmonary blood flow and
Hypotension is treated with phenylepherine (though pulmonary hypertension31.
it causes elevation of PVR)17,28.
CS: Both regional and general anaesthesia can be
used11. Single shot spinal should be avoided. Epidural 90% VSDs close spontaneously by 10 years of
anaesthesia with slow titration of local anaesthetic is age. Symptomatic patients have to undergo surgical
used29. If general anaesthesia (GA) is used, induction closure19,31.
with narcotic and etomidate is preferable to avoid
haemodynamic changes11,26. There is left ventricular overload and dialatation
in VSD and PDA19.
Goals: maintain preload (avoid aortocaval com-
pression) and sinus rhythm, avoid increase in PVR
Anaesthetic management
and myocardial depressants, maintain spontaneous
respiration24. Epidural anaesthesia is the preferred technique
as it reduces SVR to decrease the shunt flow. GA can
be used but one should avoid changes in SVR and
Eisenmenger syndrome
It is defined as PVR>800 dyne per cm2 along with
right to left or bidirectional shunt. Symptoms include
Valvular heart disease
fatigue, dyspnoea, cyanosis, oedema and polycy-
themia 2,25. These patients are prone to throm- These comprise 15% of cases with cardiac disease
boembolism2. in pregnancy. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the
commonest cause. Regurgitant leisions are generally
well tolerated in pregnancy. However, stenotic leisions
Anaesthetic management
decompensate more commonly2,11,29.
Labour: Intrathecal opioids in first stage. Anticoagulation
can be a concern. Intravenous patient controlled
Aortic Stenosis (AS)
analgesia is an option. Avoid methergine. Oxytocin
and prostaglandins should be used with caution2. RHD is the most common acquired cause while
bicuspid aortic valve is the commonest congenital
Caesarean Section: Subarachnoid block is con- cause. Symptoms include fatigue, syncope, dyspnoea
traindicated 25,26 . Epidural anaesthesia with slow and angina pectoris11,26.

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Pregnancy in cardiac disease: clinical, obstetric and anaesthetic concerns 177

Severity of AS33 Hyperdynamic cardiac circulation is poorly

tolerated during peripartum period. Increased plasma
Severe Moderate Mild volume leads to pulmonary oedema. Tachycardia
decreases left ventricular filling time. Atrial fibrillation
Mean >50 20-50 <20 (AF) is common36. Delivery of baby leads to increased
Transvalvular preload due to autotransfusion, predisposing to
pressure pulmonary oedema26.
(mm Hg)
Anaesthetic management
Aortic valve <0.8 0.8-1.0 1.0-1.5 1. Labour: avoid tachycardia due to stress. Thus,
area (cm2) labour analgesia is important35,37,38. CSE with
intrathecal opioids in the first stage followed by
titrated local anaesthetic in second stage is
In the peripartum period patients with severe AS, beneficial. Fall in SVR is managed with
due to inability to accommodate increased blood phenylepherine. Avoid ephedrine unless there is
volume and tachycardia, experience worsening of relative bradycardia (Heart Rate<70)26.
2. CS: Spinal anaesthesia should be avoided in
moderate to severe cases due to acute changes in
Anaesthetic management
SVR26. Epidural anaesthesia with titrated doses of
1. Labour: Vaginal delivery is preferred in mild to local anaesthetic is the preferred technique. Drug
moderate AS. Epidural analgesia with slow of choice for hypotension is low dose pheny-
titration of opioid and local anaesthetic may be lepherine (50 to 100 g)2,39. For GA avoid tach-
used. However, fall in SVR has to be avoided. ycardia inducing drugs (glycolyrrolate, atropine,
In case of hypotension, epinephrine should be ketamine, meperidine, pancuronium). Etomidate
avoided as it causes tachycardia. Early analgesia is a preferred agent (0.2 to 0.3 mg/KG. -Blocker
helps avoid stress induced effects26. (Esmolol 30 to 50 g/Kg) and moderate dose opioid
(Remifentanil 0.5 to 1 g/Kg) should be used.
2. CS: CS is preferred in severe AS26. Single shot Oxytocin should be used with caution 2,11,39.
spinal is contraindicated in severe AS35. Titrated
epidural anaesthesia may be used. For GA, Goals: adequate pain control, maintain sinus rhythm,
etomidate along with opioids is preferred. Avoid avoid tachycardia, fall in SVR2,33.
glycopyrrolate, atropine, ketamine11,26,33.
Mitral regurgitation (MR)
Goals: maintain normal sinus rhythm and
haemodynamics, avoid bradycardia, tachycardia, fall Common causes include trauma, bacterial
in SVR and myocardial depression2,33. endocarditis, papillary muscle rupture, prosthetic
valve dysfunction (acute MR), RHD or myxomatous
degeneration26,33. Acute MR leads to left atrial volume
Mitral Stenosis (MS)
load, increase in pulmonary pressures as well as
MS occurs mostly due to RHD. It is one of the pulmonary oedema. Chronic MR causes dialatation
most common valvular lesion in pregnancy especially of left atrium predisposing the patient to AF 2,35.
in the developing countries14. Signs and symptoms Risk of thromboembolism is increased2. Moderate
include dyspnoea, palpitations, pulmonary oedema, tachycardia, as seen in pregnancy, limits the time for
chest pain, haemoptysis and thromboembolism26. regurgitation26.

