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Essential skills for an excellent career

Design your life

by Rod Moore
Mind Tools
Design Your Life

by Rod Moore
Edited by Rachel Manktelow

Design the life of your dreams

and live the life you design.

This workbook is edited and published by:
126 Arthur Road
Wimbledon Park
SW19 8AA

Copyright Rod Moore, Life Design Systems 2005-6. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 0-9545586-4-2
2nd Edition 2005

This product is published and distributed under license by Mind Tools Limited only. Individual customers may store
and print one copy of the document for their own personal user. Multi-user license holders may store and print the
number of copies specified on their license agreement. Where indicated, multiple copies of format pages for personal
use only may be made. t is illegal to otherwise print or copy this document and its contents without the express
permission of Mind Tools Limited. Please report any unauthorized distribution to .To
purchase additional licenses, please go to: .

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About the Author, Rod Moore
Rod Moore is a world expert in goal setting and
a leading life design strategist. He became
interested in personal development and goal
setting several years ago, motivated by the
desire to shape his own future.

He studied hundreds of books on the subject,

attended many seminars and workshops and
he trained as a coach, speaker and NLP
master practitioner. Frustrated by the
limitations of the goal setting approaches he
found, Rod set about developing his own
system for goal setting and life design. Soon
the system was not only helping Rod himself,
but also many of his clients to achieve much
more in their lives. Using his goal setting and
life design system, Rod has now helped more
than 10,000 people globally create a
compelling future and live the life of their

Rod lives in Australia and works around the

world, achieving great acclaim as a trainer,
speaker, coach and seminar leader. Rods
passion is to help as many people as possible
to achieve success, and his own example and
motivation are an inspiration to very many

Rod Moore, 2005-6. Distributed under license by Page 3 of 36


Welcome to The Mind Tools Design Your Life System .............................................................5
How to Use This Workbook .......................................................................................................5

Step 1 Imagine Your Future Dreams ............................................................................6

How to Imagine Your Future Dreams ........................................................................................6

Step 2 Create Your Future Vision Statements............................................................13

Example Future Vision Statement ...........................................................................................13
How to Create Your Future Vision Statements........................................................................13
(1) My Health ...........................................................................................................................14
(2) My Relationships................................................................................................................15
(3) My Career ..........................................................................................................................16
(4) My Financials .....................................................................................................................17
(6) My Spirituality and Beliefs ..................................................................................................18
(6) My Personal Development .................................................................................................19

Step 3 Define Your Major Goals .................................................................................20

The E.P.E.G.S. Formula..........................................................................................................20
Defining Your Major Goals ......................................................................................................21
How to Define Your Major Goals .............................................................................................21

Step 4 Define Your Focus Goals ................................................................................27

How to Define Your Focus Goals ............................................................................................27
My Focus Goals ......................................................................................................................28

Step 5 Plan Your Goals in Detail ................................................................................29

Goal Planning Questions.........................................................................................................29
How to Plan Your Goals in Detail ............................................................................................30
Goal Planner ...........................................................................................................................31

Moving On..................................................................................................................36

Rod Moore, 2005-6. Distributed under license by Page 4 of 36

Welcome to The Mind Tools Design Your Life System

The Design Your Life system takes you step-by-step through the process of life design and goal
setting. In five steps, this workbook helps you discover what you want to achieve and become,
and on setting goals to help you get there. The workbook is self-contained, designed as a
standalone tool. It is supported by a 5-part audio classes (MP3s) downloaded with the workbook,
and by a weekly 5-part e-class delivered by email.

By following this system, you will establish a clearly defined set of goals for your life. You will
start out by looking at your dreams for the future. Then you will move on to crystallize these
dreams into a vision for your better future. Once you have defined your vision, you will work on
setting major goals and shorter-term focus goals to achieve that vision. Then you will then use
the comprehensive goal planner to break down your goals can into smaller, manageable chunks,
to help you start achieving them right away.

It is extremely empowering to spend time deciding what you really want out of life. And it is
extremely powerful and exciting to use this system to map out your journey from where you are
today to where you want to be. By working your way through this system, you will not only
design your life with written goals, but you will also learn a system for achieving practically
anything you want in the future. Once you complete this program, the Design Your Life system
will be part of your life, and your life will never be the same again!

