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Intramolecular and Intermolecular Forces

(after, Silberberg, Chemistry, Table 12-2, McGraw Hill)

Energy Range
Type of
Interaction (kJ/mol) Examples
per interaction
ion-ion cation-anion 400-4000 strong Na+Cl-(s), Ba2+O2-(s)
intramolecular F2(g),
covalent shared electron pairs 150-1100 strong
bonding CH4 (g), C2H4 (g)
interactions nuclear cations + sea of valence Mg (s) ,
metallic 75-1000 strong
electrons Na (s)
charged ion~permanent dipole Na+ ~ H2O,
ion-dipole 40-600 strong
( + ~-)~
polar ~H + with H2O~H2O,
hydrogen bond
non-bonding electron pair H2O~CH3OH,
(-) on :N~, :O~, :F~ 10-40 moderate H2O~NH3, between
bases on strands of DNA
~H + :O- ~
and RNA
permanent dipoles interact
intermolecular dipole-dipole (+~-)~(+~-); 5-25 moderate HCl~HCl
interactions polar-polar
ion-induced ion with dipole induced by ion ;
3-15 weak Fe2+ ~O2
dipole ion - non polar
permanent dipole with dipole induced
dipole- induced
by polar molecule 2-10 weak HCl~Cl2
polar non polar
dispersion weak Ar(g) ~-Ar(g),
instantaneous dipole induces dipole 0.05-40
(London or van C6H14~ C6H14
non polar non polar
der Waals) many become quite strong due to many interactions

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