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Some Healthy Tips To Begin With Page 1

Home Remedies Page 3
1.1 Stomach Ache Page 3
1.2 Indigestion Page 5
1.3 Diarrhea Page 7
1.4 Vomiting Page 9
1.5 Back Ache Page 11
1.6 Paralysis Page 12
1.7 Head Ache Page 13
1.8 Cough Page 14
1.9 Asthma Page 15
1.10 Tonsillitis Page 17
1.11 Pimples Page 18
1.12 Tuberculosis (TB) Page 19
1.13 Insomnia Page 22

1.14 Epilepsy Page 23

1.15 Impotence Page 24
1.16 Premature Ejaculation Page 26
1.17 Leucorrhoea Page 27
1.18 Sudden stopping of menstruation Page 28
1.19 Worms in stomach Page 30
1.20 Obesity Page 31
1.22 Hypertension Page 32

Some Healthy Tips to Begin With

As per Indian medicine science, human body is made from 5 Tatvas (constituents): earth,

water, fire, air and sky or space. Any disturbance in any of the five elements can disturb the

functioning of entire body.

Health can be maintained by only by combination of right food, right lifestyle and right

thoughts. It is important to take care of ones routine also. Certain simple rules of routine, if

followed religiously, can save you from many ailments in old age. Many of these rules were

religiously followed by our parents and grandparents but are being slowly forgotten.

1. First rule of good routine is to get up before sunrise. Fresh air in the morning clears

lungs, improves blood circulation, gives strength to the body and keeps it active

throughout the day.

2. After brushing and getting fresh, exercise in the morning. Exercise in early morning

helps in blood circulation, purifies blood.

3. Change your food as per season. Never eat fruits or vegetables which are stored in

cold stores and sold in off season. Fresh season fruits always have more nutrition

than the stored ones. Also many artificial measures are taken (wax coating, chemical

coating) to preserve the moisture of fruits. Majority of such coatings are cancerous

and lead to many other complications related to digestive system, lungs.

4. Food should be light, less quantity, nutritious and easy to digest.

5. Meals should be taken at right time. Too late dinner leads to many health issues like

hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, lack of sleep etc.

6. Eat light dinner, minimum two hours before sleeping.

7. Always drink lukewarm water, hot water in winters. In summers, water kept in earthen

pot is healthier and safe.

8. Drinking water from refrigerator immediately after coming in from hot sun will result in

sore throat. Always allow body temperature to adjust to room temperature and then

drink water.

9. Water stored in earthen pot is sufficiently cold but not to the extent to harm throat.

Children can be saved from sore throat problem if they are given water from earthen


10. Walk for 10 minutes after dinner. Take 30 minutes nap after lunch.

11. Drink one glass of water empty stomach. Water store overnight in copper jar and

drunk empty stomach every morning will keep constipation at a bay throughout your


12. Splash water on your eyes 2-3 times a day. This helps in relieving eye stress and

keeps your eyes healthy. This is especially important because people spend too

much of time working on computers.

13. Lie down for five minutes on right and left side of your stomach after lunch. This

helps in fast digestion of food.

14. Walk on green grass for 20 minutes every day in early morning. It gives you new

energy keeps eyes healthy and improves blood circulation.

Home Remedies

Grandmas home remedies are not only more effective than most of the medicines, but also

save us from side effects of allopathy. Most of these remedies require stuff which is already

present at home. Right usage of Indian spices and herbs can help you save from side effects

of allopathy. Sometimes, it also cures those diseases which are termed as incurable in

other branches of medicines. For the benefits of readers, we have compiled a list of some

home remedies that you can use for yourself and your near and dear ones. However, it is no

way recommended as substitute of any medicines prescribed by doctor. Patient is advised to

use his/her discretion in choosing the treatment course. We have tried to give many options

of home treatment and one can choose any remedy as per ones convenience.

Stomach ache

Reasons: Key reasons for stomach ache are irregular food habits, eating too much of junk

food, constipation, indigestion, peptic ulcer, problem in small or large intestine, kidney

disease, gastroenterology related issues and liver problem etc.

Symptoms: Severe stomach ache, vomiting, constipation, bad taste in mouth, gas in

stomach, heaviness in stomach.

