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65949 English Folk Songs The Fuller Sisters New York The ND. GL. Gray Co. Sb) On yorder bill ocetanta a serene, TL do wot knew, LU goand curt ber for ber beauty: Sbemaranormer Yeo or Now 3] The Lady: My father was a Spanish exptain — Went to sea a month ago, Firat he higeed me, then be left me— Bade me alwayo anewer No. Tra lads, lala, latata, La, 3] Jobn: (© Madam, in your face fo beauty, (On your lipo red roses grow. ‘Will you take me for your lover? ‘Madam, answer Yes or No. The Lady: ‘© No, Jobn! No, John! No, John! No. 4) Tobn © Madam, I will give you jewela; Twill make you rich and frees will give you silken dreaneas Madam, will you marry me? The Ladys ‘© No, John! No, John! No, John! Ne. Tra ly Gly ety te ‘© Noy John! No, Jobmt Noy Fob! Nox 5) Fobn: © Madam, since you are 30 cruel, Hnd that you do ccorn me 90, ‘TfL may not be your lover, ‘Madam, will you let me go? The Lady: ‘© No, John! No, Joba! No, Jobn! No. 61 obs Ther T will stay with you for ever, Tf you will not be unkind, Madam, I have vowed to love yous ‘Would you have me change my mind? ‘The Lady: ‘© No, Job! No, John! No, John! No. 1 Fobn: © hark! T bear the chureh bello ringing s ‘Gil you come and be my wife? Or, dear madam, bave you settled To live single all your life? 1 Noy John! No. ‘Chis Gl Pah ons pre tc DeVoe Bren and ed thy public by CH ray Coma, tency Pew Yr, nt agit for owe Cas Lire ar prenot ‘ovens pin an ea ie cored pe = or SOSling over thebils, hind ain” be axid, “Co my Father amowing the bar - ly" Mo-ow, moow, mo-ow, meow, menew, me — 2] (Togethers) 4) (Together:) The lawyer he went out next day, ‘The lawyer told her a story bold, Hthinking for to view hers Hi together they were going, But she gave him the olip and away abe Till obe quite forgot the barley field, All over the hillo to her father, ‘iad left bee father s-mowing. “there are you going to” ete, “Albers ave you going to,” ete. 3] (Together:) 5] (Togethers) rene tie a vedhil mag, Hind now she is the lawyer's wife, ind 800m he overtook bers eee “Hind dearly the laveyer loves her, Be a eared ‘They live in a happy content of life, Find on bio horse he placed. her. Find well in the tation above her. “Gihere are you going to,” ete “there ave you going to,” ete "Gh Goto Fath ana printed at Ch Dv Yo ren and nd tte publ by EB. .Grap Compu, in Cayo Ree eh mater Ron imei ‘One aang bigh and the other sang low, Hie the 2] Then she pulled off ber silk finished gown ‘Hind put on hove of leather, OL ‘The ragged, agged rago about our door— She's gone with the wraggle-taggle gyp- ies, OL 43] Te was late last night when my lord eame ome, Enguiring for bis alady, OL ‘The servant said, on every bands Bhe’s gone with the wraggle-taggle Syp- ice, OF 4) The Lord: Come, oaddle to me my milh-white oteed, nd go and fetch my pony, O1 ‘That T may vide and seek my bride, ‘Who fe gone with the wraggle-taggle gyp- ica, O1 [5] Then be rode high, and be rode tow, Be rode through wood and copees too, ‘Until be eame to an open field, ‘Hind there be eopied bia a-lady, OL 6) The Lord: What makeo you leave your house and, land? Ch ec raggle- Caggle Gypsies, O! ‘oth ersang bonny, bon-ny Bia-eay, O1 ‘What makes you leave your money, OP ‘What makes you leave your new wedded. lord, ‘Togo with the wraggle-taggle gypatea, OF 71 The Lady: © what eare I for my house and tand? ‘What eave I for my money, O? ‘What cave I for my new wedded tord? ‘Tim off with the wraggle-taggle gyp- sie9, OL 8) The Lord: Laat night you slept on a goose-feather bed, ‘With the shect turned down oo bravely, OF But to-night you'll oleep in a cold open