How to Use This Workbook

The time you need to allocate to each step of the process depends very much on how much
detail you decide to go to and on your own personal priorities. The suggested approach is to first
allocate an hour or so to review the system overall, then allocate about half an hour each day
over the course of the program to develop your goals and life plan.

Most people enjoy working at the week-by-week pace of the five e-classes. Each e-class
introduces the next step and guides you through. If you want to fast forward to the next step,
simply use the workbook or listen to the audio MP3 class.

Whatever time you allocate is an investment in yourself. The time spent is worth it and will prove
invaluable. Think each step of the process through in detail and be completely honest with
yourself after all this is your life.

Print out the workbook and use it as your life design notebook. This is the place to write down
your thoughts, goals and ultimately your life design. As well as explaining each step, the
workbook provides several formats for you to use to record your life design statements and plan
your goals. You will need several copies of some of the Design Your Life formats such as the
Goal Planner. You are free to copy the formats as many times as you like providing it is for your
personal use.

Remember, on completion of this program, you will have a new sense of certainty about your
life. You will have clarity about where you want to be heading and what you need to do to get
there. You will have your very own road map and you will have built an expressway to achieve
your dreams in life.

Rod Moore, 2005-6. Distributed under license by Page 5 of 36

Step 1 Imagine Your Future Dreams
In the first step of the Design Your Life system, you will activate your dream machine and identify
your future dreams. No holds barred! First spend some time dreaming about what you would like
to HAVE, then what you would like to DO, and finally who you would like to BE.

Release the handbrake of your imagination and remove any limitations you may otherwise have.
Dont worry about the time frame for now, or how you would achieve the dream. Youll look at
those practicalities when you get to step 2 defining your future vision.

For now, just dream it and write it down! Aim to write down at least 100 things that you dream of
having, doing or being.

How to Imagine Your Future Dreams

Relax and release the handbrakes on your imagination!

First identify everything you wish to have in your life
Next identify everything you want to do
And finally identify the characteristics of the person you want to become
Dont worry about timescales until step 2

To help you unlock your imagination, why not use some of the tools at Mind Tools site such as

First list everything you would like to HAVE in your life.

HAVE >>> DO >>> BE

1 Time ........... months/yrs
2 Time ........... months/yrs
3 Time ........... months/yrs
4 Time ........... months/yrs
5 ... Time ........... months/yrs
6 Time ........... months/yrs
7 Time ........... months/yrs
8 Time ........... months/yrs
9 Time ........... months/yrs
10 Time ........... months/yrs
11 Time ........... months/yrs
12 Time ........... months/yrs
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15 Time ........... months/yrs
16 Time ........... months/yrs
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20 Time ........... months/yrs
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22 Time ........... months/yrs
23 Time ........... months/yrs
24 Time ........... months/yrs
25 Time ........... months/yrs

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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE continued
26 Time ........... months/yrs
27 Time ........... months/yrs
28 Time ........... months/yrs
29 Time ........... months/yrs
30 Time ........... months/yrs
31 Time ........... months/yrs
32 Time ........... months/yrs
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34 Time ........... months/yrs
35 Time ........... months/yrs
36 Time ........... months/yrs
37 Time ........... months/yrs
38 Time ........... months/yrs
39 Time ........... months/yrs
40 Time ........... months/yrs
41 Time ........... months/yrs
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43 Time ........... months/yrs
44 Time ........... months/yrs
45 Time ........... months/yrs
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49 Time ........... months/yrs
50 Time ........... months/yrs
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60 Time ........... months/yrs
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71 Time ........... months/yrs
72 Time ........... months/yrs
73 Time ........... months/yrs
74 Time ........... months/yrs
75 Time ........... months/yrs

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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE continuation sheet
.. Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
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Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
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Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
... Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs
Time ........... months/yrs

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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE
Now list everything you would like to DO in your life. This includes all the places you would like
to visit, skills you would like to learn, concerts you would like to attend, courses you would like to
take and so on.