Home remedies:

1. Mix one pinch of each black salt, black pepper powder and cumin seeds powder in

lemon juice and sip it slowly. It reduces stomach gas and relieves pain.

2. Mix half spoon of garlic juice and one pinch of black salt and sip it slowly. It relives

stomach ache.

3. Take one pinch of clove powder in lukewarm water for stomach ache.

4. Mix two spoons of radish juice and one pinch of black salt.

5. Mix half spoon of cumin seeds in honey and take it slowly.

6. Mix one spoon of basil juice and one spoon of ginger juice, heat it and drink.

Stomach ache will be relieved immediately.

7. Drinking mixture of onion juice and black pepper is good for bloated stomach.

8. Mixture of aniseed and black salt is good for stomach ache.


Causes: Excessive eating, oily food, high calorie food, junk food, too much of spices,

pickles, excessive tea, eating food in hurry etc.


Bloated stomach, stomach ache, vomiting, white coating on tongue, gas, foul smell in breath,

light continuous pain in stomach, constipation.

Home remedies:

1. Half spoon of raw papaya juice with sugar helps in curing indigestion soon.

2. Cut small pieces of fresh radish, sprinkle black salt, black pepper and carom seeds

powder on them. Sprinkle lemon juice on top of it and eat it after meals. This is a very

good treatment for indigestion.

3. Boil two cloves, one haritaki fruit piece and a pinch of salt in water. Drink the syrup to

get rid of indigestion.

4. Drinking mixture of onion juice and black salt cures indigestion fast.

5. Mix 10 gram cumin seed powder, powder of 5 pieces of black pepper, 5 grams of dry

ginger powder and two pinches of salt in a small jar. Take half spoon of the powder

every day after food. Indigestion will be cured for life time.

6. Two cloves of garlic, one piece of ginger, green coriander, 3 gm black pepper, 5 gm

cumin seeds and 3gm of salt. Mix everything in a mixer and make chutney. Eat it with

food every day.


Causes: Indigestion, stomach infection, eating stale food, fungus in food, food

poisoning, swelling in intestines etc.

Symptoms: Watery stool very frequently, severe pain in stomach, abdominal

cramps, Intense urge to have a bowel movement, Nausea, vomiting.

Home remedies:

1. Indian blackberry is the most effective natural way of curing diarrhoea. It can be

taken in many ways, a few of which are listed below:

a. Kernels of blackberry taken with rock salt.

b. Four spoons of blackberry juice with honey.

c. Bark of blackberry tree is very useful in diarrhoea.

d. Vinegar of blackberry.

2. Take 2 cups of butter milk mixed with honey every day. Every type of diarrhoea will

be cured.

3. Two spoons of soapnut water helps in every kind of diarrhoea.

4. Bel fruit taken in form of marmalade, juice helps in curing diarrhoea instantly.

However, excessive quantity of bel fruit can also cause constipation and lead to

stomach infection if there is sudden constipation. Hence, it should not be taken more

than 2-3 times.

5. Ispaghula or isabgol husk taken in cold water, cold curd or water instantly helps in




Causes: Eating rotten food, gas problem, problem in intestines, tension, stress,

worms in stomach, malaria etc.

Symptoms: Throwing up food, smell in vomit, bitterness or bad taste in mouth,

heaviness in chest.

Home remedies:

1. Take sugarcane juice with half lemon juice.

2. Drinking 4-5 drops of mint juice and pinch of champacol (Karpur) mixture helps in

stopping vomiting.

3. Drinking mixture of a pinch of asafoetida and powder of four cloves stops

vomiting instantly.

4. Keep a pinch of champacol (Karpur) in a batasha (see image below) and eat it.


5. Powder or water of liquorice (liquorice boiled in water) helps in stopping vomiting


6. Mixture of lemon juice, rock salt and black pepper is wonder medicine for




Causes: Wrong posture, staying in same posture for long time, sleeping on soft mattresses,

lifting heavy items, sudden jerk, muscle pull, stiffness of muscles, lack of physical exercise,

muscle weakness, deficiency of vitamin D.


Extreme pain in back, pain while standing, getting up, on bending.

