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Adriana Barraza-Marquez

March 27, 2016

Artifact Description: My Artifact is a Truss Bridge that I found on the internet made into a 2d
drawing. The drawing was made with the Microsoft PowerPoint drawing tools.

What I learned: I learned how to use the tool box on PowerPoint and the some of the drawing
tools that are included. I have never really used such tools, but now I noticed the vast amount of
possible activities I can do if I use these tools in my future classrooms.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: With this activity, I have acquired new skills in
which would help me in the future. I see myself using this when I need to show my future
students how to draw with something different then a pen and paper. Technology and computers
in particular is becoming a major part of our lives now and it is good to use these tools to our
advantage. This activity would cover an art curricular activity but be more useful than simply
drawing on paper since they would be learning how to use shapes of different types and sizes and
shift them in a way that they would create something. This activity would mostly cover the
Intrapersonal learning style. Besides a bridge, students can do all sorts of things like buildings,
houses, and such things like cars. Depending on the activity and what would suit the assignment,
there would be endless choices in what they can make instead of a bridge.

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