Severity of MS33
Severity of MR33
Severe Moderate Mild
Severe Moderate Mild
Mean valve
gradient Area of MR >6 3.0-6.0 <3
(mm Hg) >10 6-10 6 jet (cm2)
Regurgitant >55 30-50 20-30
area (cm2) <1.0 1.0-1.5 1.6-2.0 fraction (%)

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Anaesthetic management can be given safely. Regional anaesthesia is preferred.

However, chronic use of heparin may result in
1. Labour: Epidural analgesia or CSE is preferred as
thrombocytopenia. Also, continuous anticoagulant
it prevents increase in SVR, promotes forward flow
therapy is a contraindication for regional analgesia.
of blood and prevents pulmonary congestion2.
If GA is required, residual valvular or myocardial
Early analgesia prevents rise in SVR due to pain34.
dysfunction will influence the choice of anaesthetic
drugs. Use of additional monitoring i.e. CVP, PA
2. CS: Spinal anaesthesia though not contrain-
catheter and A-line is recommended11.
dicated, but may be poorly tolerated in severe
disease due to acute haemodynamic changes.
Bradycardia is poorly tolerated. Ephedrine for Endocarditis prophylaxis in cases with cardiac
hypotension helps avoid bradycardia and disease
promotes slight tachycardia. If GA is required,
There is no consensus regarding endocarditis
induction with ketamine and glycolyrrolate is
prophylaxis for obstetric patients with cardiac disease
recommended. AF should be promptly treated2,34.
undergoing delivery (vaginal/caesarean). Antibiotics
should be considered for those at highest risk of
Goals: Avoid bradycardia, myocardial depression and
an adverse outcome and, when appropriate, given as
increase in SVR, slight tachycardia is preferred2,33.
the membranes rupture. Intravenous amoxicillin
and gentamicin should be considered for women
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) with high-risk anatomy or previous history of
endocarditis 41.
Incidence is 10% to 17% of all pregnancies and is
usually tolerated well40. Anaesthetic management is
to decrease cardiac output and left ventricular end Those at highest risk include41
diastolic pressure (LVEDP)11. Perioperative events
1. Prosthetic cardiac valve or prosthetic material used
causing enhanced left ventricular emptying and
for cardiac valve repair.
reducing the size of left ventricle (increased
sympathetic activity, decreased SVR, upright posture, 2. CHD if a) unrepaired cyanotic disease (including
hypovolemia) are avoided as they increase the MVP. palliative shunts) b) completely repaired CHD with
Goals of management are similar to MR33. prosthesis during first 6 months post procedure c)
repaired CHD with residual defect.
Aortic regurgitation (AR) 3. Previous endocarditis.
RHD is the commonest cause 11,26. Symptoms 4. Cardiac transplant recipients developing valvulo-
include fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance, pounding pathy.
heart and orthopnea. Peripartum tachycardia and fall
in SVR reduces regurgitant fraction2.
Ischemic heart disease in pregnancy
Acute myocardial infarction(AMI) occurs in 1 out
Severity of AR33 0f 35,700 deliveries with a mortality of 7%42. Mortality
Severe Moderate Mild within 2 weeks of AMI is 50%5. Hence, a period of 2
weeks should, preferably be provided before delivery42.
Regurgitant jet >60 25-59 4-24 Most of the cases are due to coronary artery spasm5.
area as percentage Use of prostaglandins or methergine is associated
of LVOT area with coronary atery spasm. Thus, these should be
avoided in patients at risk of AMI. Nitrates help avoid
LVOT left ventricular outflow tract AMI due to coronary artery spasm35.

Anaesthetic management and goals are similar to that Causes of myocardial infarction during pregnancy
of MR26. or the puerperium1,42

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection

Prosthetic valves
Risk of foetal complications (foetal haemorrhage Hypercoagulable states
due to maternal anticoagulation and teratogenicity) Coronary thrombosis
and maternal complications (thrombo-embolic Inherited thrombophilias
phenomena, valve failure and bacterial endocarditis) Coronary embolism from:
is high in a pregnant patient with a prosthetic valve.
prosthetic mitral or aortic valves
Porcine heterografts are preferred for women of child
bearing age. Both regional and general anaesthesia the left atrium in mitral stenosis