HAVE >>> DO >>> BE

1 Time ........... months/yrs
2 Time ........... months/yrs
3 Time ........... months/yrs
4 Time ........... months/yrs
5 ... Time ........... months/yrs
6 Time ........... months/yrs
7 Time ........... months/yrs
8 Time ........... months/yrs
9 Time ........... months/yrs
10 Time ........... months/yrs
11 Time ........... months/yrs
12 Time ........... months/yrs
13 Time ........... months/yrs
14 Time ........... months/yrs
15 Time ........... months/yrs
16 Time ........... months/yrs
17 Time ........... months/yrs
18 Time ........... months/yrs
19 Time ........... months/yrs
20 Time ........... months/yrs
21 Time ........... months/yrs
22 Time ........... months/yrs
23 Time ........... months/yrs
24 Time ........... months/yrs
25 Time ........... months/yrs
26 Time ........... months/yrs
27 Time ........... months/yrs
28 Time ........... months/yrs
29 Time ........... months/yrs
30 Time ........... months/yrs
31 Time ........... months/yrs
32 Time ........... months/yrs
33 Time ........... months/yrs
34 Time ........... months/yrs
35 Time ........... months/yrs
36 Time ........... months/yrs
37 Time ........... months/yrs
38 Time ........... months/yrs
39 Time ........... months/yrs
40 Time ........... months/yrs
41 Time ........... months/yrs
42 Time ........... months/yrs
43 Time ........... months/yrs
44 Time ........... months/yrs
45 Time ........... months/yrs

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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE continuation sheet
.. Time ........... months/yrs
.. Time ........... months/yrs
.. Time ........... months/yrs
.. Time ........... months/yrs
.. Time ........... months/yrs
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.. Time ........... months/yrs
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.. Time ........... months/yrs

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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE
Now list all of the characteristics of the person you would most like to BE. If you could be anyone
you choose with any personality traits and roles to play, then who would you become?


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HAVE >>> DO >>> BE continuation sheet

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Step 2 Create Your Future Vision Statements
The next step of your life road map is to create your Future Visioning Statements. Having
defined without constraint your future dreams, it is now time to crystallize those dreams into a
future vision for your life. So firstly, its time to simply revisit the dreams you have written down
and indicate for each dream a timescale on which you would hope to achieve it. Then sort and
organize the listed dreams in the life area categories that are listed below.

The culmination of this step us to synthesize dreams and imagine, for each area of your life your
life, where you want to be in 5 years time. You will write this down on paper as a Future Vision
Statement for that life area.

Write the statement as if it is already happened. By imagining that you have already achieved
your vision, you will create the most compelling Future Visions: The example future vision
statement below shows how to use this technique.

Now its time to define your future vision for each of these six life areas of you life:

Spirituality & Beliefs
Personal Development

Example Future Vision Statement

Future Vision Statement for health: "My health is my number one priority and everyday I
invest in ensuring my health is excellent. The date is 1 March 20XX and I am extremely fit and
healthy. My bodyweight is only 90kg and I am muscular and lean at only 15% body fat. I follow a
natural health lifestyle and as a result I have an amazing level of energy. I regularly compete in
triathlons and fun runs. I run several times per week, as well as bike ride, swim and go to the
gym. I look great, I feel great and I am in great health. I am a model of excellent health for my
age and many people cannot believe my age when asked. I am a great role model for a healthy
energetic lifestyle."

How to Create Your Future Vision Statements

Revisit the dreams you identified in step 1 and indicate against each the timescale in
which you hope to achieve it
Organize the list of dreams by the six life areas listed above
For each area, and using the list of dreams as input, write your Future Vision Statement
using the formats provided on page 14-19 of this workbook

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(1) My Health

Your level of health and vitality has a direct effect on how you experience life. It is your
foundational building block to living the life of your dreams. What is your vision for your health in
the future?

Note: If you are in any doubt about your health, or you are considering radical changes to your
diet or exercise program, you should first consult a medical or otherwise qualified practitioner

Future Vision Statement (1) My Health

















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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(2) My Relationships

A vital component of life is the relationships you have with family, friends, colleagues and others.
Healthy and empowering relationships provide a sense of connection and fulfilment. Create for
yourself a compelling future vision statement of how you see your relationships in the future. You
can do this as one vision to encompass all relationships or perhaps 2 or 3 separate vision
statement for family and others.

Future Vision Statement (2) My Relationships

















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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(3) My Career

Your level of career satisfaction impacts heavily on your overall level of life satisfaction. Most
working people spend more time at work than anywhere else! The happiest people are those
who have an absolute passion for the work they do. What is your compelling vision for your
career in the future?

