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ETAPA pe COAL (coala Mihai Eminescu Buhui, judeul Bacu)

Clasa a VII-a
26 IANUARIE 2017

I. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. (25 points)

Mount Everest
Asa Sherpa has climbed Mount Everest more times than_1-anyone (everyone//anyone //someone
//another) else in the world. Last year, he _2_ (hit//made//broke//caught) the world record by
climbing the worlds highest mountain for the twenty-first time. _3_
(Also//Because//Afterwards//However), he says he wont be able to do it again, because the
mountain is becoming _4_ (much//too//such//even) dangerous to climb.
Asa first climbed the mountain _5_ (in//on//at//from) 1989 at the age of 12. He worked as a porter,
carrying supplies for trekkers. When he first climbed the mountain, there was _6_
(lot//several//plenty//much) of snow and ice up there. Now there is much _7_
(less//little//fewer//more) snow, and more bare rock.
Asa is _8_ (angry//disappointed//worried//afraid) about the lack of snow. _9_
(Because//Without//Unless//Since) snow to hold the rocks in place, there are more rockfalls.
Melting ice makes big holes, and these make _10_ (trips//rides//tours//visits) up the mountain very
dangerous. Also, climbers slip more _11_ (easily//carelessly//badly//clearly) on rock than on snow.

II. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. (25 points)

1. I haven't been to a concert for a long time.

It's a long time since ________________a concert.

2. Why don't you learn a musical instrument?

If I were you, _________________learn a musical instrument.

3. If you don't practise the piano every day, you won't improve.
You won't improve unless _________________ the piano every day.

4. There are only a few concerts this month.

There aren't very _________________concerts this month.

5. This room is too small for us to play music in.

This room isn't _____________________for us to play music in.

6. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.

I like playing the guitar _____________________playing the piano.

7. It took them a long time to decide which concert to go to

They spent a long time _____________which concert to go to.

8. We could not take our instruments on the plane.

We were not _________________take our instruments on the plane.

9. The neighbour complained the music at our party was too loud..
We had to play the music more ________________because the neighbour complained.

10. She said to us: "Don't be late".

She told _____________________________
III. Complete the text with the most suitable form of the verbs in brackets. (20 points)

Bob Dylan a.(become) has become one of the most famous singer/song-writers of all time. At the
age of 65 in 2006, he b.(reach) _____ the top of the US album charts with Modern Times, the oldest
living singer to do so. He c.(record) ______ many other hit albums since he d.(make) _____ his first
album at the age of 21 while he e.(perform) _____ as a folk singer in New York clubs. Although he
first f.(find) ____ fame as folk singer, he g.(try) _______ originally to be a rock and roll singer, but
without success. In the mid-60s, Dylan h.(start) _______ to perform rock songs with a group, instead
of a solo folk songs which i.(make) ______ him famous.At the time, many of his fans j.(feel) ______
angry because they k.(think) ____ that he l.(do) ______ this simply for money. Many folk music fans
still m.(believe) ______ that he n.(be) ____ wrong. In fact, Dylans songs o.(change) _____ in the
time up to this point. As far as he was concerned, he p.(do) ____ everything that he could with folk
music already, and he q.(need) ______ a different musical style to express his changing feelings.
Dylans career r.(be) _____ a long one, and there is no sign that he s.(think) ______ of retirement. He
t.(perform) _______ since the late 1950s and u.(appear) _______ in several films too.

a. has become became is becoming has became

b. reaching reaches reached has reached
c. has recording recorded has recorded is recording
d. made maked has maked has made
e. is performing performed was performing has been performed
f. finded found has found will find
g. tried was tried has tried had tried
h. was starting starting started had starting
i. had made were made was making maked
j. felt fell was feeling had fallen
k. were thought thought was thinked had been thinking
l. is doing has been done were done was doing
m. believed believe believing are believed
n. were was is being had been
o. were changing are change was change had been changing
p. has done has been done is doing had done
q. needed are needing was need had need
r. has be was were being has been
s. has thinking is thinking thinked has been thought
t. was performing was performed is performed has been performing
u. is appearing will be appear have appeared has appeared

I. Write a composition of at least 120 words (do not exceed 150 words) starting with:

I closed the door behind me and then it all started. (30 points)

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