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Taney Vocabulary List

Tau Hello, Hi
Taiguey/Tau mautia Good Morning
Taicaraya/Tain tureiro Good Night
Tai ku Good bye
Tano Ti May the Good Spirit be with you (Good Bye)

Guazbara Warrior
Kasike Chief
Nitano Sub chief
Naboria Servant
Atili brother
Aturo sister
Itiao - friend

4 Directions:
Sobaiko East
Rakuno North
Koromo West
Achiano South

Heket One
Yamoc Two
Kanocum Three
Bibiti Four
Yamonkobre Five
Han Yes
U No
Han han cat So let it be! (Amen)
Bo-matum/Ha hom Thank you!
Tei-toca Stay still!
Tata quiet
Okama listen, hear
seikata Please
Da iri ka my name is
Aure enough
Patara attack, strike

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