Future Vision Statement (3) My Career

















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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(4) My Financials

Achieving financial security in life, and ultimately financial independence, are goals shared by
many people. Financial security and abundant financial resources can be a great enabler to
achieving more of your dreams and goals. Create for yourself a compelling future vision
statement of how you see your financial position in the future.

Future Vision Statement (4) My Financials

















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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(6) My Spirituality and Beliefs

Our spirituality and beliefs are formed by complex influences throughout our lives, of our society,
culture, religion, family and our inner feelings. For billions of people around the world, religious
faith defines their spirituality and beliefs. For others, religion has a lesser influence.

Whatever your spirituality and beliefs, when it comes to life design, it is an important yet often
neglected life areas to consider. If you find this a difficult area to work on, you may benefit from
first considering and writing down what spirituality and beliefs means for you. Then create for
yourself a compelling future vision statement of your spirituality and beliefs in the future.

Future Vision Statement (5) My Spirituality and Beliefs
















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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(6) My Personal Development

Having an on-going personal development program will help you achieve life long learning and
constantly strive to realize your full potential. What is your vision for your personal development
in the future?

Future Vision Statement (6) Personal Development

















Key Milestones: Time Frame:






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Step 3 Define Your Major Goals
Before you start to define your major goals, we need to introduce you to two key concepts of the
Design Your Life system. The first section below introduces three different types of goal: major
goals, milestone or support goals, and focus goals. The next section introduces something called
the E.P.E.G.S. formula, a technique for writing goal statements to make them truly compelling.
Once you have learned these concepts, the following sections will help you define your major

Major Goals, Milestone and Support Goals and Focus Goals

Goals are a way of breaking down your future vision statements into specific, achievable steps.
The Mind Tools Design Your Life system defines three types of goal:
(1) Major goals
(2) Milestone or support goals
(3) Focus goals.

In sum, all your goals will contribute to the achievement of your future vision. A major goal is
very closely linked to your future vision statement. Normally you should expect to have 3 6
major goals for each of the six life areas thats 18 36 in total. Major goals are usually quite
high level and you may need to achieve a series of milestone or support goals in order to
achieve the overall, major goal. Major goals, milestone goals and support goals are all defined
taking you between three months and five years to achieve. Any goal that can be completed in
less than three months is defined as a focus goal simply because it is currently in your focus.

Example: If you have a major goal to win a gold medal at the Olympics, then you would have a
milestone goal to be selected in your event to represent your country first. And you might have a
related focus goal to train for national trials in a few months time.

The E.P.E.G.S. Formula

The E.P.E.G.S. formula is a way of writing down your major goals to ensure they are compelling
and motivating. This is a powerful technique. By using the E.P.E.G.S formula, you will state your
goals in a specific manner that stimulates your unconscious mind to act on the goal.

E Start with the End date stated as though it is today

P State the goal as Positive, Personal and in the Present tense
E Use Emotional intensity how will you feel?
G State your Goal with clarity
S Use Sensory specific language what will you see, hear and smell?

"It is now 13th February 20XX and I am so excited and full of pride as I easily run across the
finish line of the Brighton 10km fun run. My time for finishing the race was excellent at only 50
minutes. I can hear my family cheering for me and I feel great!

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Defining Your Major Goals

Now its time to define your major goals using the techniques introduced in the last two sections.
Take each of your Future Vision Statements in turn and define the goals you need to achieve
them. Use the E.P.E.G.S. formula (see page 20) to make sure they have maximum impact and
compel you to achieve them! You should aim for 3 6 major goals or support goals for each
Future Vision Statement, i.e. 3 6 for each life area.

In the Major Goal formats that follow, circle the life area that the goal related to, and remember, if
the goal horizon is within the next 3 months, mark the goal as a focus goal.

Life areas:
Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

How to Define Your Major Goals

For each your 6 Future Vision Statements, identify 3-6 major goals for next 5 years
For each goal, use the formats below and on following pages to describe your goal
Use the E.P.E.G.S. formula to describe the compelling way, as if you have already
achieved it

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spirituality & Beliefs Personal Development Other

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Step 4 Define Your Focus Goals
The next step of the Design Your Life system is to define your focus goals. That means asking:
Which goals do I want to focus on and achieve in the next 3 months?

