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Through The Dark - visual script - by Stephanie Ryan ‘The boys have this hair style and wear these outfits: PS: Harry wears a flower crown. PPS: If its hard for you to draw them in these clothes, you can choose something more casual and simple to draw,but the hair styles are like in this picture. And the girl,lets call her Tarra should look like this: And wear (without the purse) Ill try to explain as best as I can, but if you don’t understand something please let me know. “Scene” shows the place where the action takes place. “Panel” is the image that shows the action. Is there no side notes bellow the pictures, then you can draw the picture as it can. Where you see that the panels are split in 2 or 3 mit comic book not the music video. The panel, to match the size of a music video scene should be drawn horizontally. s best as you panels(scenes) it’s avalible only for the Scene T > outside the park,on a bench,which is placed in front of a lake from where you can see the park Side note: in the distance you can put the image from the Panel 1 or any other thing that suggests the park. “twisting her fingers in her hand” Side notes: the pictures are just an idea of how id like this scene to look like (the main idea to have the hand on her lap — you can choose whatever picture above you want) Panel 4: Side notes: The position of the head (bend down) counts for this scene because she look down, she’s sad. Panel 5: er eyes look sad” — you can use the image as a whole: the position of the head, the distance from the camera.the emotions ete. the image is great. Side note: Hike the angle, how the girl is sitting,and her position but id like her to be drawn on the left side of the panel and behind her you can draw 2-3 of the boys, blurred (if it matters, you can draw a blond Niall so people would take a hint they are behind and draw the guitar in his hands) . It should show that they are preparing to play a song on the sideway. The position of the boys as much as a blurred image can provide is : from left to right -> Niall,Harry,Louis Zayn and Liam, You can draw only a few of them.maybe Niall, Harry and Liam as Harry and Zayn are practicatly hidden by her head right ? :D Panel 7: she hears the strings of a guitar” Side note: here there can be added like little music notes that suggest he’s starting to play the guitar. Panel 8: ‘she looks over her shoulder” =. Side note: Tlike both pictures, both positions, the distance from the camera ete. but you can draw it to be closer to the be focused on her face if you want.Its up to you Panel 9: “and sees, across the path, 5 boys prepparing to start to sing Side note: here is a scene where all the boys are on the sideway.behind them there are like tiny booths (blurred); make them look like they are not just standing,draw a standing position, for each of them (one is looking at his feet,one is looking down on his guitar,they are talking to each other etc.) Panel 10: Here you can use the picture from panel 6 ,but she has her head turned to look at them, She is positioned on the left side of the panel,the setting could be closer than its in panel 6 if you want. They are still behind her, blurred. They start to sing here (“You tell me that you're sad and lost your way”) hearing Liam sing acoustic untill the song blurs into the cd sound, Panel 11: Side note :- ok here I couldn’t find a picture to express the emotion : “Once she hears Liam’s voice she seems impressed but the meaning of the lyrics come rushing She frowns and realizes the first lyrics describe the exact feeling she feels right now.” She's frowning.close up to her face. She is sad.almost like she could start crying any moment.She is not looking at them,but on a side, down,she’s focused on the ground (Use the image from panel 6).They are behind, blurred. Here are some pics to help you form an the idea (the one with Kristen Steward is closer of how id like it to look): - Panel 12: Close up of the fac tear from her chee! she look behind,at them “She realizes she is crying and reaches to brush a Side note: the pic has to0 much emotion and the position is not good either, but the idea is that she has her hand lifted to her cheek,like shes whipping away the tears. cadrul 13 She tries to turn her back and just let the music drown her” Side note: Here she turns around, in the initial position, with her back at them ( see panel 6) the scene to be from the front,they are blurred behind her, and you can make like little signs as a movement when she turns around. Panel 1 Side note: here, for the print version (the comic) the panel could be split in two. For the MV version i could add the scene like that, together and try to obscure one at the time. ‘Anyway so: In the first mini-panel, on the left side of the screen we have Liam (you can draw only