field, “long with the wraggle-taggle gypoieo,O! 9] The Lady: © what care I for a goose-feather bed, ‘Wieh the obeet turned down 0 bravely,O! for to-night I. shall slep i a cold open field, Fllong with the wraggle-taggle gypoies, Of “Ehe Get fh ong price at Cae Wms Brn tnd tthe Ply eR Gray Company, "etn iy ot fem Yor slags fr Nowe Cy tela tele of “ences pts nate ene cloe Che Keeper (Corre aie Toe Wry Co fe ey A beeper woulda hunting 69, Hind under Macauk he earvied a bow, Hl fortostoetat a meri We-tedee, Hanon theta go greeny Ol Jac opt ante? lage mal Very walt Bey down! Be downt Der-ry, deny dows! Hmong the leaves no grin, O! Comperdowndcwni Comp edowndowst ——Teydown! Ti down! Derry. diney down! mong te tawe #0 grien, OL 2] The férot doe he obot at he missed; ‘Where obe fo now obe may remain, ‘The second doe he trimmed he hiooed; ‘mong the leaveo oo green, O- The third doe went where nobody wiot, ‘achie, boy! ete. leaves 90 green, 0. ee *° °. 4] The fifth doe she did eroes the brook; ‘The heeper fetched her back with bio crook; Chess ‘here she is now you muat go and look, 2] The fourth doe abe did croae the plain; FAmong the leaveo a0 green, O. ‘The heeper fetehed ber back agains ‘Fachie, boy! ete, “Eka Gnlu Fath ong printed at Che De Ynse rey an un oh ube by ChB ray Coma, be pot Rew Yor a ages fe Rov Gx, Lime a rato Stans ps atc ie et clr 2) “Tae gang tae the Bielands wi? you, Sir, T.dinma hen how that may be, ‘For Then no! the land that ye live in, [Nor fen I the lad I’m goin’ wit.” 3] “0 Leezic Laso, ye maun hen little, ‘Tf sae be ye dinms fen me. © my name ig Lord Ronald MacDonald, Hi chiefeain 0° high degree.” 4) “Gin it be you're the Laird o” MacDonald, HL great one ye then maumn bes Hind bow can a chieftain eae mighty Think of « poor lacie lithe me?” faethe deta eee Kid ny? “iby! Leezie ase, ye are the fairest! The flower oF the Weot Countree! ‘Will ye gang tae the Didlands, Leesie Lindsay, My bride and my darlin’ tae be? 6] “I've land and T've gold, Leezie Lindsay, ‘Hd a heart that loveo only thee, Hind all aball be thine, Leezie Tindoay, Tf you my own darlin’ will be.” 71 She hao hilted her coat 0” green satin, ‘he bao hited it up tac the nee, Findahe’soff wr Lord Ronald MacDonald, Bio bride and hio darlin tae be. as a Young Girl aS ben Taso a yoga yong ateayeuns si, Men was a young gH. se way went (Getrain) "Cas ehaway and het wy,"waetlawapandtha wy wanibawayand Phe may.© theway went T 2] hen Twas a ochool girl, a echool girl, a school girl, ‘When T was a school girl, O this way ‘went I. (Refrain) 3] When Iwao a teacher, teacher, a teacher, ‘When T waa teacher, O thio way went I. (Refrain) 4] When T had a lover, a lover, a lover, ‘hen Tad lover, © thio veap went TL. (Retrin) 5] When T had a husband, a busband, a buo- band, ‘Wihen Thad a husband, © thio way went T. (Refrain) 6] When T had a baby, a baby, a baby, ‘When T had a baby, O thio way went TL. (Refrain) 7] When my husband was buried, wae buried, ‘waa buried, ‘Wher my usband way buried, O thio ‘way went I. (Refrain) 8] When T. took én washing, in washing, én washing, Wien T took in w: went L, ing, © thio way (Retraio) 9] © when T was dead, was dead, was dead, (© when I waa dead, hove sorry vwa0 T. (Che End) "Ch gl Fath Song. prin a Ce De iow Dray, and ne he publi Che, Gr Company, inthe lipo few fn anagem or Ron Ca Ete ae reas ‘ovens pana wen ee clo Dave you amy bread and wine? for 21 Yoo, we have some bread and win, for we ae the English ‘Yes, we have some bread and wine, for we are the English soldiers. 