So first of all, you must decide which areas of your life to focus on right now and which major
goals you want to move forward. As a general rule, you should focus on just 3 major goals at any
one time.

Most people tend to over-estimate what they can achieve in 3 months and underestimate what
they can achieve in the longer term. It is easy to create an unrealistic short-term goal plan
especially with the enthusiasm of first starting to use the goal planning system. Do make sure
that you have a reasonable chance of achieving your goals. Your goals should, of course,
challenge you, and each small success will motivate you to achieve more and better things.

Now choose the 2-3 focus goals you want to achieve in the next 2-3 months. Remember, your
focus goals will contribute to achieving one or more of your major goals. Each may be a step
towards the major goal or a milestone or support goal to be achieved before moving forward on
your ultimate goal. Once you have chosen your goals to focus on, write down each one using the
E.P.E.G.S. formula (page 20) and the format below. Write each one on piece of pocket-sized
card so that you can carry them around and remind yourself.

Once you have identified and stated your focus goals, write down all the tasks that must be done
to achieve that goal and start working on them!

How to Define Your Focus Goals

Identify the areas of life and major goals that you want to progress in the next 2-3 months
Identify the 2-3 focus goals that you want to achieve towards that major goal (or a
supporting goal) that you will focus on for the next 3 months
For each focus goal, use the format on following pages to describe your goal. Remember
to use the E.P.E.G.S. formula to describe them in a compelling way
Write the focus goal statements on pocket-sized card so that you can carry them around
with you for reference and as a constant reminder

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My Focus Goals

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

It is now ____/___/____ and I

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

Life areas: Health Relationships Career Financial Spiritual Personal Development Other

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Step 5 Plan Your Goals in Detail
With Future Vision Statements, Major Goals and Focus Goals in place, it is now time to look at
how you can plan your goals in detail and break down your major goals into goal chunks or
milestone goals that will help you achieve your ultimate goals.

By using the goal planner in this step of the Mind Tools Design Your Life system, you will not
only have a comprehensive goal plan, but also you will start to program your mind to focus on
achieving these goals. Use the format on pages 31 onwards to break down your major goals.

The goal planner is a must for complex goals that need a great deal of planning. Even for less
challenging goals, the goal planner is a great checklist to ensure you have everything you need
for success. Once you have mastered detailed goal planning for your major goals, you will find it
is a useful tool for planning any level of major goal, milestone and support goal or even your
focus goals.

Goal Planning Questions

The goal-planner format provided on page 31 onwards asks a series of questions to help you
plan your goals to the next level of detail.

Goal statement
What is your goal exactly? Define your goal statement in a compelling way by using the
E.P.E.G.S. formula (page 20)

End State
Describe your end state What will you see, hear and feel when you have achieved your

Compelling Reasons Why

Write down the compelling reasons why you want to achieve this goal

Required Resources
What specific or additional resources do you require to achieve this goal?

Knowledge and Skills

What specific knowledge and skills do you need to achieve this goal?

Obstacles and Solutions

What obstacles can you see to achieving this goal and how can you potentially overcome

Model of Excellence
Who do you need to be and how do you need to act to achieve this goal?

Ecology Checklist
What would, and wouldnt, happen if you did or didnt achieve the goal?

Chunking and Milestone Goals

What milestone or support goals can you set by chunking down the overall goal into
more manageable goals and actions?

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Action List
What are all the actions that you will need to take to achieve this goal?

First Steps
What first steps are needed? It is important to define these to create the sense of
momentum and a sense that the goal, however daunting or challenging, is in fact

Power Statements
What statements will motivate you? Stated in the positive, personal and present tense as
though they were already true statements. For example, if you had a goal to lose weight
then one of your power statements might look be: I feel great about myself at my ideal
bodyweight of XXkg.

Rewards and Celebration

What will be your reward and how will you celebrate achieving the goal? Another good
way to motivate yourself!

My Commitment
The final section of the goal planner is the commitment section for you to sign to affirm
your commitment to the goal. Writing down your goal in detail and signing your
commitment is a powerful way to ensure success.