half of his head) who is looking down. At this particulat scene we have the lyrics But I know you were only hidin, On the seconds mini panel, on the right side of the screen,Liam is looking on the camera. The lyrics for this scene are: ,And I just wanna see ya”. On both panels his mouth is slighty open,like he’s singing . Panel 15: Side note: The scene is from the front (see panel 10),she looks at them again, because Liam started to sing and he looked at her so shes surprised. So as you look her, with her hear turned, you see them in the back but they are not blurred anymore. They are moving towards her now. (On the right side of the screen there si Liam (the first one), then you see Zayn a little behind his, following. On the left side, we have Niall (the first one) with his guitar.then Louis behind Niall and then Harry following Louis. Panel 16: Side note: The scene is taken from behind as the camera moved on the place the boys were initially, on the sideway. So we see her behind and the boys sitting next to her (they are not sitting on the bench). They have the same position from panel 15. Panel 1 Side note: In this panel, we have only Liam looking down on her,smiling a bit, Liam is looking now down on her and a little smile appears on his lips” ‘The lyrics matching this scene are :"I just wanna see you smile again” Panel 18: Side note: The girl is in this scene, looking up at Liam,smiling. Something like that. Panel 19: this scene includes him singing (his mouth a bit open). Side note: Here Niall starts to sing, ‘The lyric for this part is: But don't burn out Panel 20: Side note: She look on her right (not up like in the picture bellow) at Niall and she bits her lower lip like in this picture: Panel 21: Side note: Louis is showing her the way to the park “Louis is suddenly gesturing to the entry of the amusement park” T want Louis to have his eyebrows up and pointing the entry in the park; to show he’s. suggesting something. You can draw him from waits up and Harry can or not be added in the scene. Panel 22: Side note: Harry is doing this face and hes showing the thumbs up sign like “yeah, what do you say,the park is a great idea to cheer you up!” Panel 23: Side note: See panel 6,10 or 15 again but now we see them all in the frame,around her,she is looking on the left (on the right side of the screen as we look at them) at Zayn; behind them, we see the booths and the people walking blurred. The lyrics that match this scene are: “It will come back to you". Panel 24: Side note: The same panel as in the 23rd, only that here Liam suggests her to get a piggyback ride. I imagine him,with his back at her,looking over his shoulder at her and his thumb pointing at his back. Got the image? :D Tcouldnt find any picture...:( Panel 25: Side note: She is on Liam’s back, the scene to be like this one, the others are in the frame too, in different positions and motions. Side note: In front of them there is the alley that leads to the park and some booths.Blurred. Side note: [ike the image, the position of the characters, but instead of the little girl we have Louis and instead of the two girl far in the image.we have the rest of the boys (and Tarra’s on Liam’s back ) you choose which one of them are in the frame. Panel 2 Side note: Zayn steals a bit from the cotton candy and gives her a bit too. In the scene we have Zayn on the left side of the scree and Liam and Tarra girl on his back close up.She’s accepts the cotton candy from Zayn with a smile. Panel 28: Side note: Harry gives her his flower crown. In this scenes we have Liam and Tarra on hi back, on the left side of the screen; she’s looking up where Harry is putting the flower crown on the head;Harry is on the right side of the screen, with his hand on the flower crown,he’s smiling. Something like that : Scenell: The park Panel 29 Side note: Here i made this side note on the script: .,Filming their steps how one by one come into the frame entering the amusement park So the image is kinda taken from down-up, so you can see a bit of the sky like the camera is on the ground. For example Zayn is on the right side of the screen pointing in front of him in the same time looking at Liam who still has Tarra on his back. Liam and Tarra are on the left side of the screen (they are not fully in the frame, you can drawn only half of them or I don’t know...) both looking at Zayn. Louis is in front of Zayn a little far away from Zayn. Everything else can be blurred. Panel 30: Side note: In the scene there is Liam and Tara, she tries to climb down from Liam’s back. On the back we have the entry of the park,blurred. You can also draw like a big gate or something like that, your choice, Panel 31: Side note: Tarra is pushed from behind by Louis (in the right side of the screen). Zayn holds her wrist and pulls her towards him. Here is the exact