Home remedies:

1. Mix one glass of water and one glass of milk. Take 3-4 cloves of garlic, peel them

and cut into small pieces. Boil garlic pieces into the mixture till the mixture of water

and milk remains half. Add sugar, and drink it hot. This is a superb cure for muscle

stiffness related backache.

2. Boil cumin seeds in mustard oil. Massage your back, pain area with this oil.

3. Boil two spoons of ginger powder in milk and drink it every day before sleeping.

4. Boil ginger powder and seeds of basil tree in water and drink it every day.



Causes: Damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord, stroke, trauma with

nerve injury, cerebral palsy, peripheral neuropathy, poliomyelitis, Parkinson's disease, spina

bifida, amputation, multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms: Affected part of the body not working. The patient is not able to move the

affected part voluntarily.

Home remedies:

1. Basil leaves, curd, salt and opium: apply paste of these items after shrot intervals.

2. Oil of nigella seeds, also called Wild Onion seeds (Kalonji) works wonders in


3. Boil basil leaves in water and give its steam to the patient.

4. Drink two spoons of white onion juice or dried dates juice.



Causes: Headache is mostly a symptom of some other problem than the disease itself. It

can be caused by gas, lack of sleep, indigestion, cold, fever, tension, stress, over-work etc.

Home remedies:

1. Mix powder of clove into warm water and apply on forehead.

2. Take a small piece of champacol (Karpur) and smell it for a few minutes.

3. Mix asafoetida into warm water and apply on forehead.

4. Make powder of green cardamom and smell it for some time. It helps in fast relief

from headache.

5. If the headache is due to stomach upset or gas, drink lemon water (Mixture of lemon

juice, warm water and rock salt).

6. Take a small piece of rock salt and keep it in your mouth. Slowly eat it. It helps in

getting rid of headache.



Causes: Cold, pneumonia, chest infection, TB, bronchitis, lever infection, asthma,

sudden drinking of cold water.

Symptoms: Cough can be dry or with phlegm. If cough persists for long period, then it

becomes whooping cough, which usually takes more time to cure.

Home remedies:

1. Mix one spoon of ginger juice and one spoon of honey. Take it twice a day. It helps in

every kind of cough.

2. Mix small quantity of rock salt in pure ghee and apply it warm on chest. All the

phlegm will come out.

3. Take one spoon of carom seeds, one spoon of turmeric powder and boil it for 5-7

minutes in 250 ml of water. Then add honey or jaggery as per taste. For children

below 12 years of age, give 20ml of this preparation twice a day. Take it hot. For

people above 12 years of age, take 50ml twice a day. This is very good remedy for

cough with phlegm.

4. Dates are good for dry cough.

5. Boil ark of acacia tree (babool) in water and drink. This is very good for any kind of


6. For old cough, eat cooked turnip for a few days regularly.




Airborne substances, such as spores, pet dander, pollen, dust mites, or particles of

cockroach waste, respiratory infections, such as common cold, physical activity (exercise-

induced asthma), cold air, air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke. Grandma says that

eating stale food, cold food leads to creation of cough/ phlegm in lungs which in turn

develops into asthma at later stage.

Symptoms: Difficulty in breathing, short breath, cough, phlegm, heavy sweat in forehead,

weak digestion etc.

Home remedies:

1. Take one spoon of carom seeds, one spoon of turmeric powder, 2 gram powder of

long pepper (called peepli in Hindi), 2 gm of saunth powder (dried ginger powder)

and boil it for 5-7 minutes in 250 ml of water. Then add one pinch of black pepper

and honey or jaggery as per taste. Drink 50ml of this preparation twice a day while

hot. This is very good remedy for asthma.

2. Eat two seeds of Datura every day for one month. Asthma will be fully cured.

However, Datura seed might not suit every body. Hence, if you face any problem

after eating it, stop it immediately.


3. Boil 5 gms of Liquorice or mulethi in water and drink it like tea. Asthma will go away

in two months.

4. Mix champacol in coconut oil and apply it warm on chest. It helps in relieving

breathing difficulties.

5. Boil champacol in water and smell it 4-5 times a day. It gives relief in breathing


6. Mix half cup juice each of turnip, radish, cabbage and sem ki phali (french beans)

and add rock salt as per taste. Drink it warm/ hot. This is a wonder medicine for

asthma, cough and other breathing related problems.