3) Chan we will have one cup fal, ‘For we are the Romane; ‘Then we will have one cup Full, ‘For care the Roman goldiers, 4) No, you won't have ome cu fll, For we are the Gnas; No, you wont have one cup full, ‘For we are the Gngtichgoldiers. 15) Then we will have fo cups Ful, for we ae the Romans, ‘Then will have to cups full forme are the Roman solers. {61 No, you won't have tm cups full. For we are the Engtiobs No, you won't have tw cupo full, For we are the Gnalich soldiers, 7. We wil tell the Dope of yeu, For we are the Roman le wil el the Dope of ‘For we are the Roman golsiers [Wie dov'r care for the Dope oF you, ‘For we are the English soldiers 9) We wil tll the King of yous ‘For we are the Romans ‘Wie wil fll the Bing of you, ‘For me are the Roman soldiers. wwe arethe Ro-man got - diers. 40) Whe don't care forthe Ring or you, or me are the Gnglish; {dont eae for the Ring of you, for we ae the English solier. £42 Whe wil send our doae to bite, For we are the Romans; Wie wll send our dots to bite, ‘Forme are the Roman soldiers. 121 We don’t cate for your dogs oF You, For we are the Enliohs ‘We don't care for Jour dogs oF Yous for we are the English soldiers. 13) Be you rey fora fight? ‘Fore are the Romana; re you ready for a Fgh? ‘For we are the Roman soldiers 141 Yes, were ready fora fight, forme are the Engl ‘Yeu, were ready for afi For we ae the English soldiers, 151 Now we've only got one sen, for we are the {Rami} [Now we've only go one arm, For weave the (S20) | solders: 161 Now we've only got on fovwear the (ezmae'} [Now weve only go eles, ‘For we are the {Seq} soldiers. 171 Now wee onty got one 76 ‘For we are the | Samii! ow weve onl gt eo, fForwe are the |e} elder, ‘She aah ah onsite at Che De Fn Prin a no “stele Reo Yor oe agen for Row Co. mtd a he Prato Tenants la en ie ere 21 Tomorrow morning tote sure, ‘Gotesure, toe sure, ‘Somorrs morning f0 be une, ‘Wt thea fee 97 Saves maria oon ohn? ae wt be arial sone Jobat ‘John, my pretty tad 1 What & yours toberaried a cower for? for, Sooner for? itd” yourwane to bermaricd ‘Sooner for? ‘Bure te wench fo mad, 5) Uthat shall wear at 7 t the wadding ‘sadn Jems ting ibm Wises twee at "bn? otc my petty la? oun a cotton to ete, Your Wee eseton to be sure, Tetiee thine wee A Cans Tear something better ners: ie ‘Better Job, beter Job? Cave omer wometbing. better “sah ‘Jot mp pretty ta? 8) that you want sis anatine ae mi ‘Biko Shd_satinn for, atthe a satin fort mt bac ps mathe and sti Bure the wench fs ma 6. ‘ohm, Bow hall we go to the cha 9 hall we 90 et eink Renae SRP a ae jet eet vo erga gen re, Co be sume to by aire, Tn Your Tather old waggon to ee sure, “een Pfe it on Gartmore sears Whee a par at 8 coach and Terun Sure tbe wench fo made 13] Who shall we have aF the wed eekte SE eet 3 iho shail me have at the wea ‘ding John? ‘Jobs my prety Lad? +4 You father and your moter to Se sr our fo be sure, ‘Four far and 7S mother ts “Tr ee tink fe Fs 151 Can't we have someone better me ‘Berton Job, better Joba? Ean Be soon beter ‘Jets my pretty Lad? m7 pretty 16] Gthat you want! ons and ding for? 1 Broad beans and bacon tobe sure, be aure to be sure [Broad tenn and taco tbe sure, AF ehee thin te 19 Can we have someting better Beste Joh, beter Jota? ExarErme have something better Saint ‘Jot mp pretty tad? 20) What a you want duck and ‘seen peas for? 211 Ro shal we ah Soy beat min John i ahh eave for te Bo an 5ohaP Soh my pret tad? 221 Tit be the best man to be Eoteawe,toteaine ‘Piutethr bese tan fo be our, Hind tata he cad He brave forthe oot ‘Sh gah Fath Son. eid a hee Vite Dr auf the pac by Che RW. Gray Company, abe hero fre ore get for Ron Cas Ee at pot ‘enena pan and teary. fens cor o 3S waaay

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