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Pregnancy in cardiac disease: clinical, obstetric and anaesthetic concerns 179

the left atrium or ventricle in peripartum or ionotropic support, afterload reduction. Angiotensin
other cardiomyopathy converting enzyme inhibitors are withheld till
paradoxical in atrial septal defect or patent delivery 44. Approximately 50% women recover
foramen ovale or in cyanotic congenital heart postpartum. Prognosis depends upon left ventricular
disease function at 6-12 months postpartum44. There is high
the placenta in molar pregnancy or chorion risk of heart failure in subsequent pregnancy45.
Diabetes mellitus Anaesthetic management
Advanced maternal age
1. Labour: Epidural analgesia helps reduce SVR.
Oxytocic drugs
However, coagulation studies should be done as
Ergot derivatives
patient may be on anticoagulant therapy.
Severe pre-eclampsia 2. CS: Both regional (epidural) and GA can be used.
If epidural anaesthesia is used, slow titration of
During the peripartum period coronary artery local anaesthetic is recommended. For GA,
stenting or thrombolytic therapy may be given if the inhalational agents, thiopentone and propofol
patient is not about to deliver vaginally or by CS, or is should be used with caution. Stress response
immediately postpartum. Aspirin, -blockers and during laryngoscopy and intubation, adverse
nitrates are used for management of AMI during effects of positive pressure ventilation on venous
pregnancy5,26,35,43. Percutaneous coronary intervention
return and of myocardial depressants should be
remains the first choice for treatment8.
kept in mind. Opioids help reduce stress response.
Invasive monitoring including arterial catheters
Anaesthetic management may be required. CVP or PAC should be used,
Stress on the heart increases manifold during especially for NYHA class III and IV patients. TEE
labour and delivery. Epidural labour analgesia helps provides real time cardiac monitoring11,26,46.
reduce heart rate (HR) and haemodynamic stress.
blockade provides a slower HR. Technique of Goals-avoid myocardial depressants and fluid
anaesthesia is not important as long as the haemo- overload.
dynamic stability is maintained26.
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
This is a genetic disorder with varying degree of
Cardiomyopathy during pregnancy can be left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO)26,47.
peripartum, hypertrophic obstructive or idiopathic
The patients usually tolerate physiological
dialated cardiomyopathy.
changes of pregnancy. Tachycardia exacerbates
LVOTO due to increased contractility and reduction
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) in LV preload and afterload. Therefore, patient is
usually on blockers48.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Working Group (NHLBI) in 1997 defined PPCM as
the onset of heart failure within last month of Anaesthetic management
pregnancy or upto first 5 months postpartum in
1. Labour: Epidural analgesia helps avoid tachy-
absence of identifiable cause7,44. Echocardiographic
cardia. However, neuraxial blockade should be
criteria include ejection fraction <45%, fractional
used cautiously to avoid fall in SVR2,35,48.
shortening <30%, and/ or diastolic left ventricular
dimension greater than 2.72cm/m 2. Incidence is 2. CS: Both regional anaesthesia and GA may be
1:3000 to 1:4000 live births with a mortality of used. However, single shot spinal should be
18%-50%11,26. avoided. Hypotension should be treated with
Signs and symptoms include fatigue, dyspnoea,
peripheral oedema, palpitations and pulmonary Goals: avoid tachycardia, fall in SVR, decreased
oedema. Etiology is unknown. It is associated with preload, maintain normal to slightly reduced
advanced maternal age, preeclampasia, multigravida, contractility and normal to elevated SVR26.
obesity and coronary artery disease35.
Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH)
Peripartum management: immediate delivery, if
near term35. Management of heart failure includes PPH is defined as elevated PA pressures (mean
salt and water restriction, diuretics (frusimide), pulmonary artery pressure (PAP)>25 mm Hg at rest)

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in absence of primary cardiac disease 2,35. In the steroids have to be given. GA, if required, has to be
peripartum period right ventricular failure can occur. tailored to maintain haemodynamic status26.
Thromboembolism is also common during this
period35. Goals: strict asepsis, avoid myocardial depressants,
avoid tachycardia, hypertension and aortocaval
compression, maintain normal filling pressures26.
Anaesthetic management
1. Labour: Epidural analgesia is preferred26. Oxytocin Conclusion
should be used with caution to avoid fall in SVR
Every female, including those with cardiac
and increase in PVR. Avoid carboprost and
methergine2,35. disease, has a right to enjoy motherhood. Given the
complexities of cardiac disease, a pregnant cardiac
2. CS: CS may be required in cases with severe disease patient has to be managed by coordinated efforts of
with RV failure50. Both epidural anaesthesia and the obstetrician, cardiologist and the anaesthetist. We
GA may be used. However, a slow induction need a good antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care
epidural anaesthesia is advised. Vasopressors to help such patients complete the peripartal period
increase pulmonary artery pressure and should safely. We also need to strengthen our peripheral
be used with caution 49 . Invasive monitoring health infrastructure to cater to the unique requirements
includes arterial catheters, CVP/PAC and TEE2,35. of these patients. Proper orientation of the obstetrician
and the anaesthetist to the pathophysiological
Goals: similar to Eisenmenger syndrome26. changes of cardiac disease is absolutely necessary.

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Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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