7. Take 5 gms of Malabar nut (also called adulsa, adhatoda or vasa), 5 gms ginger and

10 gms honey and mix them. Eat the paste every 4 hours for 40 days. Asthma will be

cured fully.

8. Apply garlic or almond oil on chest and back.



Tonsils are the two small masses of lymphoid tissue in the throat, one on each side of the

root of the tongue. They function as a defence mechanism, helping prevent your body from

infection. When the tonsils become infected, the condition is called tonsillitis.

Though tonsillitis can occur at any age, yet it is most common amongst children.

Causes: Cold, sudden change in weather, eating too much of sour items, oily food, fever,

eating stale food, pollution.

Symptoms: Sore throat, swollen tonsils, and fever, white coating on tongue, difficulty in

swallowing, laziness, pain in throat.

Home remedies:

1. Apply paste of alum powder and carom seeds powder outside the throat.

2. Put alum in hot water for 5 seconds and then do gargles.

3. Apply glycerine inside throat (on tonsils) with cotton swab.

4. Mix 2 gms of turmeric powder and one spoon of ginger in hot water and drink in the

5. Boil 4-5 basils leaves, 2 cloves in water and gargle.



Causes: hormonal changes in adolescence age, eating too much oily/spicy/ junk food, not

keeping the skin clean, pollution, clogged pores. People with oily skin tend to get it more

than those with dry skin.

Symptoms: Pimples can appear in any of the following forms:

Black heads

White heads

Papules, pustules or nodules


Home remedies:

1. Apply paste of small portion of carom seeds mixed with curd, on your face and wash

it with lukewarm water after 10-15 minutes.

2. Apply paste of multani soil, turmeric and oats flour on face.

3. Apply mixture of juice of basil leaves and honey on face, hands and feet.

4. Apply paste of curd and radish on face. Pimples will dry up.

5. Apply paste of betel roots grinded in water. Pimples will never come back.



Tuberculosis (TB)

Causes: Tuberculosis is caused by a type of bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

TB is highly contagious. It is spread when a person with active TB infection in his/her lungs

coughs or sneezes and someone else inhales the expelled droplets, which contain TB


The most common form if TB is lungs TB, though it can occur in any other part of body too.

Symptoms: Cough for more than three weeks, fever, weakness, reduction in weight.

Home remedies:

1. Goat milk and honey taken together on regular basis help you in getting rid of TB.

2. Dry up laurel of peepal tree and make powder of it. Take 10grams of powder

everyday with goat milk. Drink one litre of goat milk every day. TB will disappear in

few weeks.

3. Goat milk is supposed to be very good for TB. Drink one litre of goat milk every day.

4. Four pieces of raisins (munakka) (seeds removed), 2 gram peepal and 10 grams of

sugar. Mix them into a paste form and eat it twice a day. This helps in curing every

kind of asthma, cough and TB.

5. Drinking 20 ml juice of white stem of banana tree twice a day helps in defeating TB

within a few days.

6. Eat vegetable of white stem of banana tree every day.

7. Two cloves of garlic and 4 pieces of almonds. Grind them and mix in 10 gm honey

and eat it every day.

8. Garlic, apple, black pepper, goat milk, raisins, peepal laurel, raw onion juice are

some of the item one should be eating regularly in TB.


Since TB is a dangerous, yet curable disease, we do not want our readers to fully rely on

given remedies. These remedies are no way substitute for allopathy medicines. It is

suggested to be taken as extra treatment for faster cure.

Loss of memory

Causes: old age, tension, stress, physical weakness, long illness, anaemia.

Symptoms: in this disease, the patient doesnt remember anything done, seen, read. He is

able to recollect it only after trying hard. Slowly the patient starts having doubts on the

correctness of everything he/she does.

Home remedies:

1. Pumpkin kheer helps in increasing memory.

2. Take one spoon of gooseberry juice with honey every day in morning.

3. Take two almonds and one spoon of dry ginger powder in milk.

4. Drink one cup of radish juice every day.

5. Take powder of 5-6 black pepper pieces in honey.

6. Bake seeds of musk melon on tawa (iron plate for baking) and eat it.




lack of physical exercise, depression, wrong life style e.g, working at the time of sleep,

spending too much time on computer, bi-polar disease, long term illness, stress, grief.

