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4 Incantations To Conjure Limitless Power

That I Learned Directly From Demons

Themselves My Secret For Speaking
Them Properly, And Building A Deep
Supernatural Relationship
Hey Friend,
Once you get on speaking terms with spirits, they never stop talking to you
In my experience of life, it would seem strange to me if I didnt have a conversation
with an astral entity or Higher Consciousness at least once a day.
Even though they have a lot to say, the spirits never get boring. They are
constantly revealing ways for me to further grasp my own Limitless nature, and to
truly Become A Living God, here and now!
What has always been even more interesting to me, though, is when they speak to
me, but they speak in a language I dont understand.
Sometimes, these messages turn out to be in Latin, Greek, Zulu, or Portuguese,
and these turn out to be one or two words, like Black Serpent or Stairs into
Darkness, or other such cryptic communications.
Sometimes, though, the messages arent words or sentences at all, but are
incantations, words of power whose translations are meaningless next to the raw
power invoked and presenced through their speaking.
At first, these seemed like some false, invented language, having substance in my
subconscious mind only.
And then I decided to share a few of them with other people, other magicians, who
used them and attested to their potency.
And then I had scholars and linguists dissect their written forms, discovering
a mixture of various dialects and derivations of Aramaic, which is a language
that I can assure you that I have never studied.
At this point, I really need to confess something: I dont know what many of these
incantations actually translate into English as.
What I do know is that the entities who gave them to me which mainly have been
demons presented them with instructions on how to use them, and what each
one will do.
I also know that through my experimentation with these demonic incantations, I
have indeed produced remarkable results, always in alignment with what the
specific incantation that I am using at the moment.
These Spoken Charms Create A Rift Between
The Worlds
I am convinced, however, that these incantations are doing far more than simply
directing the energy and intention of the individual towards a goal. Although I cant
say for sure, I wouldnt be surprised if these spoken charms are actually
creating a sort of rift in the veil between the worlds.
The only way to find out for sure, though, is for continued experimentation.
The obvious danger of this sort of experimentation could be the secret reason that
Ive been reluctant to share too many of these incantations with anyone other than
my closest ritual co-workers.
The rewards of utilizing these powerful orations, though, is overwhelming. The
immediate reward of putting into motion the force of the incantations towards a
specific goal is accomplishment enough but there is the added reward of the
discovery of what these things are actually doing is even more compelling.
And, so, I want to give you these incantations, these demonic conjurations, for you
to use however you see fit.
If you are frightened of demonic power, if you are afraid of your own Godhood, or if
you are prone to panic and paranoia, I suggest that you look away from the screen,
or close the window altogether.
My SECRET To Delivering Chants Correctly
Most modern incantations, conjurations, and mantras are either spoken in an
authoritative tone, or are sung or intoned.
These incantations, though, are most potent when they are whispered, and when
they are given in the darkness, the light of candles being the only illumination.
As with all rituals, visualize your desired result as you chant these forbidden
4 Demonic Incantations To Conjure Limitless
#1. To Initiate or Enforce Spiritual Pacts (Tacit or expressed pacts)
Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu
#2. Summoning of All Magickal Powers
Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu
Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu
Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza
#3. To Rouse Vengeful Destruction
Ichalaz Itzrechel
Ahntal Ahtantel
Me Vaskalla Pertentitzu
(Repeat this over and over, calling forth sick spirits of destruction, directing them
through a link to your victim)
#4. To Summon Forth
Etsel Malakel
Testzel Samtanel
Itz Retz Namatel
Itz Hel AstaRel
KamaKala, KamaKala
KamaKala Satanel
(Spirit) Kama
(Spirit) Kala
(Spirit), KamaKala Vel.
Me Vaskalla
Me Solvalla
Me ResAlla Ahtantel
(Repeat several times, as a conjuration of any spirit)
My FINAL ADVICE For Building A
Supernatural Relationship
My final advice on this matter is to approach these incantations with respect, and
with awe, so that you will never underestimate their power or their mystery.
In my earliest days of evocation, I came to the understanding that communication
with spirits would be one-directional at least until my ability to see and hear spirits
was developed.
I would call out to them using barbarous tongues, putting all of my will and trust in
their coming, and they would come.
I could always feel the shift in the room when they arrived, and sometimes I could
even see vague outlines of the spirits, faded in with the shadows and the night.
Once the request to the spirit was spoken, my intuition alone guided me, an internal
feeling of peace and completion, as well as an automatic releasing of my desire to
the spirit, acted as heralds of the spirits acceptance of the task.
If, instead, anxiety overtook me and doubt and fear came into me, this would be
taken as a clear sign of a problem, at which point Id have no other choice than to
retreat and try again.
Of course, as soon as I learned how to communicate with spirits, that all
changed. This is why spirit communication is so vital to your Ascent, and this is
why I teach exact methods of making REAL contact with nonphysical
entities in my Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence course.
Whether youre planning your first evocation, or if youre a seasoned Adept, my
Mastering Evocation program is guaranteed to open doorways in your practice that
you never even knew were there and its currently available at 30% until
tomorrow only one day left to take advantage!

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