position of Tarra and Louis (he doesn’t have his head on her back — orrr... if you think it could go with the story, and its funny you can draw him with his head just like in this picture). You just have to draw Zayn (he’s smiling,bitting his lower lips.looking in front of him). Tarra is surpised and amused ©) Here is louis’ expression when he pushes her (if you decide not to draw him with his head on her back) <= this expression The idea is to look mischievous. Panel 32: Llike the angle the picture was taken. Panel 33: Side note: Tarra and Louis take a bumper car - Here is up to you how you draw this scene :D 3. Pan Side note: Harry and Niall take one too. Niall is already in the car laughing = Justan idea how he looks : Panel 35: Side note: Liam and Zayn take an other one - Again, is up to you how to draw it Panel 36: Side note: Louis and Tarra are in the car (she still has the flower crown on her head) but Harry is in the frame (oo so he reaches for the flower crown. Tarra is looking down on her side something like she tries to adjust in the car, Louis, next to her (you can or not draw him.or just an arm) so she doesn’t see Harry. Harry is with his hand in the air, reaching for the flower crown, his is bitting his tongue,smirking. T hope you got the idea :D Panel 37: Side note: In the scene is only Tarra who is looking after Harry (close up her face).her expression full of indignation.she cant believe he did that, Some expressions: ean t helieve sy Panel 38: Side note: Harry puts the flowers crown on his head and he makes this face Panel 39: Niall’s face in this scene: Panels 40-41 Side note: Here you can split the panel in two again and draw them in the cars. In the text from the script described the scenes: “They mess around a bit trying to hit the other boys and avoiding getting hit.They all throw their hands in the air when they avoid getting hit and ing when they hit eachhother.They laugh and they have a great time”. ‘You could draw them avoiding each other, making funny faces and when they hi5 each other (maybe Liam and Zayn) etc, Here you have some pies to make an idea: Panel 42 Louis and Tarra manage to hit Harry and Niall’s bumper car. In the scene,close up is Harry and Niall just in the moment they are hit by Louis and Tarra’s car (Louis and Tarra can be in the right side of the screen, behind H and Niall and Harry and Niall are in the left side of the screen)and their expressions are something like “woahhhhh” Panel 43: Harry pretends to be hurt and Niall is trying to get his revenge.looking frustrated. You can split the panel in two with each of their expression. Harry's: Panel 44: Side note: Tarra and Louis start laughing their hearts out when the: they kinda won the round. They gave each other an hi. - Louis face is something like this: CLICK HERE FULL RESOLUTION And the position of his head is from a side like this : ‘And when they hi5 her expression is something like this: The lyrics that match this scene are: ,,And I remember you laughing So let's ust laugh again” Panel 45: Side note: Here you can draw all or just a few of them getting up from their cars.Is up to you if you wanna draw it. Pane. Side note: This scene has only a image with a lot of water guns’ Panel 47: Side note: Harry and revenge grab one and start shooting Louis,Liam.Zayn and Tarra - Again you can draw this scene as you imagine it but I can give you some tips: They are ail in the scene, in Indian line position, Niall and Harry with their water guns in their hands bit behind from the others.the guns are pointed to the rest of the boys and Tarra. Water gushing from the water guns and the guys are surprised by the wetness. I think you know the facial expression one has when he feels water on their back :D Panel 48: Side note: 4 hand reaching for 4 water guns. Panel 49: Side note: The same panel as 56 but now they are randomly positionated in the frame trying to get cach other wet :D Panel 50: Side note: In this scene they pass by a “claw machine”. Kinda the same scene as in panel 56 and you can draw this too: Panel 51: Side note: Niall is the only one in the frame and you can make above his head a lightbulb Pane. : Side note: They are in front of the machine, Niall in the middle and besides him in the right is Tarra, The others’ position is up to you. In this scene they have their backs to us. We can see thei legs too so between them and the camera is quite a distance. Panel 53: Side note: Niall, is expremly concentrated, in a funny way -> “He prepares himself dramatically.taking a deep breathe,while the boys next to him encourage him.” is scene can also be split in two: ~ one where he has is eyes closed and he frowns as he is concentrating - and an other where we see him as he takes a dip breath preparing himself ©) Panel 54: ‘Side note: “He cracks his fingers and inserts a coin and grabs the handle.” Here we can have 3 scene where “He cracks his fingers” example: “inserts a coin” : And “grabs the handle.” Something like this, or you can draw the scene from up and dramatine lines besides his hand on the handle: Panel 55: Side note: Split in two: 1.You can see only a bit of Niall’s hair and his forehead frowning( you can also draw a bit the others ~ the top of their heads - as much as they can fit in the frame). The scene is taken from. up front. 