Home remedies:

1. Drink two spoons of honey in hot milk every day before sleeping.

2. Drink mixture of Water, sugar and green coriander.

3. Roast onion in fire and drink its juice.

4. Drink papaya juice for insomnia.

5. Mix one spoon of basil leaves juice in one cup of water. It is very good remedy for


6. Eat roti of millet with honey/ jaggery.




Low oxygen during birth, head injuries that occur during birth or from accidents during youth

or adulthood, genetic conditions that result in brain injury, such as tuberous sclerosis, brain

tumour, infections such as meningitis or encephalitis.


The patient falls unconscious suddenly and eyes pop out. Foam comes out of mouth, jaws

get hard and teeth fixed. Patient gets lot of sweat. Seizures are usually unpredictable and

may happen anytime. It is episodic- seizures can come and go and last for very few


Home remedies

1. During seizure, make patient smell rai (black mustard seeds) powder. This will help

patient getting back to his senses.

2. When a patient start coming out of state of unconsciousness, give him/ her mixture of

lemon juice and a pinch of asafoetida.

3. Grind leaves of custard apple and take out juice from it. Put drops of this juice in

each nostril to break the state of unconsciousness.

4. Four spoons of henna leaves juice in milk every day is wonder medicine for epilepsy.

5. Grind 4-5 cloves of garlic and make the patient smell it. It helps in recovering from

state of unconsciousness.

6. Give two spoons of onion juice and then half spoon of powder of roasted cumin

seeds. Give it regularly. It helps in getting rid of epilepsy permanently.




Impotence occurs more because of psychological reasons than physical ones. Growing age,

lack of confidence, endocrine diseases like diabetes, neurological and nerve disorders are

some of the most common causes of impotence. Sometimes, certain medicines also block

blood circulation which leads to erectile dysfunction. Performance anxiety, emotional

disorders, depression, continuous sadness are some of the psychological causes for erectile


Home remedies:

1. Make powder of 100 gms of radish seeds and eat 5 gms of this powder with butter or

milk cream twice a day. This is wonder medicine for increasing potency.

2. 3 grams of aak tree flowers (sodoms apple) baked in pure ghee is supposed to be

very good for reducing impotency. However, aak is a very dangerous plant and any

wrong usage can lead to even death. Hence, it should be used very carefully.


3. Take two dried dates and some raisins in breakfast every day.

4. Take a few drops of banyan tree milk in Batasha every day.


Pre-mature ejaculation


Earlier it was thought that pre-mature ejaculation is caused mainly psychological issues. But

now is it believed that the issue is much more complicated than previously thought. It is

caused by combination of psychological and biological causes. Such causes include

abnormal hormone levels, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, certain thyroid problems,

depression, stress, anxiety especially performance related, relationship issues etc.


The person experiences ejaculation within one minute of penetration and sometimes even

before penetration. The inability to hold it for long leads to various other issues related to

mental health and relationship with partner.

Home remedies

1. Eat two dates with hot cow milk every morning.

2. Take 10 drops of garlic juice with tea every day. Drink half litre of milk after that.

Garlic is wonder medicine for all kinds of sexual disorders.

3. Take two spoons of onion juice mixed with honey empty stomach every morning.

4. Soak 4-5 leaves of acacia tree and Goond (gum) in water and mash it. Drink it along

with water in which it was soaked. Then drink hot milk.

5. Mix 5 gms each of isabgol, khaskhas (poppy seeds) and mishri (rock candy) and eat

it every day. Drink milk after that.



Leucorrhoea also called white mensuration occurs when there is whitish or yellowish

discharge from the vagina, frothy and foul smelling discharge. The patient often feels pain in

the calves and lumbar region, lethargy and weakness, heaviness in the abdominal region,

vaginal itching and constipation.


Infection from bacteria, fungi or other parasites, lack of cleanliness in vaginal area, sexually

transmitted diseases, anaemia, worry, tension, sadness, too much of sex, constipation, low

nutrition diet.

Home remedies

1. Soak black grams in water overnight. Boil the same for 15-20 minutes in morning and

drink the boiled water. You can eat grams separately as vegetable or snacks. This is

wonder cure for leucorrhoea.

