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(Personaje 1) Renzo: Hi Sally! Hi Mark! How are you guys?

(Personaje 2) Edgar: Oh, Hi Joe! We're fine... what about you?

(Personaje 1) Renzo: I'm fine too... I'm just waiting for Sue and Daniel to come... we're going to the cinema... Sue's
sister is already there with some friends of hers.
(Personaje 3) Mairon: Oh... that's cool.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Would you like to join us?
(Personaje 3) Mairon: Oh..I don't know... Are you sure that it's alright?
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Yes... don't worry! There isn't any problem...
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Ok.... could you wait for us in the cinema? we'll be there in ten minutes.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Sure... take your time... The film starts at eight o'clock and it's half past six.
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Great. See you in a while Joe...
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Ok... see you guys... Oh! Sally, you can invite more people if you want,..
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Cool.


(Personaje 2) Edgar: Sam would you like to go with us to the cinema tonight?
(Personaje 4) Irene: Oh Sally! I can't! I'm meeting Tom at 7.30 pm!
(Personaje 3) Mairon: why don't you ask him to come with us?
(Personaje 4) Irene: are you sure?
(Personaje 3) Mairon: yes! Joe said that if we wanted, we could ask someone to go with us...
(Personaje 4) Irene: Ok.. I'll call Tom now.


(Personaje 4) Irene: Hi..Tom? I was wondering... would you like to go with the guys to the cinema?
(Personaje 5) Neiser: emm... sure... why not? ...
(Personaje 4) Irene: Great!... Can you come here in an hour please? We have to be at the cinema at 7.45 pm.
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Ok... I'll be there in a while...
(Personaje 4) Irene: Thanks!


(Personaje 1) Renzo: hey guys! here we are!

(Personaje 3) Mairon: Hello again! we brought Sam & Tom... I hope it won't be a problem.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: no Don't worry...
(Personaje 4) Irene: Hi Joe! How are you? It's been a long time since the last time we saw each other.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Sam! wau... You are as beautiful as you used to!
(Personaje 4) Irene: Thank you Joe... Oh... this is my boyfriend, Tom.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Ohh Hello Tom Nice to meet you..
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Nice to meet you too.
(Personaje 1) Renzo: You've got a marvellous woman... don't lose her...
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Yeah... I know she's marvellous... And I won't never lose her...
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Hi Tom! How are you?
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Hi Sally! Im fine... and you?
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Im quite well. How are things at your house?
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Things are going well nowadays.
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Oh Im so glad for you..
(Personaje 5) Neiser: and What about you Sally?
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Things havent changed at all in my life ... Oh ... Do not tell me that San is pregnant!
(Personaje 5) Tom: Yes. Its...
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Oh My GodCongratulations!
(Personaje 5) Neiser: Thank you Sally!...
(Personaje 2) Edgar: You are welcome honey!
(Personaje 3) Mairon: Ok everyone... I think we should go in or we'll miss the film...
(Personaje 1) Renzo: Yes youre right lets hurry up people.
(Personaje 2) Edgar: Ok... lets go.

Personaje 1: Renzo
Personaje 2: Edgar
Personaje 3: Mairon
Personaje 4 Irene
Personaje 5: Neiser

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