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My fellow students:

Today I feel humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you've
bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our professors since 15 years ago.
I thank all the languages department; especially, for their service to our 9th
EEULEX, as well as the generosity and cooperation that our languages
students have shown throughout this process.

Fourteen students and thirteen professors have now taken the EEULEX Oath.
At these moments, Languages has carried on, not simply because of the skill or
vision of its people, but because WE the People have remained faithful to the
ideals of our forbearers and true to our goals.

On this day, we gather because we have chosen knowledge over ignorance,

unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Im here to congratulate you on this
achievement, but also to hold up this gathering and these students as an
example of whats possible in education. If were willing to break free from the
tired thinking and political stalemate thats dominated Mexico for decades, if
were willing to try new ideas and new methodologies and approaches based
not on ideology but on what works to give this generation the best possible
chance in life.

Today I say to you that the challenges of education we face are real. They are
serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of
time. But know this, we will be prepared.

The most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge

Thank you & God bless you.

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