2. Fill one gram of alum powder in ripe banana and eat it in afternoon. Chew it properly.

Leucorrhoea will stop.

3. Keep swabs of cold water on stomach.

4. Eat 5 flowers of rose with mishri (rock candy) and drink milk after that.

5. Mix 10 gm of gooseberry pulp and 2 gm cumin seeds powder and eat.

6. Water chestnut or singhaara is very good for white leucorrhoea. It can be eaten as a

fruit or one can eat flour of water chestnut or singhaara.


Secondary amenorrhea or sudden stopping of mensuration


Anaemia, eating cold items like ice, ice cream etc. during mensuration, weight loss, over

weight, use of birth control pills, hormone shots, certain types of medicines that treat cancer,

psychosis or schizophrenia, polycystic ovaries etc.

Symptoms: Pain in vagina, feeling of heaviness in vagina/ uterus/ breasts, sleeplessness,

body pain, tension, irritation.

Home remedies

1. Mix 10 gm of sesame seeds powder, 2 gm pepper powder, two pieces of peepal

leaves and half spoon of shakkar (brown sugar made from jaggery) and boil in water.

Drink it every day for getting full flow of mensuration.

2. Take 3 gm each of banyan tree prop, fenugreek seeds and onion seeds and grind

them together. Then boil the mixture in litre of water. Keep boiling till water

remains half and drink it hot. Take it regularly till mensuration starts again.


3. Drink two spoons of aloe vera juice empty stomach for two weeks.

4. Eat raw papaya in any form for a few days. Mensuration will start.

5. Drink one spoon of doob grass (Bermuda grass) juice every morning.


Worms in Stomach


Eating stale, adulterated food, soil, wearing dirty clothes, not cleaning body properly,

drinking unclean/ unfiltered water, eating adulterated/ infected meat.


Loss of appetite, stomach ache, anaemia, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhoea, vitamin and

mineral deficiency.

Home remedies

1. Add a pinch of rock salt and black pepper in butter milk and drink.

2. Drink one spoon juice of neem tree leaves mixed with two spoons of honey daily for

few days.

3. Eat garlic chutney (paste) empty stomach in morning.

4. Drink one spoon each of bitter gourd juice, neel leaves juice, spinach and one pinch

of rock salt daily for few days. Stomach worms will be killed and come out in stool.

5. Take bitter gourd juice with a pinch of salt for one week regularly to kill all stomach


6. Sprinkle one pinch of black pepper on raw tomato and eat it empty stomach daily.

7. Baibidang (Vidanga Embelia ribes) taken in form of powder mixed with juice of

basil leaves or powder of dried orange leaves is very good for any form of worms.




The most common causes of obesity are genetics, overeating, diet high in simple

carbohydrates & calories, physical inactivity, frequency of eating, medications and

psychological factors. Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and Cushing's

syndrome are also contributors to obesity.

Home remedies

1. Take equal quantity of powders of Baibidang (Vidanga Embelia ribes), aniseed,

dried ginger powder, rock salt and Piper retrofractum (chavya) and mix them all. Eat

2 gms of this mixture powder every day with curd made from cow milk. It will surely

help in reducing weight.

1. Take fenugreek seeds with water every day. Obesity will surely go away.

2. Eat vegetable of fenugreek (green leaves). It is very helpful in weight loss.

3. Drink two spoons of honey and one lemon juice mixed one glass of warm

water every day.

4. Soak 4-5 cloves of garlic in water over night and eat in morning.

5. Take juice of radish with rock salt and lemon juice.




Older age, genetics, family history of hypertension, lack of physical activity, too much salt

content in diet, alcohol consumption, stress, tension, too much of anger, sleep apnoea.

Home remedies

1. Boil dried hibiscus, honey lemon and 1-2 sticks of cinnamon sticks in fresh water and

sip the drink. It helps in reducing blood pressure.

2. Drink coconut water.

3. Take fish oil.

4. Take foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

5. Eat garlic in any form.

6. Drink lemon juice mixed in water every day empty stomach in the morning.

To See A Doctor Or Order Medicines, Pls visit

Wish you good health. Thank you.



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