How to Plan Your Goals in Detail

For each of your major goal, copy or print out the 5 goal-planner pages that follow
Use the goal planner format and questions to plan each of your goals in details
Chunk down complex goals into a series of milestone and support goals to make them
more believable and achievable
Use the techniques of the E.P.E.G.S. formula and positive, personal and present tense
statements to create compelling goal plans
Start work immediately on some of the first actions to give momentum to your plans
Finally, sign each goal plan to affirm your commitment to achieving the goal.

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Goal Planner

Goal Statement Life area: HRCFSPO Goal Achieved

Clearly define your goal using

It is now ____/___/____ and I
specific, personal and present
tense language. Include the
date that you intend to achieve
the goal.

Major Goal Milestone or Support Goal Focus Goal

End State Description

Describe what you will See, ...
Hear and Feel at the moment ...
when you know you have
successfully achieved the
goal. Include as much
sensory-specific information
as you can. ...


Your Compelling 1)...

Reasons WHY! ...
You must have compelling ...
reasons why you want to 3)...
achieve your goal! These are
the reasons that will drive you
forward to take action 4)...
towards your goals! ...
Come up with at least 10
compelling reasons why.


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Goal Planner (page 2 of 5)

Required Resources 1)...

To achieve this goal what 2)
additional resources do you ...
List the key resources you ...
will need to acquire or 4)...
develop in order to achieve ...
this goal.

Knowledge and 1)...

Skills ...
What knowledge or skills do ...
you need to acquire in order 3)...
to achieve this goal?
List any additional 4)...
knowledge or skills you feel ...
are necessary to achieve 5)
this goal

Obstacles and (O)........

Solutions ...
Along the path towards your ...
goals you will come across
some obstacles. Pre-plan
the solution ahead of time!
List any obstacles and (S)..
potential solutions that you ...
can think of.

(O) Obstacle (O)........

(S) Solution ...




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Goal Planner (page 3 of 5)

Model of Excellence Who do you need to be as a person to achieve this goal?

In order to achieve your
goals you need to develop ...
the mindset that will take
you there.
Spend time now thinking ...
about the characteristics you
need to successfully achieve
this goal.
What empowering beliefs do you require?


What values will be important to keep you aligned with this goal?


What consistent actions or habits do you need to acquire?


Ecology Check What would happen if you achieve this goal?

Before embarking on any
goal, its important that you ...
take a quick ecology check.
Check your goal against the
following questions to make What wouldnt happen if you achieve this goal?
sure your goal is good for
you, good for others, and

good for the planet!

What would happen if you didnt achieve this goal?


What wouldnt happen if you didnt achieve this goal?


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Goal Planner (page 4 of 5)

Chunking and 1)
Milestone Goals

Goals become more 2)...

believable, more ...
manageable and more
achievable when they are
chunked down. 3)...
Chunk your goal down into
smaller milestone and
support goals.


Action List

Brainstorm all of the action
steps you could take to
achieve this goal.

Make a list of everything you
can think of. The order is not
important at this stage.
Check off each item when


First Steps 1)...

Never leave the scene of a 2)
goal without having .
committed to taking the first
From your action list above, 4)...
what are the first 5 steps you .
are committed to taking to
achieve your goal?
Check off completed items.

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Goal Planner (page 5 of 5)

Power Statements 1)...

Develop at least 10 power 2)
statements that you can use ...
to affirm your success in
achieving this goal.
Make sure your power 4)...
statements are stated in the ...
personal, positive and
present tense.



Reward and 1)...

Celebration ...
How are you going to reward ...
yourself and celebrate when 3)....
you have successfully
achieved your goal?
Develop a list of possible ...
rewards and ways you could 5)
celebrate your success.

My Commitment By signing off on this goal, I am agreeing to fully commit myself to see this
goal through to its successful completion. This commitment is a binding
The key to achieving more contract I make willingly with myself.
of your goals is to develop a
total sense of commitment.

By signing here you are

committing yourself to follow Signed: ____________________________ Date: _____/______/______
through and achieve this

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Moving On

Congratulations on completing the Design Your Life program and learning the life
design system that will help you achieve more success and more of your dreams!

Wed love to hear how youve enjoyed the program and any other feedback you have.
We constantly strive to improve our publications and value your input greatly. Wed
especially love to hear your SUCCESS STORIES using the Design Your Life system!
Just email us at .

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comprehensive source of articles and information on career development and personal
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Wishing You Every Success and Enjoy Mind Tools!

Rod Moore
Rachel Manktelow

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