2 “He fails a couple of times” > the toy is in the air. Panel 56: Side note: The scene is taken from the front, we can see them all,having different facial expression,to look dramaticaly funny. Panel 57: Side note: “but at some point he manages to grab a toy and everyone is frozen for a couple of, moments.” Here again, the scene can be split in two: - the first one: they are close up,all in the frame,with different expressions,they are tense,one of them is butting his fist, one has his hand on his mouth like he cant has their fingers crossed,one has his hand on his eyes,but looking through his fingers,one’s eyes are poopped out ete. ~ the second mini panel, maybe you can draw the claw grabbing the toy. The lyrics that match the scene are: “Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love” Panel 58: Side note: We look at their behind and they are cheering, their hands are in the air, jumping on one foot ete. Panel 59: Side note: In this scene, Nial is crouching down to grab the toy from the jukebox. So the scene is like the camera is him and we see his hand sliding the little metalic door to get the toy. Panel 60: Side note: “Niall grabs the toy and kneels down offering it to Tarra.” So Niall got the toy and he is offering it to Tarra. ‘The scene is taken from afar a bit, we see all the boys in the it.full bodies, Niall on one knee offering the toy to Tarra and her expression is something Ii Or this animation : https://3 1 X17810m.gif Panel 61: Side note: Two mini panels: 1. Niall is up on his feet now and Tarra is holding the toy and kissed Niall’s forehead,she on her tippy toes :D 2. Close up with Niall’s face,his cheeks are rosy and you can add red lips stamp on his forehead ©) Panel 62: Side note: In this scenes there is only a photobooth Example: Panel 63 Side note: Close up with Tarra’s face her eyes are big as she sports the photobooth Panel 64: Side note: Tarra grabs Harry’s arm(hand). He is taken by surprise by her action. There are 3 scenes here so 3 mini panels. ‘The first one shows how Tarra grabs his arm,only the hand on the arm to be in the scene, Something like this In the second one is Harry’s surprised face (close up with him, only his face looking straight in the camera,big eyes and maybe his mouth is open too) ‘Something like that, this image is a bit too much,too exaggerated, but I guess you get the idea ‘And the 3" scenes we have Tarra forcing Harry to follow her and he almost falls (know we get a lot of pics and videos with him being so clumsy so you get what I mean).In the scene we see all the boys,full body, the s taken from afar. The others are following Tarra and Harry. Panel 65: Side note: They are in front of the photobooth to make themselves look good for the pictures after the water gun fight. They style each others hair. You choose how to draw this scene, Panel 66: Side note: The following scenes shows the guys and Tarra posing,making funny faces and just have a good laugh together. Some ideas: Side note: You make a few scenes with them posing. They can all be in the picture or not. Draw some of them trying to get into the pushing the others head so they fit in the picture too ete, Funny scenes. Panel 67: Side note: The ending scene shows us the guys and Tarra leaving the amusement park, only a few people still in the park. They are the only ones on the path singing the chorus of Through the Dark,Tarra being in the middle of the boys wearing her flower crown. The scene is taken from the camera is down on the ground,them in front a bit afar from the camera. The order is: Liam,Zayn,Nial,Tarra,Harry and Louis (Harry is holding on Louis’ shoulders and Louis hand is on Harry’s middle) Panel 68: Side note: The last photo they took at the photobooth is left behind,showing the guys and Tarra together. - Here we have only one photo left behind from the photoshoot in the tiny place they end up afier they are taken, Something like that ? The place where are the pennies. This Is Tt. Thope you got the idea and hope you are interested in the story. I know it will get a lot of attention, your drawing style is near of how I imagined the project to look I ‘These are the drawing styles I could think of that match the story: This style is pefect for the funny scenes where they cheer when Niall gets the toy or for when Harry almost falls.

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