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Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 29 Mar 2012 TP No: 5 / Stage 2 Level: Upper Intermediate

Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary.

Main Aim
By the end of the lesson the students will be
reading and listening for gist, specific information and meaning

Subsidiary Aim
By the end of the lesson the students will be
more aware of correct use of uncountable nouns
more aware of some of the roles/titles of journalists in the media

Personal Aims
Give clear and concise instructions
Give plenty student talking time
Correct pronunciation errors and give encouragement
Go faster and keep on schedule

Assumptions (What you think the students will know about the topic, the grammar, the skill)
Ss will be reasonably familiar with content of newspapers or can predict
Anticipated Problems and Solutions (for the students, not you)
Problem Solution
Ss may not know pron of job titles of the Spend a minute drilling pron
various journalists
Ss may struggle with vocab of listening Listen out for general difficulties and explain where necessary

Self made. OHTs are based on New English File, OUP, ISBN 978-0-19-451842-0, section 5C

Lead-In with self-made video. Edited (child reading newspaper) with
audio track It's Good News Week by Hedgehoppers Anonymous, 1965
OHT1 Word grammar of News - as uncountable noun
OHT2 Match definition to job title
OHT3 Irving Wardle, Theatre Critic
OHT3c Questions for Theatre Critic
OHT4 Questions for War Reporter listening task
OHT5 (in reserve) A-newspapers, B-celebrities - debate right to privacy
CD - New English File, OUP, ISBN 978-0-19-451842-0, Track 5.16

Language Analysis and Vocabulary

News: Although the word news has an -s on the end, it is an uncountable noun, so:
it is never used in the plural (the news was, not the news were)
it does not follow 'a' (it can follow some, the etc.)
Procedure: What are you and the students going to do? Would another teacher be able to teach from this?
Stage Focus Interaction Time Stage Aim Procedure
T-Ss 2.5 Create interest Lead in with the music video of cute toddler reading a newspaper
to background of Good News Week by Hedgehoppers Anonymous
Lead In What's the little girl reading? (newspaper)
What might you read in a newspaper? (news)
Ss-T Personalise Do you read a newspaper? (Yes, No, I watch TV, radio etc)

T-Ss-T 7.5 Start to orient Where else can you find news? (TV, Radio, Internet, friends,
Ss to task posters).
Write down Newspaper, TV, Radio, Internet
These things are called ? [circling Newspaper, TV, Radio,
Internet] (MEDIA or MASS MEDIA)
What types of words are media and news ? (nouns)
Uncountable Can you count them? (no) So they are? (uncountable nouns).
nouns Put OHT1 on OHP showing only 1 and 2 (rest hidden)
Focus on
2 Look at this exercise. Chest OHT1
Word Grammar
1. Can you say There ARE good news in the
newspaper? What should you say?
2. Can you say I have A really exciting news for
you!? What should you say? (I have some really or I
S-S have really...)
2,2,2,2,2 Work in pairs, correct these sentences.
Give out OHT1. You have one minute.

Ss-T Nominate, complete the answers on OHT1

Stage Focus Interaction Time Stage Aim Procedure
T-Ss-T Put up OHT2a. Point to job titles.
Here are some job titles
Practise pron (commentator etc)
Here are the job definitions
Focus on I want you to match the definitions to the job titles.
Vocabulary 7.5 Hide definitions B - H. Let's do A (Do Paparazzi)
S-S Working in pairs, you do the others. 2,2,2,2
Give out OHT2b
2 minutes > 1 minute > Stop
Ss-T Nominate, complete answers on OHT2.
T-Ss 15 Lead-In to We're going to read about a person who writes for
Theatre Critic newspapers. Show Wordle. Look at these words. Can you
Reading find this person's job title? (theatre critic)
With your partner, discuss what might be one good thing
S-S Predict and one bad thing about being a theatre critic.
2,2,2,2 1 minute
Elicit these good and bad things things (put on WB with Ss names)
Chest OHT3a This has been written by theatre critic Irving
T-Ss Main Reading Wardle. Read it through quickly and see if your answer is
Focus on
4 Task - here.
Skim/Gist Hand out OHT3a You have 1 minute > Stop
Ss-T Were you right? Nominate 2-3 answers

Chest OHT3c
T-Ss Scan/Specific Answer these four questions about the theatre critic.
S-S info/ Meaning 2,2,2,2, You have 3 minutes
Give out OHT3c.
1 minute > stop
Check Pairs Compare
Ss-T understanding Check answers.
Stage Focus Interaction Time Stage Aim Procedure
Focus on T-Ss-T 20 Lead-In to War In the music on the video they mentioned bombs. Bombs
Listening Reporter might be dropped during a_____? (elicit war) Who writes
Listening reports about wars for newspapers? (elicit war reporter)
With your partner, discuss what might be one good thing
Predict and one bad thing about being a war reporter.
S-S 2,2,2,2,2 1 minute

Ss-T Elicit these good and bad things things (write on WB with names)

T-Ss Main Listening We're going to listen to what a war reporter has to say
Task - Gist about his job.
Listen carefully to see if your ideas are here.
Play recording 5.16.
Ss-T Were your ideas here? Nominate 2-3 answers.
Scan/Specific Chest OHT4
T-Ss info/ Meaning Here are six sentences about being a war reporter. I'm
going to play the recording one or two more times.
Work in pairs. You decide if the sentences are true or false.
If they are false, write down the correct answer.
S-S **Check Instructions**
Give out OHT4. Play recording as many times as necessary.
Put OHT4 on OHP.
Check 5 minutes > 1 minute
Ss-T Understanding Pairs compare
Let's look at your answers.
Marco, is sentence 1 true or false? (false) What's the correct
answer? Mark it on OHT4.
Consolidation S-S-T 5 Speaking/FB From what you've read and heard, which job would you
activity prefer and why? Work in pairs if time, or S-T if not

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